The Meaning Behind The Song: Beware Of Darkness by George Harrison - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Beware Of Darkness by George Harrison

The Deeper Significance of George Harrison’s Beware of Darkness

Music is one of the few things in life that can evoke powerful emotions and leave a lasting impact on people’s lives. One such song that has done just that is George Harrison’s Beware of Darkness. Released in 1970 as part of his solo album, All Things Must Pass, the song went on to become a timeless classic.

As with any profound piece of art, there is always more to it than meets the eye. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the deeper significance of George Harrison’s Beware of Darkness.

The Origin of the Song

Before delving into the symbolism behind the song, let’s first talk about its origins. Harrison wrote Beware of Darkness during a particularly tumultuous time in his life. The Beatles had recently disbanded, and he was going through a divorce from his wife Pattie Boyd.

Furthermore, the world was in a state of chaos, with war, political unrest, and social upheaval dominating the headlines. It was against this backdrop that Harrison penned the lyrics to Beware of Darkness.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of Beware of Darkness are both haunting and evocative. Harrison’s voice, coupled with the somber melody, creates an eerie and introspective mood. The song’s opening lines, “Watch out now, take care / Beware of the thoughts that linger,” set the tone for what is to follow.

Throughout the song, Harrison sings about the dangers of giving in to despair, fear, and negativity. The lines “Beware of sadness / It’ll kill you in your sleep / The hand that takes your hand / And leads you to the door” serve as a warning against the perils of dwelling on negative emotions.

The Symbolism

Perhaps the most significant aspect of Beware of Darkness is its symbolism. The song is laden with powerful imagery that gives it a deeper meaning. For example, the line “Beware of darkness / Watch out now, beware / The thoughts that linger / Winding up inside your head” can be interpreted as a warning against mental illness.

Similarly, the line “Beware of darkness / But don’t forget the stars” can be seen as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope. The imagery of the “darkness” and the “light” is a recurring theme throughout the song, representing the duality of life.

The Legacy

Beware of Darkness has left a lasting impact on music lovers all over the world. Its message of hope in the face of adversity has resonated with countless people, making it a timeless classic.

In fact, other artists such as Eric Clapton and Leon Russell have covered the song, attesting to its enduring popularity. Harrison’s influence in music has also been felt by many, with his work inspiring a generation of musicians.


In conclusion, George Harrison’s Beware of Darkness is a song that has stood the test of time. Its message of hope and perseverance in the face of darkness makes it as relevant today as it was when it was first released.

The song’s symbolism, haunting melody, and evocative lyrics have made it a true masterpiece of art, leaving a lasting impact on those who have heard it. As Harrison once said, “Music is a mantra that soothes the soul,” and Beware of Darkness is the perfect embodiment of that sentiment.

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