The sangat - The nature of human life in Sikhism - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize

The sangat

Sat sangat means ‘true congregation’. It is the community of people who meet and worship in the in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib, which is the Sikh holy book. The sangat sing hymns together (), meditate on God’s name () and listen to musicians ().

Join the Sat Sangat, the true congregation, and find the Lord. The Gurmukh embraces love for the lord.
Guru Granth Sahib 22

The origins of the sangat

was the founder of Sikhism. As he travelled, he started to gather people together to sing hymns, worship and learn about the and the one true God Waheguru. He referred to these groups as the . Guru Nanak believed that being part of a community would help individuals become closer to Waheguru.

Sikhs believe that the community is a vital part of their personal journey towards God.

Guru Nanak established several practices that led to Sikhs’ belief in the importance of community:

  • Guru Nanak rejected the system and taught about the oneness of humanity. This means that everyone should be treated equally at all times.
  • Guru Nanak invited all people, regardless of caste, religion or gender, to his home for religious singing (kirtan) and collective worship. Everyone sat together in the same room. Members of the different castes would sit next to one another, which was something many people had not done before.
  • Guru Nanak urged people to join this group of individuals, who were all seen as equal, to find God and become .

The role of the sangat

The sangat is formed by any religious people who come together in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib. This can be anywhere, but it mainly happens in the gurdwara.

Image caption,
Sikhs praying together in the Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab, India

The sangat has a variety of roles in today’s society. It has an especially important role in Sikhs working together and performing .

The role of the sangat includes:

  • providing a community for Sikhs
  • enabling Sikhs to worship together collectively in the gurdwara, or in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib in other locations
  • helping with the running of the gurdwara
  • helping to teach children the Punjabi language
  • discussing spiritual matters
  • mediating on God’s name (Nam Japna)
  • helping to provide financial support to both the community and to individuals who need financial help
  • performing sewa
  • helping in the
  • learning and teaching about the history of Sikhism
The Sat Sangat is the school of the soul, where the Glorious Virtues of the Lord are studied.
Guru Granth Sahib 1316

The importance of the sangat

Sikhs believe that being part of the sangat is a very important part of life. It is essential if they are to move through the (the Five Khands). Being part of the sangat allows people to develop spiritually and become more gurmukh.

The sangat is important because:

  • It helps Sikhs to develop spiritually.
  • It brings Sikhs closer together as a community, showing the belief in the oneness of humanity.
  • It provides opportunities for sewa (selfless service). Helping others in the sangat helps Sikhs to keep God in mind at all times.
  • It helps Sikhs to learn about the history of Sikhism.
  • It provides financial support for individuals.
Joining the Sat Sangat, I have found peace and tranquillity; I shall not wander away from there again.
Guru Granth Sahib 818