41 Facts about the movie Monster House - Facts.net
Chris Link

Written by Chris Link

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Imdb.com

Monster House is a thrilling animated film that captured the hearts of millions when it hit theaters in 2006. Directed by Gil Kenan, this family-friendly movie takes audiences on an adventure that they won’t soon forget. With its unique blend of humor, suspense, and heartwarming moments, Monster House has cemented its place as a beloved classic in the world of animated cinema.

In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Monster House and explore 41 interesting facts about the movie. From behind-the-scenes trivia to little-known details about the production, we’ll take you on a journey through the making of this cinematic gem. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to discover some incredible facts about Monster House that will leave you amazed!

Key Takeaways:

  • Monster House” is a 2006 animated film produced by Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg. It won awards, grossed over $140 million, and has a dedicated fanbase, making it a beloved family-friendly Halloween movie.
  • The movie uses motion capture, has a unique animation style, and explores themes of friendship, bravery, and facing fears. It balances humor and scares, making it a thrilling and visually stunning adventure for viewers of all ages.
Table of Contents

Monster House was released in 2006.

Directed by Gil Kenan, this animated film captivated audiences with its unique blend of horror and comedy.

The movie was produced by Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg.

These two acclaimed filmmakers collaborated to bring the story of Monster House to life.

The film follows the adventures of three friends.

DJ, Chowder, and Jenny discover that the creepy house across the street is actually alive and hungry for unsuspecting victims.

Monster House was the first animated film to be shot entirely in motion capture.

This innovative technique allowed the actors’ performances to be translated directly to the animated characters.

The voice cast includes Steve Buscemi, Catherine O’Hara, and Fred Willard.

These talented actors brought the characters of Nebbercracker, Mrs. Nebbercracker, and Mr. Walters to life.

The house in the movie has a personality of its own.

It is portrayed as a malevolent entity with a hunger for anyone who dares to set foot inside.

The animation style of Monster House is unique and visually stunning.

The filmmakers aimed to give the movie a slightly eerie and distinctive look, which added to the overall atmosphere.

Monster House received positive reviews from critics.

It was praised for its entertaining storyline, engaging characters, and excellent animation.

The film won the Saturn Award for Best Animated Film in 2007.

This prestigious accolade recognized the outstanding achievements of the Monster House production team.

Monster House was a box office success.

It grossed over $140 million worldwide, solidifying its status as a popular animated film.

The movie explores themes of friendship and bravery.

DJ, Chowder, and Jenny must work together to save their neighborhood from the monster house’s clutches.

Monster House features a memorable musical score.

The music enhances the suspense and adds depth to the overall cinematic experience.

The film’s runtime is approximately 91 minutes.

It’s a relatively short but thrilling adventure that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.

Monster House was envisioned as a family-friendly Halloween film.

It successfully combines spooky elements with humor, making it suitable for viewers of all ages.

The movie includes a few jump scares.

These unexpected moments add an extra layer of excitement and suspense for audiences.

Monster House was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.

Although it didn’t win, the nomination itself was a testament to its quality and impact.

The filmmakers drew inspiration from classic horror films.

They aimed to create a homage to the genre while still maintaining the film’s family-friendly nature.

The character designs in Monster House are distinct and memorable.

Each character has their own unique look, reflecting their personalities and quirks.

The movie showcases impressive attention to detail.

From the meticulously animated movements of the house to small visual cues, every frame is filled with care and artistry.

Monster House features a mix of humor and scares.

This balance keeps audiences engaged and entertained throughout the movie.

The movie’s setting is a suburban neighborhood.

The filmmakers aimed to create a relatable and recognizable environment for the story to unfold.

Monster House utilizes a variety of camera angles and shots.

This adds depth and visual interest to the scenes, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

The movie explores the concept of facing fears.

Through the characters’ journeys, audiences are reminded of the importance of courage and overcoming obstacles.

Monster House has a high rewatchability factor.

It’s the type of film that viewers can enjoy revisiting multiple times and still find something new to appreciate.

The film’s pacing is well-balanced.

It maintains a steady rhythm between action sequences and quieter character moments.

Monster House showcases impressive animation advancements.

The filmmakers pushed the boundaries of what was possible in animated storytelling at the time.

Laughter plays a significant role in the movie.

Humor is woven throughout the narrative, providing moments of levity amidst the tension.

The movie’s screenplay was written by Dan Harmon and Rob Schrab.

Their witty and imaginative writing style shines through in the dialogue and character interactions.

Monster House contains exciting and thrilling chase sequences.

These adrenaline-pumping moments keep audiences engaged and on the edge of their seats.

The film received praise for its atmospheric sound design.

From creaking floorboards to booming roars, every sound adds to the immersive experience.

The character of Nebbercracker is one of the standout performances.

Steve Buscemi brings depth and nuance to this complex and intimidating character.

The movie’s imaginative concept grabbed the attention of audiences and critics alike.

It offered a fresh take on the haunted house trope and delivered an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Monster House makes clever use of visual storytelling.

The animation and art direction speak volumes, even in the absence of dialogue.

The movie’s message of empathy is subtly woven into the narrative.

It encourages viewers to look beyond appearances and understand the motivations of others.

Monster House features impressive attention to detail in its set design.

Every prop and background element adds depth and realism to the world of the film.

The movie’s climactic showdown between the kids and the house is thrilling and action-packed.

It delivers a satisfying conclusion to the story’s tension and conflict.

Monster House incorporates elements of mystery.

As the kids uncover the secrets of the house, they unravel a larger mystery that keeps audiences engaged.

The movie’s animation team spent years perfecting the unique look and feel of the film.

Their dedication and attention to detail paid off, resulting in a visually stunning movie.

Monster House explores themes of loss and grief.

The characters navigate the emotional complexities of coping with loss while dealing with the challenges they face.

The film’s soundtrack complements the atmosphere and enhances the storytelling.

From haunting melodies to playful tunes, the music adds depth to each scene.

Monster House has garnered a dedicated fanbase over the years.

It continues to be a beloved animated film that is cherished by viewers of all ages.


Monster House is a thrilling and captivating animated movie that has managed to entertain audiences of all ages. With its unique storyline, impressive animation, and talented voice cast, it has become a beloved film in the animation genre. The movie explores themes of friendship, courage, and facing one’s fears, making it a relatable and enjoyable watch for everyone.

From the exceptional visual effects to the compelling storytelling, Monster House has proven to be a true cinematic gem. Its success at the box office and positive critical reception are a testament to its quality and appeal. Whether you’re a fan of animated movies or simply looking for an entertaining film to watch, Monster House is definitely worth adding to your watchlist.


1. What is the plot of Monster House?

Monster House follows the story of three kids who discover that their neighbor’s house is not only alive but also a monstrous entity. They embark on a thrilling adventure to stop the house from devouring anyone who comes near it.

2. Who are the main characters in Monster House?

The main characters in Monster House are DJ, Chowder, and Jenny. DJ is a curious and brave teenager, Chowder is his best friend, and Jenny is a smart and resourceful girl who joins them on their mission.

3. Is Monster House suitable for children?

Monster House is rated PG and may be suitable for children aged 8 and above. It contains some intense and scary scenes, so parents may want to use their discretion and judge whether it is appropriate for their children.

4. Who directed Monster House?

Monster House was directed by Gil Kenan, who went on to have a successful career in directing other notable animated and live-action films.

5. Is Monster House based on a true story?

No, Monster House is not based on a true story. It is a fictional tale that combines elements of horror, comedy, and adventure to create a unique and entertaining movie experience.

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