Investment Immigration - 188B - Goldmax

Investment Immigration – 188B

投資者簽證 (188B類) (Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa – Subclass 188B: Investor Stream)此省提名計劃專為活躍於各類投資活動的申請人而設立,申請要求以其豐富的投資或管理經驗作審核基礎。


  • 可同行之家庭成員包括配偶及23歲以下未婚、未能經濟獨立的子女
  • 適合營商者或投資者申請
  • 沒有學歷要求
  • 英語要求為IELTS雅思總分4.5,但可以付錢取締


  • 年齡54歲或以下
  • 資金來源清晰 (Source of fund)
  • 在過去2年,申請人及配偶淨資產不低於2,500,000澳元
  • 在過去5年,有最少3年的成功投資或營商經驗
  • 在過去5年,有最少1年有以下經驗:
    • 投資管理經驗:管理相當於1,500,000澳元的投資組合 或
    • 營商管理經驗:管理公司營運並在公司的持股比例不少於10%
  • 在澳洲商業甄選系統 (EOI)中得分不低於65分
  • 獲州政府提名
  • 申請人需投資2,500,000萬澳元於以下項目:
    • 20% (500,000澳元) 用於澳洲風險投資與發展私募股權基金 (VCPE) 
    • 30% (750,000澳元) 用於澳洲新興上市公司的管理基金
    • 50% (1,250,000澳元) 用於均衡投資,如澳洲基金、上市公司、公司債券等等
  • 成功獲取永居申請後,便可退出投資


  • 188類別簽證有效期由4年增至5年
  • 188B簽證最快3年後申請永久居民身份 (Subclass – 888)
  • 如果在澳洲的指定投資產品為主申請人及配偶共同持有,只要符合投資條件,夫婦其中滿足居住要求,即可申請轉換成永久居民身份
  • 188B 簽證不可獲續簽,必須5年內成功轉換永久居民身份

This provincial nomination program is set up specifically for applicants active in various types of investment activities (such as business, stocks, futures, funds, foreign exchange, etc.), and the application requires the basis of their extensive investment or management experience for review. Through this program, the Australian government can attract investment talents from all over the world to invest funds in Australian government designated bonds for four years and encourage them to continue business or investment activities in the state.

Programme Advantages/ Features:
  1. All immediate members can be included in the same application. 
  2. Investment is simple and stable.
  3. No academic qualifications and English required.
Applicants must meet the following conditions:
  1. Age 55 or below
  2. In the past two years, the net assets of individuals and families are not less than A$2.25 million
  3. Over 3 years of successful investment or management experience
  4. In 1 of the past 5 financial years, applicants required an investment of A$1.5 million equivalent
  5. No less than 65 points in the Australian Business Selection System (EOI)
  6. Invested A$1.5 million to purchase Australian government-designated bonds for four years, and the amount of investment should be the investment profits reported at the time of application
Friendly reminder from Goldmax Consultants:
  • The 188B visa is a temporary visa for four years. As long as the applicant meets the investment requirement and residing requirements, they can apply for conversion to a permanent resident status (888 visa) after 4 years.
  • If the dependent children wish to apply together, they must be 22 or under, unmarried and full-time students.