What Is an Advertising Spot? | Small Business - Chron.com

What Is an Advertising Spot?

Remember the guy on a group phone call, knocking back a beer and watching the game on TV while yelling the iconic phrase "Whassup?" From the moment it aired in 1999, Budweiser's commercial became an instant pop culture classic. Hubspot ranks it among the 18 best commercials of all time. Your advertising budget may not stretch as far as Budweiser's, but paying for a "spot" on a regional or national TV network can still create a buzz for your business.

The Power of the 30-Second Spot

The 30-second advertising spot is precisely that – an advertisement that lasts for 30 seconds, booked to show at a specific time in a television commercial schedule. Spots can vary in length from 15 seconds to 60 seconds or longer. Long-form spot advertising, meaning anything over 40 seconds, communicates more information and has more scope for creativity. This can help your ad stand out from all the other ads that are competing for attention.

The spot refers to the exact time of day the commercial airs and whether that's before, during or after a specific program. Choosing a spot means you can target the precise type of customers you want to reach based on the TV shows they watch. For example, if you're selling a baby product to new moms, you might book a slot during a popular parenting show.

Spot Ad Definition Deep Dive: Local Vs. National Spots

To reap the benefits of spot advertising, you need to buy spots from the right source. National TV spots run your ad in front of a mass audience, across many different parts of the country. That's great if you want to reach the whole nation. National broadcasters CBS, FOX, ABC and NBC reach over 300 million viewers, advises Linchpin SEO. In a population of 330 million, that's just about everyone. However, the costs involved in this type of advertising are astronomical, which means it's only available to national brands with massive advertising budgets.

For smaller businesses, running a spot ad locally is a more cost-effective option. For example, suppose you want to announce the opening of a new restaurant in Tulsa. With spot advertising, you could run your TV spot on networks that your ideal "foodie" customers are watching in Tulsa, such as cooking, health or other special interest cable channels. This allows for:

  • Narrowcasting, which is the transmission of your ad to a comparatively localized and specialist audience
  • Greater control over where and when the ad appears
  • Better targeting of customers who are likely to visit your restaurant 
  • Bigger bang for your ad dollars – you don't pay for your ad to be seen by customers who don't matter to you 

It's Not All About Television

Spots don't just run on TV. Radio is another popular advertising medium. It attracted roughly $14 billion worth of ad dollars in 2018, which is 6.5 percent of the $224 billion total media ad spend, according to Statista. Retail is the largest radio advertising industry by far, accounting for $485 million of the annual spend.

As with TV spot advertising, a radio spot, meaning a specific chunk of airtime, can be bought on different days and at different times of the day, depending on the objectives of your campaign. For example, do you want a slow-burn approach requiring weekly spots over an extended period as you approach a product launch or a fast-and-furious campaign to advertise a time-limited sale? Spot lengths come in around 30 or 40 seconds, which is comparable with TV spots, but you can also buy blink-and-you-miss-it 10-second spots or longer spots of a minute or more.

Radiocentre, an industry body for commercial radio, suggests that longer ads are easier for audiences to remember, which is the goal for advertisers, but they cost more. Ultimately, the choice of spot length comes down to a cost-benefit analysis where you weigh the campaign goals against the budget. You need to budget for multiple spots; the standard length for most radio spot campaigns is around four weeks.

The other thing to consider is the radio station's weekly reach. How many people tune in to the radio station? What's their age, gender, and location, and do they represent the type of customer you want to reach?

What It Costs: Some TV Spot Examples

Different TV companies charge different rates for different spot times. These rates are linked to the number of viewers the program is likely to attract. The more viewers the program reaches, the higher the spot price. This method of pricing is known as CPM or cost-per-mille (thousand), which is the dollar cost for your ad to be seen by 1,000 people.

According to Fit Small Business, businesses paid between $5 and $34 CPM for a local TV ad and an average of $115,000 for national 30-second spots in 2019. The cost of a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl is upward of $5.25 million.

Location has the biggest impact on CPM. For example, an ad spot in Los Angeles will set you back around $34.75 per 1,000 viewers. In Kansas City, the average CPM is less than half that, at $14.36 in 2019. Large cities like LA and New York bear higher commercial production costs, and that's reflected in the price.

The TV networks that air popular shows charge more for their spots. As Fit Small Business reports, advertisers should expect to pay more than $285,000 for a spot during "The Big Bang Theory."

Calling Time on TV Spots?

Adding TV to the advertising mix can increase the effectiveness of your advertising by 40 percent, reports commercial TV marketing body Thinkbox. Historically, it has been a low-risk method of mass-audience advertising, with a high likelihood of profit return.

Adults from 25 to 54 years old have the most spending power, so most advertisers target them. The problem is, this age group is watching less and less live TV. Using data from Marketing Charts, we know that 18-to-34-year-olds watched around 17 percent less TV in 2018 than they did in 2017; that's a huge drop of 1 in every 6 minutes in just a single year. The ones who are watching TV are scrolling through their iPhones at the same time, so advertisers are never sure who is paying attention to the ad.

As a cultural touch point, the classic 30-second TV spot may be going the same way as the eight-track tape. Subscription services like Netflix make it possible for viewers to watch their favorite shows on their own terms without interruptive advertising. A recent article in The Washington Post ran with the headline, "Six days worth of commercials: That's how much watching Netflix instead of cable saves the average TV viewer annually." This may be a taste of things to come for marketers, who may have to look beyond TV to reach mass audiences.