Royal Family: Russian Romanovs Australia’s secret royal prince - and why a century later mystery remains over the Tsars' brutal executions
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Russian Royals: Australia’s secret links to the Tsars, and why mystery remains over the Romanovs' execution, a century on

Sydney’s Double Bay might be one of the most salubrious spots in the harbour city, but it’s a far cry from a lavish Russian royal palace.
However, that’s where a genuine descendant of the country’s renowned last royal family, the Romanovs, who were brutally executed a century ago during the country’s revolution, chose to live.
Prince Michael Andreevich of Russia was the grandnephew of the renowned exiled Tsar Nicholas II, who was slain by Bolshevik leaders with his wife and five children a century ago, on the night of July 16, 1918, in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Tsar Nicholas II from the Russian Royal Family. around the time of his abdication.
Tsar Nicholas II from the Russian Royal Family. around the time of his abdication. (Getty)
Prince Michael Andreevich Romanoff of Russia, third right, was the grandnephew of the notorious exiled Tsar Nicholas II - and lived in Sydney.
Prince Michael Andreevich Romanoff of Russia, third right, was the grandnephew of the notorious exiled Tsar Nicholas II - and lived in Sydney. (Supplied)
And while many interlopers have claimed Romanov heritage over the years, Australia’s Prince Michael was a true descendant.
But the Prince, who was also the great grandson of Russia’s penultimate Tsar Alexander III, was very secretive.
“I don’t think many people realised that we had a direct relation of the Tsar in Australia and he was being a simple citizen,” David Flint, his friend of a decade, told
“He was a man of enormous humility and if you mentioned his background at a public function, as I did at one occasion, you could see he would have preferred if you didn’t.”
Nicholas II Romanov Emperor of Russia, with his son, heir to the throne Alexei Nikolaevic Romanov
Nicholas II Romanov Emperor of Russia, with his son, heir to the throne Alexei Nikolaevic Romanov. (Getty)
Mr Flint knew Prince Michael through his involvement in Australians for Constitutional Monarchy.
It’s no surprise he was involved in the organisation, considering his links to three Royal families.
His parents fled the Russian revolution the same year Tsar Nicholas II and his family were killed, and he was born at the French royal residence, the Palace of Versailles in 1920.
He spent his early years with the British royal family, at Frogmore Cottage in the grounds of Windsor Castle – the new home of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Frogmore Cottage, the new home of Meghan and Harry, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and once home to Prince Michael.
Frogmore Cottage, the new home of Meghan and Harry, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and once home to Prince Michael. (Supplied)
Ipatiev, where the Romanov family was murdered during the night of July 16th to 17th 1918.
Ipatiev, where the Romanov family was murdered during the night of July 16th to 17th 1918. (Getty)
He called King George V - the slain Tsar's cousin, and Queen Mary “aunty and uncle”, according to his obituary.
During the Second World War, his Royal Navy job brought him to Australia, where he worked on aircraft at Schofields and on flying boats at Rose Bay.
But he was known to his workmates, simply as “Mike”.
“I think he felt his place in Australia wasn’t a prince, that he had come to a different life,” Mr Flint said.
“He could have taken advantage of his positon - he could have been a playboy.”
The Prince was the end of the line for Australian Romanovs.
Russia's last tsar Nicholas II 
in 1915 with his wife Tsarina Alexander Fyodorovna and children Prince Alexei and Princesses Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia.
Russia's last tsar Nicholas II in 1915 with his wife Tsarina Alexander Fyodorovna and children Prince Alexei and Princesses Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia. (AAP)
Despite marrying three times, he had a stepson but no children of his own.
He died in 2008, aged 88.
Remarkably, Prince Michael wasn’t the only Romanov who lived in Australia.
Three years ago, Leonid Kulikovsky, 72, died in Katherine, NT.
Nicholas II Romanov (1868-1918)
Portrait of Nicholas II Romanov (1868-1918), wife Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova (1872-1918) and son Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov.
PNicholas II Romanov (1868-1918) Portrait of Nicholas II Romanov (1868-1918), wife Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova (1872-1918) and son Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov. (AAP)
He spent his last days living in a caravan and it was only after his death that his true identity was revealed.
Kulikovsky was a great, great, great grandson of Tsar Alexander III.
Meanwhile, mystery continues to swirl over the remains of the slain Romanovs.
Despite the discovery of all but two of the bodies and their internment at St Petersburg Cathedral in 1998, the Russian Orthodox Church has remained cautious about their identities.
Yekaterinburg where the Romanov remains were found, 1992.
Yekaterinburg where the Romanov remains were found, 1992. (Getty)
Following the 2007 discovery of the remaining bodies - Prince Alexi and Grand Duchess Maria –  tests have continued.
Last year on the eve of the centenary of their deaths, Russia announced DNA from relative Britain’s Prince Phillip had again confirmed the identities.
But the two children remain unburied, kept at a Moscow Monastery.
Paul Gilbert, founder of website Royal Russia said even he is unsure exactly why the church appears unconvinced.
Like many Romanov historians, he is awaiting news on whether the family will now be reunited.
The remains of the romanov family in storage at the bureau for forensic examination, yekaterinburg, russia, 1997.
The remains of the romanov family in storage at the bureau for forensic examination, yekaterinburg, russia, 1997. (Getty)
Scientist Alexei Nikitin,  examines bones of Anna Demidova, the Romanov's servant in 1998. The skull of Nicholas II is second from left on the front table next to the skull of his wife, Alexandra.
Scientist Alexei Nikitin, examines bones of Anna Demidova, the Romanov's servant in 1998. The skull of Nicholas II is second from left on the front table next to the skull of his wife, Alexandra. (AAP)
"Most Kremlin observers agree that the final decision regarding the remains of the Romanovs will be (Russian President) Putin's,” Mr Gilbert told
“It is very likely that a new church would be constructed in their honour in Ekaterinburg.
“For me, it will be closure on one of the darkest pages in 20th century Russian history.”

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