34 Facts about the movie The Devil and Daniel Webster - Facts.net
Jamie Galvez

Written by Jamie Galvez

Modified & Updated: 19 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Filmschoolrejects.com

The Devil and Daniel Webster is a classic American fantasy film that has captivated audiences with its mesmerizing characters and intriguing storyline since its release. Directed by William Dieterle and released in 1941, this film is an adaptation of Stephen Vincent Benét’s short story “The Devil and Daniel Webster.” It tells the story of a struggling farmer named Jabez Stone who, feeling overwhelmed by his hardships, makes a Faustian deal with the devil. However, when it comes time for the devil to collect his soul, Stone enlists the help of famed orator and politician Daniel Webster to defend him in an otherworldly trial.

Key Takeaways:

  • “The Devil and Daniel Webster” is a classic movie from 1941, exploring themes of greed, temptation, and the battle between good and evil in a rural New Hampshire setting.
  • The film received critical acclaim, won an Academy Award for Best Writing, and continues to resonate with audiences as a thought-provoking and visually stunning cult classic.
Table of Contents

The movie “The Devil and Daniel Webster” is also known as “All That Money Can Buy”.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” is the alternate title of the film “All That Money Can Buy”.

It was released in the year 1941.

The movie “The Devil and Daniel Webster” was released in 1941.

The film is based on a short story written by Stephen Vincent Benét.

The storyline of “The Devil and Daniel Webster” is adapted from a short story penned by Stephen Vincent Benét.

The movie was directed by William Dieterle.

William Dieterle took on the role of director for “The Devil and Daniel Webster.

Walter Huston portrays the character of Mr. Scratch.

Walter Huston delivers a captivating performance as the character of Mr. Scratch in the movie.

The film stars Edward Arnold as Daniel Webster.

Edward Arnold’s portrayal of Daniel Webster is a standout in the movie.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” was nominated for three Academy Awards.

The movie received three Academy Award nominations for Best Original Score, Best Sound Recording, and Best Supporting Actress.

The movie explores themes of greed and temptation.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” delves into the compelling themes of greed and temptation.

The film is set in rural New Hampshire.

The story unfolds in the picturesque backdrop of rural New Hampshire.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” features a Faustian bargain.

The plot of the film centers around a Faustian bargain between the protagonist and the devil.

The movie combines elements of fantasy and drama.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” seamlessly blends elements of fantasy and drama.

The film showcases impressive visual effects for its time.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” features visually stunning effects considering its release in 1941.

The movie’s original title, “All That Money Can Buy,” emphasizes its exploration of the corrupting power of wealth.

The original title, “All That Money Can Buy,” reflects the movie’s exploration of the corrupting influence money can have.

The character of Daniel Webster is a legendary American attorney and politician.

In the movie, Daniel Webster is portrayed as a legendary figure in American history known for his prowess as an attorney and politician.

The film showcases a memorable courtroom scene.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” features a gripping courtroom scene that captivates the audience.

The movie received critical acclaim upon its release.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” garnered significant praise from critics when it first hit theaters.

The film was considered ahead of its time for its exploration of moral dilemmas.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” was lauded as a thought-provoking film for its examination of complex moral dilemmas.

The movie’s script won an Academy Award for Best Writing.

The screenplay for “The Devil and Daniel Webster” received the prestigious Academy Award for Best Writing.

The film features a memorable musical score composed by Bernard Herrmann.

Bernard Herrmann created a sublime musical score that perfectly complements the atmosphere of “The Devil and Daniel Webster.

The movie’s cinematography received high praise for its visually stunning shots.

The cinematography in “The Devil and Daniel Webster” was widely admired for its breathtaking visual compositions.

The movie explores the battle between good and evil.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” delves deep into the eternal struggle between good and evil.

The film has become a cult classic over the years.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” has gained a devoted following and is considered a cult classic.

The movie’s themes remain relevant to this day.

The underlying themes of “The Devil and Daniel Webster” continue to resonate with audiences even decades after its release.

The film’s ending is thought-provoking and open to interpretation.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” concludes with an ending that leaves audiences contemplating its deeper meaning.

The movie draws inspiration from various folk tales and legends.

“The Devil and Daniel Webster” incorporates elements from different folk tales and legends to create its unique narrative.

The film explores the consequences of making deals with the devil.

The Devil and Daniel Webster” delves into the repercussions of entering into agreements with the devil.

The movie’s performances received critical acclaim.

The performances delivered by the cast of “The Devil and Daniel Webster” were widely praised by critics.

The film’s screenplay captures the essence of the original short story.

The screenplay of “The Devil and Daniel Webster” effectively captures the essence of the original short story.

The movie’s moral message resonates with audiences.

The moral message conveyed in “The Devil and Daniel Webster” continues to strike a chord with viewers.

The film’s success paved the way for future adaptations of the story.

The success of “The Devil and Daniel Webster” led to subsequent adaptations of the story in various forms of media.

The movie explores the concept of redemption.

The Devil and Daniel Webster” delves into the transformative power of redemption.

The film features a talented ensemble cast.

The movie boasts a talented ensemble cast who bring the characters to life with their performances.

The movie’s atmospheric setting adds to its overall appeal.

The atmospheric setting of “The Devil and Daniel Webster” enhances the overall appeal of the film.

The movie’s legacy continues to endure.

The legacy of “The Devil and Daniel Webster” lives on as a timeless piece of cinematic history.


Undoubtedly, The Devil and Daniel Webster is a timeless classic that captivates audiences with its thought-provoking storyline and stellar performances. With its rich history and fascinating production details, it continues to be a beloved film among cinephiles and critics alike.

The film’s exploration of themes like morality, temptation, and the power of the human spirit resonates with audiences, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in thought-provoking cinema. Its masterful storytelling, poignant performances, and unforgettable characters make The Devil and Daniel Webster an enduring gem in the world of movies.

Whether you’re a fan or a newcomer, The Devil and Daniel Webster is a film that deserves your attention, as it offers a deeply satisfying cinematic experience that will leave you pondering long after the end credits roll.


Q: Who directed The Devil and Daniel Webster?

A: The Devil and Daniel Webster was directed by William Dieterle.

Q: When was The Devil and Daniel Webster released?

A: The film was released on October 17, 1941.

Q: Is The Devil and Daniel Webster based on a book?

A: Yes, the film is based on the short story “The Devil and Daniel Webster” by Stephen Vincent Benét.

Q: Who starred in The Devil and Daniel Webster?

A: The film features performances by Edward Arnold, Walter Huston, and Simone Simon.

Q: What is the main storyline of The Devil and Daniel Webster?

A: The film tells the story of a struggling farmer named Jabez Stone who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for wealth and success but later seeks the help of legendary lawyer Daniel Webster to save his soul.

Q: Did The Devil and Daniel Webster receive any awards?

A: Yes, the film won the Academy Award for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay in 1942.

Q: Is The Devil and Daniel Webster available for streaming?

A: The availability of the film for streaming may vary depending on your location and chosen streaming platforms. It is worth checking popular streaming services for its availability.

Q: How long is The Devil and Daniel Webster?

A: The film has a runtime of approximately 107 minutes.

Q: What makes The Devil and Daniel Webster a must-watch film?

A: The film’s excellent storytelling, powerful performances, and intriguing exploration of moral themes make it a must-watch for fans of thought-provoking cinema.

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