'Vehicle' by The Ides of March: Story Behind the Song

Story Behind the Song: 'Vehicle' by The Ides of March

Dave Paulson
The Tennessean

When an 18-year-old Jim Peterik sang "I'm your vehicle, baby/ I'll take you anywhere you want to go" on The Ides of March's 1970 hit "Vehicle," it was coming from a real, somewhat frustrated place.  

But this story has a happy ending — and not just because it set Peterik on the hit-making path he'd continue with Survivor. We'll let him tell the Story Behind the Song, in a conversation with Bart Herbison.

Bart Herbison: All right. We're approaching 300 episodes of “The Story Behind the Song” series. I know, before we ever do the interview, this is going to be in the top three because this is absolutely one of my favorite stories behind any song ever. My pal Jim Peterik and it's "Vehicle." Just tell this amazing story. 

Jim Peterik: You've heard this. Every time I tell it, I relive it. People say, "You've told this story so many times." Doesn't matter. I love it. It's my life.

So, you know, I'm 17 years old. I'm a junior in high school. I've heard that my favorite band was coming to Riverside Brookfield High School, the Turtles. I tried to get up the courage to ask this girl in my homeroom class, but I was, believe it or not, very shy. Things change over the years and I didn't ask her. So, I didn't know I was about to meet someone really cool. I showed up early and it was open seating, so I was there at 6 o'clock for an 8 o'clock concert near the front of the line waiting to get in. All of a sudden, this gaggle of girls is dancing next to me, and one is cuter than the next. I went, "Oh my God." There was one girl that just had these big eyes and she wasn't looking at me. She was playing it cool. I said to myself, "Well, that girl's way out of my league. She'll never talk to me."

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Just then, she turned around and said, "Aren't you Peterik?" I go, "Yeah." 

Bart Herbison, left, fist-bumps Jim Peterik.

She said, "I just saw your band, The Ides of March, last week. You opened for The New Colony Six. You guys were great." I go, "There is a God." My nerves broke down and we started talking like we had known each other for a hundred years. We're talking about our favorite movies, and the other girls, as cute as they were, they just kind of disappeared and there was just this one girl. She was wearing orange culottes, knee socks and clunkies. Clunkies is another word for saddle shoes. She went to an all-girls high school, so that was kind of her thing. ...

The concert ended, and my car was parked right in front. It was a '65 Valiant, beautiful and white. I said, "Hey, do you want a ride home?" And she said, "Oh no. My dad would never let me do that, but you can walk me home to my girlfriend's house."

So, I walked her home, memorized her phone number, and I said, "I'll call you." I couldn't get up the nerve to call her for another week and she thought that I would never get up the nerve to call her. We started dating, and we went to a play at the high school. We were walking back to her house. Her mother said, "You get her home by 9 o'clock. I'm a stickler on that." Well, it was about 9:15, but we almost made it. Behind Larry Millas' house, she gave me the kiss of a lifetime. She was way more advanced than I was. I never had a kiss like that, and I floated home just like on gossamer wings, as they say.

So, we just kept dating and all of a sudden, she said, "You know, Jim, I'm 15 years old. You're the first boy I've ever dated. I really need to see what else is out there." It broke my heart. Total "whomp, whomp" moment, you know. I was in the dumpster for months. ... 

Out of the blue, I get a call. "Hey, Jim. It's Karen. Remember me?" "Yeah." "Well, you know, it's not a date or anything, but you know, you've got that cool car. Would you take me to modeling school?" She was really cute. Sure. I figured I'll take her to modeling school. I thought, "Well, maybe I'll get a kiss or something." I took her to modeling school and waited outside for an hour and a half. She comes dancing back out. I take her home. No kiss, a handshake. "That was really fun, Jim. Thanks." Two weeks later, the same thing happened.  

BH: She didn't even offer to pay for the gas?  

JP: Not even. Two weeks later, she calls me again. Now I'm starting to get a little PO'ed. I said to myself, "You know, all I am is her limousine. No, wait a minute. All I am is her vehicle, baby." I was like "Wait a minute. Vehicle. What a unique word."

BH: I just have to say, I want to interrupt. When I saw the record at the record store, I hadn't heard it yet, the single. I'm not going to buy that, "Vehicle?" Then I heard it and went back and bought the album.  

JP: I love that. There are a couple of good ones on that thing. So, I heard this horn riff in my head. We were very influenced by Blood Sweat and Tears by that time. We had the brass, The Ides of March. ... So, I had this song written, and I went to The Ides of March rehearsal. With the horn section, we worked out that amazing arrangement. These were all high school buddy horn guys. These weren't studio pros.

BH: I forget how young you were though. You were 18 by this time?  

JP: Yeah. I was 18. As soon as we hit that riff, we knew we caught lightning in a bottle. We played it for our managers, and they took us right down to CBS Recording on Fairbanks in Chicago and we caught it in two takes, man.  

BH: Wow.  

JP: A lot of stories behind that because ...  

BH: Now didn't something get erased in the studio?  

JP: Yeah. Wow, you're good.  

BH: So, you've got to remember this is before digital capturing. When you've lost a take, you've lost the take.  

JP: It's gone. Well, at CBS there was the first 16-track recorder ever. They didn't even know how to work it yet. So, we had the magic take, take two. We're like celebrating. We're in the lobby. We're just having a Coke, you know. An engineer comes down. His face was white. He said, "Guys, I don't know what to tell you. I just erased 13 seconds of your master tape."  

BH: Which 13 seconds, by the way?  

JP: It went from the end of the second chorus all the way to the lead part. Thirteen seconds. Man I'll tell you, if we had to lose 13, that was good because I would never have played that solo the same way again. So, we thought our careers were over. We went back up to the studio. Larry (Millas), who was very technical, sat with them as they tried to splice in take one. Now, there were no click tracks at that time. The odds of it lining up were like infinitesimal, but it did.  

BH: If it had been any other part, it probably wouldn't have.  

JP: It was like ordained. Larry comes smiling into the lobby. He goes, "Come on up." So, we went in and there it was, man. All I had to do was re-sing "the great God in heaven." But thank God for that lead part. It was one of those times when my hands were guided, because I had to learn that part and I played it. It was in the second take, one take with the band, none of these overdubbed things like we do now.  

That song came out and it was the fastest breaking hit in Warner Brothers history, up to that time. It was on the radio coast to coast. Suddenly, there was demand for the band. Here I am, 19 years old by this time, and I'm on the road with Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers Band, Jimi Hendrix. What a magical year to have a hit record, the summer of 1970.

I got home for a little break. I still lived with my parents and I got a phone call. "Hey, Jim. You know, I just heard your 'Vehicle' record."

I said, "Is this Karen?"

"Yeah. You know my voice," and I said, "Yeah."

She said, "I've been thinking it over. Maybe we should start seeing each other again." I let her hang on that phone for like a real dramatic three seconds. I said, "Yeah, sounds good."  

BH: And what happened?  

JP: Well. Let's put it this way, 46 years later, Karen is still my loving wife, and I'm still her vehicle. Every so often we'll bring out those orange culottes. 

About the series

In partnership with Nashville Songwriters Association International, the "Story Behind the Song" video interview series features Nashville-connected songwriters discussing one of their compositions. For full video interviews with all of our subjects, visit www.tennessean.com/music.