Bella hadid from 14 to 16. Before and after her nose job. : r/KUWTK Skip to main content

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Bella hadid from 14 to 16. Before and after her nose job.

r/KUWTK - Bella Hadid with brown hair and a black shirt
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I feel bad for her that her mom convinced her she wasn’t beautiful. I’m not against nose jobs but 14 is too soon. I have a 14 year old and wouldn’t even consider it, she hasn’t even grown into herself yet.

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

She was a little girl at 14. I cant believe any doctor would allow that it could be so dangerous. I feel like it completely got rid of her nose bridge too :/

If there’s 1 thing we know about Yolanda it’s that she will find a willing Dr!

Young teenagers getting nose jobs is more common than I think we want to believe. I even had a friend get hers at the end of middle school. It wasn’t medically necessary, she was relentlessly bullied, and the first doctor they went to performed it. I can only imagine how easy it is for someone of Yolanda’s status to fine doctors.

u/Jessicash avatar

In the case you’re talking about I can see it. Definitely not middle school but maybe high school.

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She did an interview a few years ago where she literally described Gigi as the "American ideal of beauty" and she just said Bella was "exotic". It was so gross


I can’t believe that the sisters haven’t gone no contact with Yolanda. She seems like an awful mother

Yeah it's so sad. I think she's trying to do the same with her granddaughter Khai so hopefully Gigi at least goes low Contact for her daughter's sake soon

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Right? And 2 of her 3 kids definitely show those Middle Eastern genes

I was so repulsed by what she said that I immediately downvoted your comment before remembering you are just quoting her

Lol, yeah it was terrible. I can't imagine what Yolanda says to her in private

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I don't mean to be a hater bc Gigi seems nice but is she really THAT attractive? She's blonde and blued eyed and skinny but I've never thought her face was that beautiful tbh.

I'll prob be downvoted too but I find her commercially pretty but not high fashion. I think Bella (with or without the nose job) would always be high fashion compared to Gigi.

I grew up in LA and went to high school with a ton of girls who looked just like Gigi. Like she's a cute girl don't get me wrong but I don't think she's as stunning as some people think.

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u/Calikola avatar

This. I HATED my nose at 13 and begged my mom for a nose job. I felt like my entire face was just nose and ears.

Welp, I ended up growing into them and now I don’t mind my nose at all.

I hated my nose too growing up, I got my dad’s large Slavic nose. I was bullied constantly for it starting in elementary school. It ruined my self esteem I always hoped i would grow into it somehow but I don’t think that was possible it was still going to be big no matter what.

I got a nose job when I was like 21 and it’s been almost 10 years and I’m still extremely pleased with my decision. It increased my confidence and self esteem so much. But I think 14 is way too young to get one. I think early mid 20’s is a decent time to get one if someone plans to.

u/Calikola avatar

I’m so glad you waited until you were sure and did what felt right for you :)

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Let's also point out: children should not be having completely elective not medically necessary surgery for every reason INCLUDING they shouldn't be put on fucking pain killers that young unless it is NECESSARY. Why would you even risk putting your young child on drugs they could develop an issue with. Kids are at enough risk of addiction just based on statistics.

I didn’t even think about the medication aspect! And if you believe the letter after Bella’s DUI (I do), then she was also on Adderall and Vyvanse. I don’t take any issue with people choosing to medicate ADHD but a teenager having bottles of both rolling around in her car sounds dangerous.


She was prescribed them because her doctors thought she had adhd, but she actually had cptsd (the symptoms are similar).

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my nose looked way bigger at 14 than it does now because of baby fat

Ikr? She was so pretty :/ Stupid Yolanda

u/Bedazzledtoe avatar

I think it messed up the development of her nose because it looks so strange now, unless she had another nose job

I’m 30 and going to get my own nose job this year but holy shit I’d have a lot of issues if my mom had encouraged me to do it at a young age. It’s wrong on a million and one levels.

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u/SpecialsSchedule avatar

Bella had previously denied surgery right?

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

Yep. She still denies any filler

She can Lie Crie and Denie but her Whole face has been morphed anyone who thinks it's just a nose job,,seriously reconsider looking at the pic. Nothing natural here at all.

u/ajohns0311 avatar

The Carla Bruni package


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u/saucylittlepirate avatar

Yeah and denies getting buccal fat removal and eye brow lifts

u/donzi_chico avatar

And a ponytail facelift

What exactly is that. How do they do it? Do they like cut your skin at your hairline and then pull it back ?

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Tbf she might not have. Faces do change a lot from your teens to 20s, you loose a lot of facial fat. Looking back at photos of me and my friends vs now, our faces have actually changed quite a lot. I went from having almost hooded eyes to really visible eyelids

u/Bedazzledtoe avatar

Even for me literally from 15 to 16 I went from having a puffy baby face to more defined cheekbones and a thinner face. It’s crazy looking back, especially if you lose weight it’ll show in your face. So not sure

u/kittenscoffeecats avatar
u/fairyg0dmother avatar

Yeah exactly. I'm 24 and when I compare photos from when I was 14 and now - someone who doesn't know me would say I've definitely got lot of work done.

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u/blue-pixie- avatar

The saddest thing is she was also known for having a pro eating disorder tumblr as a teenager. Which it’s not like she recovered she just learns to live with her eating disorder. Her mom is evil but honestly both her and Gigi seem to have a beautiful heart. People who have been abused often do! They have more compassion than the Kardashians who have always had an easy life.

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

The worst part is shes probably living with her eating disorder just mildly. She's in an industry where she's praised for being underweight

She was so gaunt at that VS fashion show when her ex The Weeknd performed. I imagined the stress of all that really took a toll on her.

i’m guessing it was both stress and nose candy

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She’s 5’9 and 121 lbs. sooooooooo teeny tiny

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Does anyone know what it was?

u/PersianPickle99 avatar

It was either luvzmez or babybalulu. I personally think it was the former because all the posts are suspiciously deleted now. But if you Google “luvzmez tumblr” and look at images you can get a taste of what she tended to post. here’s one that looks suspiciously like Bella but look at the tumblr tags too

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u/dirtydirty022 avatar

May be unrelated but it shines light on the surgery the kardashians had especially kendall. Kendall probably got work done before she was 18 just like Kylie did. This is why they say "it's just puberty ! I grew up" when it is surgery just well hidden because they're literally children getting these procedures done. So yeah any model you see has had work

u/katievsbubbles avatar

I got downvoted to shit for this before.

Now MAYBE JUST MAYBE - North desperately NEEDED to get braces at 8 year old but, yeah, there is something up with that to me. My daughter (we're in the UK) has only JUST got braces at age 12! *(She has all of her adult teeth)

They are going to start fixing those girls sooner than we think.

Add - I mean, like I said, maybe North genuinely needs them, I just think its a bit suspect given what we know about Bella, Kendall, Kylie.

The earlier they get "perfect" the less they have to worry about getting called out for surgeries later.

Idk, I knew a lot of kids in my town had really fucked teeth so they got braces around eight. Parents wanted it done sooner rather than later and those kids currently have fucking amazing teeth, so I'm low-key jealous lol.

u/dn454jqb avatar

I work in dental. I see a lot of younger kids with braces.

u/PersianPickle99 avatar

Probably. I hear it’s also trending now to start braces early in kids as young as 8 and intermittently have braces on & off till their teens so their jaws grow in right. Kind of makes sense versus before having braces for a couple years at 13 or 14 when your jaw is halfway settled in.

Ofc all this aligns with the kardashians because they prioritize beauty but I wish I had this technique done so I could have pretty teeth and jaws too lol.

I have a child a couple of weeks older than North who is in 3rd grade and 2 older kids in the USA. My 8-year-old has 3 kids in their class with braces. I was pretty surprised when I saw that. My 14-year-old has classmates at 10 who were getting braces.

With my oldest, who is now 18, we were told that we even couldn't get into an ortho to check on their teeth until 11-12 because I was concerned they would need braces due to thumb sucking. The dentist was talking about sending my 8-year-old for a consultation last visit because they may need braces, too. I asked if they were too young, and the dentist said that there were benefits starting earlier. It seems like the guidelines are simply changing.

I grew up with parents in pediatric dentistry. You can get braces as soon as all your adult teeth have grown in. You can even get them fitted onto teeth that aren’t all the way out yet and force a tooth to grow in straighter. You can do partial braces, spacers to make space for an incoming tooth, etc.

Its also important to remember braces are not solely cosmetic. They can be necessary for overcrowding, its harder to keep overcrowded teeth clean, teeth can effect speech, overcrowding can cause headaches and jaw pain, jaw development, teeth effect eating. Even if North didn’t have these issues, its a really responsible decision for Kim to get her teeth in check before issues arise over time. (bc teeth shift with age and use)

As long as it’s safe, the sooner the better. I personally believe North did need them. If it was cosmetic only (which is rare) they would have done invisible braces.

u/Danzanza avatar

I got braces at 8…. Its really common in America and it does help with health, especially correcting overbite or underbite

Yeah I think I got my braces around 9-10 and it was to fix a severe overbite.

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Eight is a bit young, but my cousin got braces for 1yr at 10 and then again at 13 for a year. It isn’t always 2yrs as a teenager now.

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

Yess!!! I was always told to wait until 12 for braces so the teeth properly develop in their place. Do kids even have all their teeth in at 8?

Yeah I got my braces at 14. I know kids who got them in elementary school and later in high school and later on had messed up teeth again.

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They are starting kids earlier with braces now than when we were kids. Idk why but 8 year olds have braces now it’s not a bad thing

I got braces in third grade and again in eighth grade. My family is definitely NOT like the Kardashians but my teeth for sure needed to be fixed lol lots of orthodontists do start around that age.

I might misremember bc I was like 13 at the time, but wasn’t Kim also accused of plucking North’s eyebrows?


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It looks like she's had two nose jobs?

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

I think she definitely had a second one somewhere along the lines to fix the first one. Her nose is uncanny now

u/_iridessence_ avatar

Correct. The first one destroyed her poor bridge. It's just..... GONE in the middle. The second one put it back and also appears to have cleaned up the tip a bit.

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I am pro her previous nose. It sadness me that her parents thought it was okay for her to have a nose job at 14. And now she wished she hadn’t.

I loved her previous nose. Everyone is getting those weird noses that look like they are going to collapse.

Yeah same noses, her one fits her face and she looks beautiful.

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From what I've seen from her mother, I am pretty sure her mother encouraged it and maybe even gave her the idea in the first place 🤮

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u/Queencx0 avatar

The ironic thing is, by 16 her nose would’ve evolved anyways and wouldn’t look exactly like her nose at 14. Our faces change so much as we grow up

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

Right. I think that's why nowadays her nose Bridge has completely disappeared. They took too much cartilage off because she was 14 and underdeveloped🤦🏾‍♀️

u/Ashes_Ashes_333 avatar

I think she may have had multiple nose jobs over the years and it looks way over done now.

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

Her tip is so weird. Can't imagine how she'll look at 40

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u/Agreeable-Loan-3071 avatar

Definitely that may even happen later in life, my nose now at 20 looks not completely changed but different from what it did when I was 16?

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I feel so bad for her. I was insecure at 14 and would have gotten plastic surgery if my parents would let me, especially if they were the ones encouraging it. Now I’m 24 and I’m so glad I didn’t. No shade to anyone who gets plastic surgery but I think it should be a decision you make as an adult.

I agree, it's so awful because you haven't even stopped growing at 14. I am pretty sure most reputable plastic surgeons don't do procedures like this on children


Literally, I hated my nose so much at 14 I thought it was huge. I’m now 22 and really like my nose and I’ve definitely grown into it, it’s more on the smaller side now

yes!! I wanted a boob job so badly when I was younger because society / media made it seem like big boobs were all men would want. Now that i’m older I love my small boobs (no back pain, perky, don’t have to wear a bra) and also understand that changing my body to appease the male gaze is NOT IT

Agreed. I hate my nose my entire life and got made fun of for it a lot. But I waited until I was an adult to get a nose job. Even as a teenager I knew my face was still developing.

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I wonder if she has/had complications from the surgery

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

I personally think her nose collapsed. If you look at recent photos her Bridge completely disappears

her side/profile angles look fine tho?

u/PersianPickle99 avatar

I think her nose is collapsing from her sides. According to Google: “If a patient were to run their fingers along the sides of the bridge, they would feel that this mid-portion of the bridge feels indented on each side and narrower than the width of the nasal bones”

So it’s like if a tent is collapsing, from the side it still looks like an upright tent but if u look at it upfront you can see the walls are indented and falling in.

bella’s side profile looks does look amazing though.

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She has an inverted-v deformity because of the surgery/surgeries. That’s the part right across her nose where her bridge almost disappears. That can theoretically cause breathing issues.

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Her mom was not a healthy influence

I’m sorry.. but at what point do we consider allowing this child abuse? I know there’s a lot of nuances to this issue but could imagine if someone let a 13 year old get a face tat?

u/alexabobexa avatar

I guess child abuse is just something poor people do. When Yolanda does it everything is fine.

Normally I try not to criticize people's parenting but Yolanda is awful. Idk how people don't call her out

Ding ding ding.

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u/dirtydirty022 avatar

It's literally illegal in so many places to get a nose piercing under 16. Yet this was allowed at 14? Literally disgusting

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Yolanda must have hated that she favored her Palestinian side and wanted her to look more euro-centric. What a pos mom

ive heard that in an interview she described gigi as the ideal american standard of beauty and said bella was exotic. she seems to dislike bellas arab features which is so sad

Yes! Ugh

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u/skon7 avatar

I hate to “go there” because it might sound rude but I think she’s just saying this to downplay the scrutiny she gets from social media about her having surgery. She can just say “well I wish i had my old nose” and people will think she’s more down to earth

Mind you I do think Yolanda is toxic and was def tryna exploit her children at a young age to make money off them

u/dirtydirty022 avatar

Definitely trying to draw attention away from all the rest of the work shes had done. And it makes her sound relatable and anti surgery when she says she misses her old nose "of her ancestors"

u/skon7 avatar