Terminal A


Quíenes somos

TerminalA es a globally renowned travel brand operating online flight booking portals in many countries since the year 2005.

Under new ownership and management TerminalA today stands for easy-to-use online flight bookings for Internet users worldwide. TerminalA websites offer cheap flights and low airfares and assure that users can enjoy an online booking experience without frustration. Typically, when using a TerminalA website, a flight booking can be made with less than half the amount of inputs and clicks than required by other travel sites and a booking process can be completed in less than 90 seconds.

TerminalA websites are owned and operated by TerminalA Holdings Corp. and TerminalA cooperates with a global network of partners and collaborators to ensure competitive fares and prices as well as localized fulfillment services and support.


Política de privacidad

En cumplimiento de la Ley 15/99 de 13 de diciembre de Protección de datos de carácter personal, le informamos que todos los datos de carácter personal del sito web asi como todos aquellos contenidos en los formularios o remitidos por correo electronico a TerminalA.com formaran parte de un fichero titularidad de la compañia ITH Corp., con la finalidad de prestarte nuestros servicioos, gestión de compra, reserva, consulta y emisión de todo tipo de billetes, en la medida que nos des tu consentimiento, tambien realizaremos encuestas, analisis y estadisticas, con el fin de optimizar la  ofereta de productos y servicios.

Asimismo, en virtud de lo establecido en la directiva de la UE 95/46/CE y en el articulo 11 de la LOPD, te informamos que deberemos comunicar tus datos de carácter personal a los proveedores de viajes que correspondan (compañias aéreas, hoteles, etc.) una vez contratados los servicios ofrecidos en nuestro sitio web, dichos proveedores se verán obligados a utilizarlos unica y exclusivamente para dar cumplimiento a la prestación del servicio y/o entrega del producto contratado

Al facilitarnos tus datos de contacto, te remitiremos inofmración comercial que puede se de tu interés, sobre las novedades, productos y servicios por medios tradicionales y/o electronicos.

Si no deseas recibir las citadas comunicaciones, te rogamos nos lo comuniques a la siguiente dirección de correo electronico contact@terminala.com 

En cualquier momentopuedes ejercer tus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición otorgados por la normativa vigente en la materia, enviandoun escrito a la dirección arriba indicada o al email contact@terminala.com indicando con claridad el derecho a ejercer y adjuntando copia del Documento Nacionla de Identidad, Pasaporte o documentación similar.

TerminalA.com ha adoptado las medidas de seguridad de protección de los datos personales legalmente requeridos, y procura instalar todas las medidas técnicas adicionales a su alcance para evitar la pérdida, mal uso, alteración, acceso no autorizado y robo de los datos personales tratados. No obstante, el usuario debe ser consciente de que las medidas de seguridad en internet no son inexpugnables.

TerminalA.com podrá instalar dispositivo de almacenamiento y recuperación de datos, también denominadas cookies, en su ordenador con el fin de conocer información de los visitantes de su sitio web, en ningún caso, dichos datos se tratarán de datos personales. Su navegador, en ocasiones, generará un mensaje instantáneo el cual brindará la posibilidad a los visitantes de la web de oponerse a la instalación de los citados dispositivos.


En este sitio web se autoriza el uso de cookies, con el fin de asegurar el funcionamiento del sitio, analizar el trafico y fines publicitarios. Esta tecnología es utilizada por nostros y terceros, cómo nuestros socios comerciales, y anunciantes con los que trabajamos. Si desea obtener más información sobre qué es una cookie, cómo se usan y cuáles son sus opciones, pueden leer más aquí.

¿Que son las cookies?

Una cookie es un archivo que se descagra en tu equipo, a traves de determinados sitios web. Las cookies permiten a  los sitios web recuperar y almacenar información sobre la utilizción del sitio web.  De este modo el sitio web puede mejorar el funccionamiento del mismo. Tambiñen hay cookies utilizadas para la recopilización de datos analíticos. 

¿Qué tipo de cookies utiliza este sitio web?

  • Cookies propias: Son aquéllas que se envian al equipo terminal del usuario desde un equipo o dominio gestionado por el propio editor y desde el que se presta el servicionsolicitado por el usuario.
  • Cookies de tercero: Son un tip de cookies diseñadas pa ecabar y almacenar datos mientras el usuario accaede a un sitio web.
  • Cookies de sesión: Son un tipo de cookies para recabar y almacenar datos mientras el usuario accede a un sitio web.
  • Cookies persistentes: Son un tipo de cookies en el que los datos siguen almacenados en el terminal y pueden ser accedidos y tratados durante un periodo definido por el responsable de la cookie, y que puede ir de unos minutos a varios años.
  • Cookies tecnicas: Son las estrictamente necesarias para el uso del sitio web y para la prestación del servicio contratado.
  • Cookies de analisis: Son aquéllas que permite al responsable de las mismas, el seguimineto y análisis del comportamiento de los usuario de los sitios web a los que estan vinculadas.  la informacion recogida mediante este tipo de cookies se utiliza en la medición de la actividad de los sitios web, aplicacion o plataformay para la elaboracion de perfiles de navegación de los usuarios de dichos sitios, aplicaciones y plataformas, con el fin de introducir mejoras en finción del analisis de los datos de uso que hacen los usuarios.
  • Cookies sociales:  Son estrictamnete necesarias para la redes sociales externas y el seguimiento de las visitas procentes de las mismas.
  • Cookies publicitarias: Son aquéllas que permiten la gestión, de la forma mas eficaz posible, de los espacios publicitarios que, en su caso, el editor haya incluido en un sitio web, aplicacion o plataforma de la que presta el servicio solicitado  en base a criterios como el contenido editado o la frecuencia en la que se muestran los anuncios.
  • Cookies de publicidad comportamental: Son aquéllas que permiten la gestión, de la fomra más eficaz posible, de los espacios publicitarios que, en su caso, el editor haya incluido en un sitio web, aplicación o plataforma desde la que presta el servicio solicitado. estas cookies almacenan información del comportamiento de los usuarios obtenida a través de la observación continuada de sus hábitos de navegación, lo que permite desarrollar un perfil específico para mostrar publicidad en función del mismo.

Para cualquier información adicional referente a las cookies y su gestión, no dudes en contactar con nosotros: contact@terminala.com   

¿Como puedo gestionar las cookies? 

Todos los navegadores de internet permiten limitar el comportamiento de una cookie o desactivar las cookies dentro de la configuración o las opciones del navegador. Los pasos para hacerlo son diferentes en cada navegador, pudiéndose encontrar instrucciones en el menú de tu navegador.

  • Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647
  • Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windoes7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
  • Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we
  • Safari:  http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042 

Las cookies de terceros no son instaladas por nosotros y se pueden desactivar  accediendo a este sitio web optout.networkadvertising.org

En caso de desactivar las cookies, es posible que no pueda hacer uso de todas las funcionalidades del sitio web. 


Terms and Regulations Concerning Your Travel Reservation / Flight Booking


Based on the fare, the airline may not allow any cancellations. The cheapest fares usually do not allow any changes and the cancellation charges are 100% of the ticket price. Moreover, the service fees paid to TerminalA for the reservation will not be reimbursed for any reason. You may request a refund and as long as it is allowed by the airline tariff, a refund handling fee of $50/40EUR per ticket will be charged by TerminalA or TerminalA’s agents or fulfillment partners in addition to any other charge refund fee levied by the airline.


Airlines generally charge a fee for changes. In addition to this fee, TerminalA or TerminalA´s agents or fulfillment partners will charge a $50/40EUR handling fee per person. However, we would like to remind you that based on the fare the airline may not allow any changes.

Travel Documents

In order to fly, you need to provide the required official documents (passport, identity card, visa, etc.). In addition to your passport, some countries also require a visa.

Please check with the relevant administrative authorities to fully understand the formalities you will need for trouble-free travelling and stay at your destination (passport, visa and vaccines etc.). It is your responsibility to comply with these formalities. You cannot request refunds or reimbursements if you are denied boarding or entry because you have not presented the required documents (passport, visa, vaccination certificate, etc.). It is the passenger's responsibility to have the necessary documents for travelling available at the time of boarding or at any other time as requested by the authorities or the airline.

Electronic Tickets (E-Tickets)

An electronic ticket or e-ticket is recorded directly in the airline's computer. No printed ticket will be sent to you but a link to your e-ticket in case you want to print it. You simply need to go to the airport with the required official document (identity card or passport) as well as your reservation number, and go to the airline's check-in desk to get your boarding pass.

Schedule Changes

It is possible that the airline changes a flight schedule. It is solely the passenger's responsibility to check flight times and reconfirm reservations, within 72 hours of departure. You, at any time, must check the status of your booking. Terminal or TerminalA’s agents or fulfillment partners will not be responsible of any missed flights due to schedule changes by the airlines.

Reservation, Passenger Names

All reservations must be made in the name of the person(s) traveling - no nicknames. For international travel the name on the reservation must be EXACTLY as it appears on the traveler's passport. If there is a passenger name error it is not possible to change a name: we are obliged to cancel the ticket and issue a new one. This may entail losing the total amount paid for the original ticket.

Seat Assignments and Meals

Seat assignments and special meal requests will be conveyed to the airlines, but cannot be guaranteed. Seats for all passengers traveling together will be selected automatically and adjacent to the primary passenger, based on best seats available at the time of request.

Travel Destinations

Although most travel, including travel to international destinations, is completed without incident, travel to certain destinations may involve greater risk than others. Passengers are advised to review travel prohibitions, warnings, announcements and advisories Published on government websites or special travel advisories announced on the websites of embassies or consulates. By offering to some particular international destinations, TerminalA or TerminalA’s agents or fulfillment partners does not represent or warrant that travelling to such points is advisable or without risk and are not liable for any damages or losses that may result.


We accept Visa, MasterCard and in most countries American Express credit cards. Tickets are always paid in Euros or US Dollars and charged to the customer in the currency selected in the website at the exchange rate applicable at the time of payment.

General Terms and Conditions

Your usage of this travel site is subject to your acceptance of the following terms and conditions. By using this travel site and all connected web pages, the user confirms acceptance to the terms and conditions outlined here below:


TerminalA websites provide information and content from 3rd parties. This information and content relates to but is not limited to Airline, Hotel, and Rental-Car companies’ inventory and pricing and serves users to make reservations for products and services provided by such companies.


TerminalA grants to you, the user or customer, a limited, personal, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use the TerminalA websites only as expressly permitted by these Terms. Except for this limited license, we do not grant you any other rights or license with respect to TerminalA websites; any rights or license not expressly granted herein are reserved.

No Warranty

The use of TerminalA websites is at the user’s sole risk. TerminalA nor any of TerminalA´s providers, partners, affiliates or agents warrant that the services provided by TerminalA will be error free or uninterrupted. TerminalA does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or correctness of any results provided using the TerminalA websites. The services are provided on a “as is” basis and without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Fares, rates, prices, and conditions of bookings or reservations may be subject to changes or non-availability at any time after a booking or reservation is made through a TerminalA website.

TerminalA sites contain references (pointers, links) to other materials on the Internet. TerminalA makes no warranties with regard to the information, software or other content to which it refers.

Liability Disclaimer

In no event shall TerminalA or any third party provider be liable for any injury, loss, claim, damage, or any special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages of any kind (including, but not limited to lost profits or savings), whether based in contract, tort or otherwise, which arise out of or is in any way connected with (a) any use of this site or content found herein, (b) any failure or delay (including, but not limited to the use of or inability to use any component of this site for travel reservations) or interruption of use or corruption of data, (c) the performance or non-performance by TerminalA or any third party provider or distributor or (d) any matter beyond TerminalA’s reasonable control, even if such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some countries or states may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

Privacy and Security

TerminalA uses personal information of users or customers only to hold or finalize their reservations. When you make a reservation through our system, we provide your information to the airline, car rental agency, hotel, travel agency or other involved third party to ensure the successful completion of your travel arrangements. TerminalA does not release your personal information to third parties not directly involved in the reservation process. TerminalA does not store members' credit card information permanently in a database. We use it only during the reservation process.

Service Termination TerminalA reserves the right to modify or eliminate any of its online services and products at any time, with or without published notification.


Each user and customer expressly agrees to indemnify and hold TerminalA harmless from any claims and expenses, including attorney fees arising from disputes, associated with the use of products and services provided by TerminalA.


As a user or customer of TerminalA you warrant that you are of sufficient legal age to use this site, and allow you to create binding legal obligations for any liability you or your designated users may incur as a result of the use of this site. You understand that you are financially responsible for all uses of this site. You agree that the travel reservation facilities of TerminalA site shall be used only to make legitimate reservations or purchases for you or for another person for whom you are legally authorized to act.

Copyright Notice

The entire content of TerminalA websites is copyrighted as a collective work under United States and International Copyright laws and all rights are reserved. Neither you nor your designated users may reproduce, redistribute, retransmit, publish or otherwise transfer, or commercially exploit, any information, software or other content which are received through the sites.

You may not copy, reproduce, upload, post, display, republish, distribute, transmit, any part of the content in any form whatsoever; use a frame or border environment around the site, or other framing technique to enclose any portion or aspect of the site, or mirror or replicate any portion of the site; modify, translate into any language or computer language, or create derivative works from, any content or any part of this site; reverse engineer any part of this site; or sell, offer for sale, transfer, or license any portion of the site in any form to any third parties.

Other Limitations

Unless otherwise provided within these terms, you may not do any of the following:
Use any robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor content of the TerminalA websites; use TerminalA websites for other purposes than to make legitimate travel reservations or purchases; use the site to make any false, fraudulent or speculative reservation, or any reservation in anticipation of demand; use or access the site in any way that, in our reasonable judgment, adversely affects the performance or function of the Site, or any other computer systems or networks used by TerminalA or providers, or other site users or customers; upload or transmit to the TerminalA websites or use any device, software or routine that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, or other computer programming routines that may damage, interfere or attempt to interfere with, intercept, the normal operation of the TerminalA websites, or appropriate the TerminalA websites or any system, or take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on our computer equipment, or that infringes upon the rights of a third party; use any device, software, or routine that interferes, or attempts to interfere, with the normal operation of our site, or take any action that impose an unreasonable load on our equipment; or disguise the origin of the information transmitted through the site. Severability

If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions will remain in full force and effect.

Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions represent the complete agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and supersede any other prior agreement or understanding, written and oral.


Te lo hacemos facil - simplemente envianos un email con tus datos y nos ponemos en contacto contigo a la mayor brevedad posible: contact@terminala.com

Tambien puedes contactarnos a traves del forlmulario de contacto, el cual  ira dirigido al departamento  mas indicado. 


Customer Support

Submit your customer support request using the below form. Please include your booking Number if Your inquiry concerns a current TerminalA booking.

A customer support agent will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours.