Plans reveal HUGE £1.7 billion project to redevelop Edgware Town Centre - Harrow Online
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Plans reveal HUGE £1.7 billion project to redevelop Edgware Town Centre

Property developer Ballymore and Transport for London (TfL) have unveiled plans for the redevelopment of Edgware Town Centre.

The plans contain information about a £1.7bn investment which they say will create a new vibrant town centre destination.

The plans will create up to 4,000 much-needed high-quality new homes across a range of tenures, including affordable rent, shared ownership, first-time homes, senior living, and student accommodation. The project is expected to generate £80m for the local economy and create over 1,400 full-time jobs once completed.

The redevelopment project will also include a brand new park and access to the 1.9-hectare Deans Brook Nature Park within the town centre, as well as a new transport interchange with a fully electrified TfL bus garage.

A cycle hub with around 200 publicly accessible cycle spaces will also be constructed while walking routes will be improved to help tackle the climate emergency and improve air quality.

Plans reveal HUGE £1.7 billion project to redevelop Edgware Town Centre Harrow Online

Consultation sessions for the plan will be held at the Meeting Room inside the Broadwalk Centre and additional locations in Edgware later in March. The proposals will ‘rejuvenate the heart of Edgware with a new retail and leisure district’, creating half a million square feet of office, retail, food and beverage and health uses, supported by the new homes.

Sustainability, health and well-being are at the heart of the approach, leading the entire design process from design to delivery. This will include the use of renewable energy sources, such as air heat pumps, as well as solar panels, green roofs and a community garden.

The proposed transport interchange will see the existing bus garage moved underground and fully electrified to both unlock development and help support the increased use of electric buses across London.

Speaking ahead of the public consultation on the emerging masterplan, John Mulryan, Group Managing Director at Ballymore said: “We are delighted to be sharing how the plans for Edgware are coming together. We have been engaging with, the local community for two years now and have been really pleased at the level of interest in this exciting project; it has helped to fundamentally shape the emerging masterplan.

“Edgware is a town with huge potential and great public transport connections. Working with our partner TfL and the London Borough of Barnet we look forward to creating an outstanding, vibrant town centre with the quality homes for everyone, businesses, public spaces and other leisure and cultural amenities that the community desires.

“We look forward to continuing our conversations with the community and stakeholders as the plans develop.”

Plans reveal HUGE £1.7 billion project to redevelop Edgware Town Centre Harrow Online
Artistic look at the plans for Edgware Town Centre. Credit: TfL/Ballymore

Peter Elliott, Head of Property Development at TTLP, said: “We are excited to be sharing these plans with the local community and stakeholders, which look to revitalise Edgware and support the local economy. Working together with Ballymore, we are looking to deliver high-quality new homes and improved retail space as part of a reinvigorated town centre, alongside other benefits for the local community.

“Sustainability has been considered a key part of the designs. From a new electrified bus garage to cycling and walking improvements, these designs will help to encourage sustainable travel and make Edgware and London an even more fantastic place for people to live, work and travel in.”

Consultation drop-in sessions are being held throughout March to get public feedback on the plans, with sessions being held in The Meeting Room at Edgware Broadwalk on the following dates:

  • Monday 20 March, 15:00 – 19:00
  • Thursday 23 March, 15:00 – 19:00
  • Tuesday 28 March, 10:00 – 14:00
  • Saturday 1 April, 10:00 – 14:00