Cases | Harvard Business Publishing Education
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Prepare your students to navigate business challenges by immersing them in real-world scenarios.

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Transform business education

Bring excitement into your classroom with engaging case discussions and introduce students to the challenge and fun of making important decisions.

Illustrate business concepts

Help students learn by doing with over 50,000+ cases featuring real-world business scenarios spanning across multiple areas of business.

Encourage new ways of thinking

Student build confidence and critical thinking skills while learning to express their ideas and convince others, setting them up for success in the real world.

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Quickly immerse students in focused and engaging business dilemmas. No student prep time required.

Traditional cases from HBS and 50+ leading business schools.

Cases that keep students engaged with video, audio, and interactive components.


Fundamentals of Case Teaching

Our new, self-paced, online course guides you through the fundamentals for leading successful case discussions at any course level.

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Case Companion: Build Students’ Confidence in Case Analysis

Case Companion is an engaging and interactive introduction to case study analysis that is ideal for undergraduates or any student new to learning with cases.

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Chiara Farronato, Alan MacCormack, Sarah Mehta

19 page(s)

John R. Wells, Benjamin Weinstock, Galen Danskin, Gabriel Ellsworth

48 page(s)

Sunil Gupta, Margaret L. Rodriguez

7 page(s)

Shelle Santana, Jill Avery, Christine Snively

22 page(s)

Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Jeffrey T. Polzer, Susie L. Ma, Shlomi Pasternak

18 page(s)

Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Gamze Yucaoglu

28 page(s)

V. Kasturi Rangan, Michael W. Toffel, Vincent Dessain, Jerome Lenhardt

21 page(s)

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Frequently Asked Questions

What support can I offer my students around analyzing cases and preparing for discussion?

Case discussions can be a big departure from the norm for students who are used to lecture-based classes. The Case Analysis Coach is an interactive tutorial on reading and analyzing a case study. The Case Study Handbook covers key skills students need to read, understand, discuss and write about cases. The Case Study Handbook is also available as individual chapters to help your students focus on specific skills.

How can I transfer my in-person case teaching plan to an online environment?

The case method can be used in an online environment without sacrificing its benefits. We have compiled a few resources to help you create transformative online learning experiences with the case method. Learn how HBS brought the case method online in this podcast, gather some quick guidance from the article "How to Teach Any Case Online", review the Teaching Cases Online Guide for a deep dive, and check out our Teaching Online Resources Page for more insights and inspiration.