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FAITH, also known as FAITH: Chapter I, is a PC horror game developed by Airdorf Games and published by New Blood Interactive. It was first released on October 4th, 2017, on GameJolt,, and Indie DB. A "Collector's Edition" of the game, FAITH: Deluxe, was released on October 17th, 2017. The game was later republished into FAITH: The Unholy Trinity and released on Steam on October 21st, 2022.

Chapter I has three, rather minor, unique variations depending on where you downloaded the game from, GameJolt,, or Indie DB. FAITH: Deluxe did not have unique variations and was not available to be downloaded on Indie DB. Generally, by Chapter II Demo's release, Indie DB was abandoned and hasn't been updated since 2018.

All standalone versions of Chapter I were taken down and seemingly lost forever in favor of The Unholy Trinity's release since it's a combination of Chapter I, II, Prologue, and newly-released Chapter III. The Unholy Trinity Edition of Chapter I is fundamentally based off of the and Deluxe versions. Even though The Unholy Trinity doesn't exclude mechanics or features from previous variations, there's minor differences in the Game Jolt and Indie DB variations that will be elaborated soon.


As John Ward, the player travels through a disorienting forest of randomized trees and rocks, searching for the Martin home tucked deep in the woods to complete a botched exorcism of a girl called Amy Martin. John carries a crucifix with him at all times, which can be used to dispel whatever evils lurk beyond the trees.

Wandering through the dark forest, the player can collect notes scattered throughout the area to learn the events that have John brought into these woods, among understanding the world of FAITH. The forest in which much of the game is set is randomized each time the player traverses to a new screen. Special locations, identifiable by specific landmarks (which often contain notes) are never randomized. These locations will always look the same and be located in the same positions, despite their surrounding areas changing appearance upon each visit. Traversing to the edge of the environment will loop the player around to the opposite side. A map detailing the game environment can be seen below.



On September 21, 1986, two priests arrived at the Martin Family home in rural Connecticut to investigate an apparent case of demonic possession. Only two people would leave the house alive.
— Old Game Description

The series begins with John driving in his silver sedan at nighttime. He monologues to himself that it's September 21st, 1987, a year ever since he went into "that house". He says that he has to finish what he started and, "...What I am about to do has not been approved by the Vatican."

The screen fades to John pulling over to the side of a road, nearby tire marks that lead into the forest. He parks, gets out, and ventures into the woodland.

Ch 1 intro parking

The forest has a mind of its own and seems like he's walking in a loop. However, while he walks around hopelessly, a pale humanoid monster appears beyond the trees and attempts to ambush him. The monster hurls various lines while crawling towards him, such as, "I HAVE THE BODY OF A PIG!", or "RUN! RUN! RUN!" It also mocks several references and lines from the Bible when it gets repelled by John's crucifix, like, "POR LA CRUZ INVERTIDA!", or "LA SANGRE DE PUTA MADRE!" Despite various attempts, the monster cannot withstand being near the crucifix and scurries away but will always try to grab John and tear his torso in half. Before doing so, a rotoscope animation plays where we get an up-close look of the monster gleefully crawling.


Sometimes, when there's a deer nearby, the monster prefers to butcher it first before moving on to John.

Repelling the monster for the 10th and final time, it drops a letter that was written by somebody called Cardinal Gifford for another called Father Garcia. Gifford instructs Garcia to return somebody called Michael Davies to his parents. He mentions that a representative from the Catholic Church/Vatican is en route to the parents to discuss compensation in return for their discretion. The letter ends that Garcia is required to meet the representative at the Davies household and accompany them back to Rome.

Walking around the road, and nearly getting ran-over by a speeding semi-truck, John comes across a gray figure hiding behind a tree. When he gets closer, the figure gets startled and runs away in a panic. It drops a red nose, but it seemingly has no use. Nearby his car there's a withering tree. Purifying the tree drops a note that was written by Cindy Martin. She talks about how her daughter, Amy, is too absorbed into her work at a clinic to notice that her favorite tree is wilting away. She also mentions how some of her members at the Book Club are giving her weird looks since Amy works at the clinic. Purifying a puddle of water drops another note where Cindy talks about directing two adults back to the road since they apparently got lost. She feels uncomfortable and thinks about grabbing her husband, Bob's, rifle out of storage.

Looking for the house, John comes across a pentagram with a corpse of a wild fox in the middle. Getting close, a voice booms, "CHAOS REIGNS!' Exorcising it doesn't do anything, so he presses onward.

Ch 1 fox discovery

Finding and purifying a pile of bones, another note is left behind where Cindy updates Bob how things are in a letter. She mentions that Amy wishes to go to a real school and clamors it as cabin fever. Importantly, she talks about how the twins, Nate and Jason, came into the house with their hands covered in blood. She assumes that they were touching a dead deer and wonders if there's a coyote problem since when she followed the twins to the carcass it was gruesome. She ends the letter that all of this happened just a day after the twins' birthday and can't wait for him to come home.

Wandering hopelessly, John spots twin boys running around in the woodland. Following them, he finally comes across the Martin House. He spots Amy floating inside the house and knows she's in there waiting for him, but the front door is locked. He'll have to find the key somewhere in the forest. Coming across an old shed, there's a note nearby where he himself jotted down what happened during the exorcism a year ago. In the note, John talks about the area and how the house is about a hundred yards away from the road, Snake Meadow Hill Road. It was difficult to see since it's dark out and the gravel path is obscured by the grass. However, his superior Father Allred knew where he was going and didn't have a tough time navigating to the house. John spots an old shed to the right of the path and mentions how Allred urged Cindy and Bob to have the exorcism performed away from the house since he knew the rite would look harsh to family members.

Inside the shed, John picks up a key. Just as he's about to leave, the pale monster attempts to ambush him one final time but John repels it away. With the key in hand, John returns back to the house, unlocks the front door, and heads inside.

Ch 1 foyer

In the foyer, the entire house feels off and the atmosphere feels distorted. As he explores the household, he picks up various notes that he wrote down on what he experienced during the first exorcism. Looking around the area to complete his only objective, exorcise Amy Martin, he walks into the master bedroom and sees a silhouette of her stalking him in the mirror. In the living room, John spots the gray figure once again, who's spying at him from outside a broken window. Getting closer, the figure gets startled again and runs away in a panic.

With no sign of Amy, John walks up to the second floor and explores Amy's bedroom. There's a lone doll sitting on top of a dresser. Exorcising it drops a note where Cindy mistaken Bob being sent to the Middle East judging on how the doll looks. Exorcising a rubber duck in the bathroom, a note drops where Cindy feels stressed about how the entire house feels slanted and believes Amy's condition is worsening. Additionally, at night, she hears voices around the house, so she keeps the twins inside. She wants to contact a doctor about Amy but doesn't want to leave the twins behind. Even if she could live herself with that, her car keys are missing, and the phone line is unavailable during the day. The letter ends that she's relieved that Bob is coming home tomorrow. By the time John eventually finds Amy, he's thoroughly convinced that the twins are real.

With no choice but to explore the basement, John walks downstairs and passes by a baby crib. Sometimes, when he's not looking, the doll from earlier manifests nearby the crib. Going to where his first exorcism started, there's a ritual marking on the ground with lit candles and bloody satanic symbols. Getting closer to the marking to investigate, a trail of satanic symbols gets closer and closer to him. Suddenly, he senses Amy slowly emerging from underneath her bed.

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The screen cuts to John now in Amy's bedroom and pointing up his crucifix nearby her bed, saying, "She is here." A short battle begins.

Amy First Encounter[]

This battle against Amy is simple if you watch where you're going. When you stay in a room for a while, a trail of satanic symbols gets closer to you. Make sure you point the crucifix at it since these symbols kill you this time. When you do so, Amy appears and shouts various lines. She then splits into four versions of herself, and only one of them is real. Point your crucifix at the real version of Amy in time and she'll be dispelled, otherwise you'll get killed by the real one on the opposite direction where she was floating (example, the real Amy is on the right. If you do not exorcise the real Amy on the right, she rushes you from the left and tries to kill you). With enough times, she'll flee to the attic. There's no real reason to go down any of the floors besides where you are now, and it'll be faster if you stay in the room where the entrance to the attic is.

John follows Amy's trail and spots a pair of crucifixes mounted on the wall spinning. There's a letter nearby written by John that was supposed to be for somebody called Molly. Judging how the letter is worded, he meant to send this to her immediately before driving to the Martin House, but now it's here somehow. In the letter, John tells her that the Catholic Church might contact her in a few days on what happened to him. He recaps that what happened during his exorcism of Amy Martin in the newspaper isn't true; she gutted and strangled her parents and killed Father Allred with her own hands. He remains set that he has to return back to the house, the nightmares he's having are real, and that he's sorry if he never returns. He ends the letter that he loves her (Molly) very much. Now in the attic, John gets closer and sees Amy covered her head with a white sheet and standing motionlessly. John expresses concern and asks what happened to her, but the demon possessing Amy asks if her face is pretty. John musters determination and says that he's here to finish what he started. Amy's demon booms, "SHE IS MINE, PRIEST!" and a fight begins.

Amy Second Encounter[]

This encounter is a lot trickier since it's split into three phases, so let's start with the first one.

Phase One[]

Point your crucifix at Amy since she stands there motionlessly. Eventually, one Gray Demon emerges from outside the house and chases you. It floats around then pauses briefly before starting again. With some time, a second Gray Demon appears and does the same thing. Generally, move accordingly. You'll move to the second phase when a cinematic plays where Amy takes off her sheet, revealing her gaping red face hole.


Phase Two[]

Amy's attack pattern in this phase is near identical to her first encounter. She splits herself into four versions of herself and one of them is real. When you point your crucifix at the correct version, she doesn't teleport away like last time and gets damaged. After a couple of seconds, she tries to catch you off guard and ambushes you from the opposite direction, regardless of if you damage her or not. For example, if the real version is north, then she tries to ambush you from the south. Move accordingly and you'll be fine. Sometimes, a trail of satanic symbols gets closer to you. Point the crucifix at it since these symbols can kill. The third phase begins when a cinematic plays where a red, human arm emerges from her gaping face hole.

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Phase Three[]

Amy is at her deadliest in this phase. A gigantic satanic pentagram manifests on the ground and Amy teleports to one of the points on the pentagram. For the first four times, Amy follows the trail of the pentagram three times and then releases a spiral of satanic symbols on the floor. Avoid these symbols since they can kill and point the crucifix accordingly. On the fifth time, Amy moves on the pentagram five times and then releases a Gray Demon. This demon doesn't follow you like the others but makes a beeline towards you. When the demon disappears, Amy stays immobile longer than usual so that gives you the time to damage her. Generally, watch her movement and count in your head how many times she moved since it's easy to get distracted and get killed. This phase ends when a cinematic plays where the human hand shrouds back into her face portal.


Heavily weakened by the crucifix, the human hand recedes back into her face and Amy stumbles towards the attic window. Before John can do anything, Amy screams and flings herself out of the window. If he collected every note imaginable before fighting Amy, there's a new note near the entrance of the attic that instructs the reader on how to perform a ritual called the Second Death. John rushes downstairs and wants to check on her outside. In the foyer, there's blood on the floor that spells, "KILL HER" backwards. There's a gun nearby the front door. John picks it up and remarks that it only has one bullet.

Ch 1 kill her

Before heading outside, John goes back to the master bedroom and checks the mirror. Instead of Amy, there's a freakishly tall demon stalking him in the mirror.

Ch 1 mirror demon stalk

With the gun equipped, John shoots at the mirror and it cracks. Since there's only one bullet, a brand-new gun respawns in the foyer room, and he picks it up. Shooting the mirror for the third time, it breaks, and an elongated demonic arm grabs and drags him back into the mirror. Seemingly in a weird dimension with scattered skeletons, the demon floats before him and garbles, "FILIS PAETER PROFANI!" (or roughly translated to English, "MY UNHOLY FATHER") before a battle begins.

Ch 1 mirror demon area

Secret Boss - Mirror Demon[]

This demon, called the Mirror Demon in the files, doesn't pose too much of a threat if you're not careful. The demon floats towards you and frequently teleports to a different location to catch you off guard. Sometimes it picks up speed to disorient you. Try to stay still as best as you can so that you won't accidentally bump into it and you'll be fine. With enough time, you can tell you defeated it when it flashes black.

Banishing the demon, it garbles, "I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN!" and emits a high-pitched noise before disappearing. It leaves behind a letter written by John, dated October 23rd, 1986. In summary, he requests to somebody called Dr. McGlashan to be released from Yale Psychiatric Institute since his psychiatrist, Dr. Spinel, helped him come into terms with what happened in the Martin House. With thanks to counseling and treatment, John accepts that there was nothing supernatural behind the murders and that Amy was only pressured to kill since her parents were too controlling and Father Allred was using old church rituals that were thought to dispel evil. John says that he's not experiencing any nightmares anymore ever since he accepted the truth and wishes to be released in exchange for future appointments with Dr. Spinel.

After reading that, John pops back into the real world and the mirror remains destroyed. Picking up the gun, John steps outside with the backward lettering in mind.


There are five different endings in this game which all depends on what John does with his gun equipped. If John does not grab the gun and walks back to his car, the pale monster ambushes him. Unlike last time, John cannot run away and gets killed regardless of if his crucifix is out or not. You can think of it as the "Sixth Ending" if you will. The game automatically saves when you enter the foyer room with the gun nearby and doesn't save from here on out, giving you the chance to get other endings whenever you want. When you're outside, the forest layout is not randomly generated and stays consistent unless you deviate from the intended path, likely because the demonic influence that affected the forest is receding since Amy is nearly dead.

Notice: If you're hoping to practice Amy's third phase in preparation to complete the "Good Christian Boy" Steam Achievement, it's best to close the game immediately when the cinematic plays of a human arm receding into Amy's face portal since the game will save when she flings out of the window. Chapter I is small and doesn't take too long to beat if you know what you're doing. You can always restart the game to refight Amy again, it takes a couple of minutes to go from standing nearby the car to fighting her in the attic.

Ending 1 of 5: "The Murderer" Ending[]

This is the intended/default ending for any newcomers of the series; shoot Amy and head back to your car.

Traversing the forest to look for Amy, John finds her not too far from the house. This time she's heavily weakened and bleeding profusely from her injuries, no longer able to attack back. Tempted from the backward lettering inside the house, John shoots her in the stomach, killing her instantly. Walking back to his car to drive home, he gets pulled over by a state trooper who heard the gunshot, thinking there were poachers nearby. Approached by the officer, John becomes nervous and uneasy, muttering "I've killed her." When further questioned, he claims that "there was a demon inside her."

Murderer ending

John is taken to Sterling Police headquarters for further questioning, where he confesses to killing Amy. After this, police locate her body in the woods and attribute all of her injuries (gunshot wound to the stomach, injuries from jumping out the attic window, and the hole carved into her face) to John's own doing. Due to his priestly clothing, authorities ask the Catholic Church for comment, but they state that he is not an ordained minister. This arrest was published to the local newspaper the next day, the 22nd, where it reveals that Amy is a seventeen-year-old teenager who has been missing ever since she escaped a mental institution nine days ago, the 13th. Unfortunately, the rest of the article that we're shown is missing.

John's fate is not overtly stated, but we can assume that he is imprisoned for his crimes and won't be released anytime soon.

Currently, with all the notes we've accumulated up to now, it appears that John has never been an ordained minister and seems to be utterly deranged. It gives implication that Amy has never been possessed at all and there wasn't anything demonic going on, even though the things John has seen in the house are supernatural in nature. With other chapters, the truth behind what happened during the exorcism gets revealed, so check the respective wiki pages on those.

Ending 2 of 5: "Father and Son" Ending[]

To get this ending, shoot the Gray Figure who's standing nearby the shed. Don't get too close to it since it'll get startled and runaway; shoot from afar. Don't worry about messing up, the Gray Figure always respawns in the same spot.

Wandering around, John comes across the Gray Figure who's standing nearby a shed. For some reason, John decides to shoot it in the stomach before it can run away, killing it instantly. John hops back into his car and drives back home.

Reciting a Bible verse to calm himself, the pale monster pops up from the backseat. It shouts, "FATHERRRR...!" and slashes John's throat with its sharp claws. As John bleeds profusely and passes away, he loses control of his vehicle and swerves off-road. As the screen fades, we hear a crash.

Fatherandson ending

We, the player, are shown a letter written by Father Garcia and was intended to be a reply for Cardinal Gifford. Garcia respectfully explains Michael needs his help more than ever and that he cannot understand the kind of important work is being done. Garcia goes on to say that great progress has been made with Michael over the past couple of weeks and they cannot let up the fight against the demon afflicting him at such a critical time. Additionally, Garcia gives another reason as to why he cannot let Michael's parents, or the Catholic Church/Vatican see him; the demon is straining Michael's body and should not be released. To make sure there wouldn't be any confusion, Garcia attempts to enclose a picture of Michael taken during one of the many exorcism sessions. Unfortunately, the photograph is missing.

With this letter in mind and looking at the game files, the pale monster is called Michael and will be referred to as such from here on out. The Gray Figure is Father Garcia as well, who seems to be looking around for Michael but has no luck. Their story is more fleshed out in Chapter II, so check the wiki page on that.

Ending 3 of 5: "The Offering" Ending[]

To get this ending, shoot the sacrificed fox.

Looking for Amy, John comes across the sacrificed fox from before. He shoots it and heads back into his car. Speeding away, the atmosphere on the road is off and the trees in the distance are replaced with red-robed people. As more and more appear, there's a particular, red-robed person holding a trident standing in the middle of the road. Behind them is wood ablaze with fire so there's no way he can drive any further or run the person over, so he brakes. Before anything happens, the screen fades to black.

Offering ending

Next, we're shown a letter written by somebody called Gary that was intended to be for Amy. Gary says that he's sorry to hear about her parents' decision and that it's difficult for people to trust what they cannot understand. He states that although she's seventeen, she's an adult and her parents should not dictate her dreams. If she needs help, then he'll be there for her. He brings up that he and other staff members at the clinic are holding a get-together on a Saturday night and wishes she will attend.

Whoever this Gary character is does not have good intentions judging by the ominous music that only plays when reading this (titled 'Gary') and the text is in red, the same color from the other note about performing the Second Death. This is the first time we'll see a cult and they become more prevalent in future chapters.

Judging by Gary's mannerisms, this letter was made shortly before the first exorcism, Sept. 21st, 1986. It's an inconsistency for Gary to call her a seventeen-year-old since, even though we don't know Amy's exact date of birth, the newspaper article from Ending I confirms she turned seventeen by the time she escaped from a mental institute. It would've been accurate to call her a sixteen-year-old.

Ending 4 of 5: "The Hunter" Ending[]

To get this ending, shoot a grazing deer and head back to your car.

In a clearing, John comes across a deer. He shoots it and jumps back into his car. Driving away, he attempts to calm his nerves by reciting a prayer, but a deer suddenly pops up on the road. Just before he crashes into it, the screen cuts out and fades into his car crashed into a tree. He had to swerve off-road to avoid hitting the deer but lost control and hit a tree instead, he's crippled from the crash and bleeding out. There's deer surrounding him, and the atmosphere feels sinister. His crucifix lies a few feet away from him. Just as he's about to crawl to it, one of the deer suddenly rears up on its hind legs and charges towards John while letting out a demonic roar.

Hunter ending

The screen cuts to black and fades to a newspaper article. Titled, "UNIDENTIFIED BODY DISCOVERED NEAR WRECKED CAR", the article is about the discovery of a wrecked car near Snake Meadow Hill Road and the body of someone who has yet to have been identified. A Sterling local found and reported the crash site to the police, and the spokesman from the police comments that body had been dragged deeper into the woods after flinging out of the windshield. It was then that the body was "mangled beyond recognition". Investigators believe that it was the work of coyotes. Police point out that there were parts of a white-tailed deer in the trunk of the car. The article ends that a hunter would've gotten 75 lbs. of meat from a white-tailed deer, but the victim of the crash was only able to carry about 25 lbs. instead.

The ending proves that the forest is cursed and the wildlife there are influenced by something demonic. It's never explained as to why John intentionally separated parts from the deer carcass and harvested into his trunk since he's not known to be a hunter in anyway. He might have done it to not waste meat he could use in the future or somewhat felt bad about shooting the deer. It's hard to say.

Ending 5 of 5: "When Faith Endures" Ending[]

This is the best and canonical ending of the game since it paves way to Chapter II Prologue. To get this ending, make sure you have the gun equipped and walk back to your car. Do not shoot anything.

In a clearing, John spots Amy slumped over and bleeding out from her injuries. Although tempted, John resists the urge from the backward lettering inside the house and decides to head back home. He feels that his work with Amy is done, even though he's intentionally leaving her to bleed out from her injuries in the woodland. Getting close to his car, Michael accosts him and tries to kill him one last time. With no other choice, John shoots him in self-defense. Bleeding and crying in pain, Michael staggers onto the road but suddenly gets ran over by a speeding semi-truck, splatting and killing him instantly.

End of Michael

The screen fades to John driving away from the house. He recites a prayer and pauses briefly, contemplating on what he just experienced. He says that he cannot explain what happened in that house. However, he tries to remain optimistic and says that he can only have faith he did the right thing. He drives away and the game ends on an upbeat note.

When faith endures ending

The screen fades to a newspaper article released the next day, September 22nd. Titled, "POLICE, ANIMAL EXPERTS INVESTIGATE 'CHUPACABRA' REMAINS FOUND NEAR STERLING", the article is about how the Sterling Police Department is requesting the help of animal experts from the University of Connecticut after a motorist found the remains of an unidentified animal, nicknamed "The Chupacabra" by locals, scattered on Snake Meadow Hill Road. The Police initially investigated the scene because the motorist reported of the carcass looking like a human. Arriving at the scene, the Police come into conclusions that it's some kind of animal. A spokesperson for the Police Department states that authorities want to know what kind of animal it is, either an exotic pet or an animal with rabies, so that they can make sure the public is safe. The article ends that, although animal experts are not stating what kind of animal it is, they come into conclusions that the animal was anemic, hairless, and suffered from The Rickets, a Vitamin D deficiency that only occurs in children and animals who do not receive adequate sunlight.

Unfortunately, Michael's case beyond that newspaper article is never brought up again. John survived the horrors of the Martin House and returned to his house alive & well, but the fact that he intentionally left Amy to die in the forest without getting help will haunt him in future chapters. He feels like a complete failure since he felt capable of freeing Amy's possession once and for all. His faith in God and himself has degraded after this experience.

Between the 22nd to the 27th, the series paves way to Chapter II Prologue where John traverses through a vast cornfield and explores the place of his childhood, Snake Meadow Hill Church.

Ch2 prologue


The development of FAITH took approximately three years[1], beginning in December of 2014. The game went through multiple prototypes, and was originally intended to be a high-fidelity, first-person horror game inspired by the cancelled title Silent Hills. A game in the point-and-click adventure style was also considered before the final design was selected. Development began as a personal challenge for the developer, who questioned whether or not basic graphics could be used to deliver horror.[2]

The 1987 setting was chosen to reflect the era of graphics that the game most closely resembled, as well as for being contemporaneous with the United State's "Satanic Panic," and for being a time without modern internet or cell phones.[3] The game's "cutscenes" were created by rotoscoping over live footage that had been scaled to 192x160 resolution (to mimic that of an Atari 2600), drawn at 15 frames-per-second. Amy Martin's long hair was animated by hand.[4]

Airdorf originally intended for the section of the game set within the Martin house to jump between the initial exorcism of Amy Martin and the game's "present day." This idea was abandoned in favor of making the initial exorcism more ambiguous.[5]


The game's developer has publicly cited multiple films and video games as inspirations for FAITH.


  • Duel[6]
  • The Void[7]
  • The Blair Witch Project[8][9]
  • The Neon Demon[10]
  • Paranormal Activity III
  • [REC]
  • The Last Exorcism
  • The Rite
  • The VVitch
  • The Ring
  • Noroi
  • The Conjuring
  • Beyond the Black Rainbow
  • Street of Crocodiles
  • The Exorcist III
House map


Different Variants[]

Like stated previously, FAITH was originally released on three platforms;, GameJolt, and Indie DB. All of these platforms have different versions of FAITH, but they don't majorly affect the gameplay. variant[]

In this version, the note that Michael drops when you dispel him 10 times is the letter written by Cardinal Gifford to Father Garcia. Otherwise, everything is the same. The Unholy Trinity version of Chapter I is based off of the variant because we get this note in the final game.

GameJolt variant[]

In this version, the note that Michael drops when you dispel him 10 times is another note written by Cindy Martin. In the note, she talks about how her friend, Nancy, called her later that night after the twins' birthday party that she spotted a "tall man dressed in dark clothing" chatting to one of the twins outside the house. Cindy expresses concern and worry about the experience because she never noticed during the party. She plans to contact a sheriff about the encounter and wishes Bob was here to help her, not in the Middle East. This note goes unused since The Unholy Trinity is based off of the variant.

Indie DB variant[]

In this version, the note that Michael drops when you dispel him 10 times is a newspaper article titled, "'NAKED WHITE MAN' SPOTTED ALONG STERLING ROAD". The article is about a local called Cherise Wan driving back home from work on a Sunday night witnessing what she thinks is a naked white man running on the side of Snake Meadow Hill Road. She worryingly recounts that it was crawling on all fours, looking like a large white spider. When asked about how she knows it wasn't an animal, the article ends with Cherise's response that it had the face of a human. This note goes unused since The Unholy Trinity is based off of the variant.

Deluxe variant[]

The editor of this page (Screamin' 'n Hollerin') doesn't have FAITH: Deluxe and this section is based off of context clues.

In this version, there are two modes that you can play after completing any ending; Lantern Mode and Flashlight Mode. With each mode respectively, you can only see what's ahead of you from the lantern or flashlight you're holding. Additionally, this version introduces the Mirror Demon secret boss fight and Note #20, John Ward's Request of Release. Otherwise, it's just bug fixes and such. When you buy this Deluxe variant (originally, standalone FAITH was free to download), you get five wallpapers included with the game. Unfortunately, the editor of this page does not have access to these files anymore but vaguely remembers what was included. From best memory, it's an image of Michael standing. The one of him standing is included in the Goodies Folder of The Unholy Trinity.

Michael screen reupload

standalone variants[]

Loading Screens[]

Across all variants of FAITH, there used to be loading screens that depict a gray-scaled, photorealistic version of the Martin House and the shed nearby. These were removed when FAITH: Deluxe and The Unholy Trinity released, likely because it doesn't mesh with the series' art style and load times are a lot faster than before. The photo of the shed is used in the official upload of Chapter I's Soundtrack onto YouTube[15] and later appears in the Goodies Folder. Unfortunately, the house is never seen again. (Fun Fact: A style of using photorealistic pictures was going to be used in Chapter III whenever John has to drive anywhere, but it's scrapped in the final and added in the Goodies Folder instead)

Old loading screen
Shed reupload

Also, not sure where to mention, but you can faintly see what looks like two people standing around the right area of the house. This is more than likely a coincidence, and probably some kind of tree, but you could probably associate this as Nate and Jason. Applying Chapter III's plot detail of the twins in here, the image becomes more unsettling than it already is.

Another loading screen is, "Winners Don't Do Drugs" screen with the FBI logo on it. It's reminiscent of boot-up screens that would display on arcades back in the 80s/90s. It was also reused in Chapter II's standalone boot-up screen. This screen goes unused in The Unholy Trinity because it has its own unique boot-up screen that's reminiscent of a code launching.

Bg CH1 FBI 0

Pause Screen Easter Egg[]

In any version of Chapter I, whenever you pause the game while Michael appears, we see rotoscope animation of him crawling solemnly, shaking his head in pain, crawling jovially, and running upright with a wicked smile. In The Unholy Trinity version, this animation goes unused since the screen pauses as normally regardless of anything happening. (It has been added back into Faith: The Unholy Trinity.)


There's more content left behind in The Unholy Trinity, but they're rather minor and don't hold a lot of weight. If you want to see more unused content besides Chapter I, check the Unused Content wiki page.


