31 Facts about the movie Hatari! - Facts.net
Marga Mccracken

Written by Marga Mccracken

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Amazon.com

Hatari! is a classic adventure film that was released in 1962. Directed by none other than Howard Hawks, this iconic movie takes place in the wilds of Tanganyika (now known as Tanzania) and follows a group of rugged individuals known as “Hatari,” which means “danger” in Swahili. The film stars John Wayne, who plays Sean Mercer, a professional animal trapper leading a team of fellow animal enthusiasts.

This action-packed movie is not only known for its thrilling chase scenes and stunning wildlife footage but also for its memorable characters and compelling storyline. Hatari! offers a unique blend of drama, humor, and romance against the breathtaking backdrop of the African savannah. So, join us as we unravel 31 fascinating facts about this beloved adventure film!

Key Takeaways:

  • “Hatari!” is a thrilling movie set in Africa, featuring real wild animals and John Wayne’s daring stunts. It’s a timeless classic that captures the excitement of adventure and the beauty of nature.
  • The film’s cultural impact and enduring legacy continue to inspire audiences, reminding us of the thrill of the great outdoors and the importance of respecting wildlife.
Table of Contents

The Name ‘Hatari’

Hatari, which means “danger” or “dangerous” in Swahili, perfectly encapsulates the thrilling and adventurous spirit of the movie.

Release Date and Director

Hatari! was released in 1962 and was directed by the legendary filmmaker Howard Hawks.

The Filming Location

The movie was primarily filmed on location in Tanganyika, which is now known as Tanzania. This decision added an authentic touch to the film’s portrayal of African wildlife.

A Star-Studded Cast

Hatari! boasted an impressive cast, including John Wayne, Hardy Kruger, Elsa Martinelli, Red Buttons, and Gerard Blain.

The Storyline

The movie follows a group of rugged animal trappers in East Africa as they capture animals for zoos around the world. The thrilling adventures and dangerous encounters they face form the backbone of the film’s narrative.

Real Animal Encounters

To add realism to the film, director Howard Hawks used real wild animals, resulting in some tense and authentic on-screen moments.

John Wayne’s Impressive Stunts

John Wayne, known for his fearless on-screen presence, performed many of his own stunts in the film. His dedication to bringing authenticity to the character of Sean Mercer is truly commendable.

The Iconic Theme Song

Henry Mancini composed the memorable theme song for Hatari!, which perfectly captured the essence of the film’s adventurous spirit and became a classic in its own right.

The Oscars Recognition

Hatari! received an Academy Award nomination for Best Cinematography. The film’s stunning visuals and breathtaking landscapes were rightfully recognized by the prestigious award ceremony.

Poignant and Emotional Moments

While the film is primarily an adventure-comedy, it also has its fair share of heartfelt and emotional moments that add depth to the characters and their relationships.

The Successful Box Office

Despite being released during a competitive period, Hatari! was a commercial success, solidifying its status as one of the memorable movies of that era.

Cult Following

Over the years, Hatari! has gained a dedicated cult following, with fans enthralled by its unique blend of adventure, humor, and stunning wildlife cinematography.

The Ostrich Chase Scene

One of the most memorable scenes in the movie involves a thrilling ostrich chase, showcasing the daring and skill of the animal trappers.

The Twists and Turns

Hatari! keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with unexpected twists and turns, ensuring that the audience is captivated throughout the narrative.

The Film’s Comedic Elements

Despite its intense moments, Hatari! also incorporates humor and witty dialogue, providing a light-hearted balance to the dangerous situations faced by the characters.

Authentic African Cultural References

The film pays homage to African culture, showcasing traditional Maasai warriors and incorporating Swahili phrases throughout the dialogue.

Iconic Movie Poster

The original movie poster for Hatari! featuring John Wayne and the African wildlife has become an iconic image associated with the film.

Emphasis on Conservation

Hatari! subtly touches upon the importance of conservation and the need to protect wildlife, highlighting the ethical implications of capturing animals for human entertainment.

Real-Life Animal Trappers as Advisors

To ensure accuracy in depicting the life of animal trappers, Howard Hawks enlisted the help of real-life wildlife experts, who provided valuable insights and guidance during filming.

The Masai Mara National Reserve

Some scenes of Hatari! were shot in the picturesque Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, adding to the breathtaking beauty captured on film.

A Visual Feast

The cinematography in Hatari! is nothing short of spectacular, capturing the vast African landscapes and the magnificent wildlife in all their glory.

Behind-the-Scenes Challenges

Shooting on location in Africa presented numerous challenges, including unpredictable weather conditions, wildlife encounters, and logistical difficulties. However, the cast and crew persevered and delivered a remarkable film.

International Success

Hatari! enjoyed success not only in the United States but also internationally, captivating audiences worldwide with its thrilling story and stunning visuals.

The Bond between the Characters

The camaraderie and deep bond between the characters in Hatari! is an essential aspect of the film, adding depth to their interactions and making the audience emotionally invested in their journey.

A Timeless Classic

Decades after its release, Hatari! continues to captivate audiences with its timeless charm, delivering an exciting and entertaining cinematic experience.

Nominated for a Golden Globe

John Wayne’s outstanding performance in Hatari! earned him a nomination for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy.

Memorable Quotes

Hatari! is known for its memorable quotes, including the iconic line, “You might as well try to wrap the wet towel around a locomotive!

Cultural Impact

Hatari! had a significant cultural impact, inspiring future wildlife and adventure movies while leaving a lasting impression on audiences across generations.

Multiple Exotic Animals Featured

Hatari! showcases a wide array of exotic animals, including elephants, rhinos, zebras, cheetahs, and wildebeests, further enriching the film’s immersive atmosphere.

Recognition in Film History

Hatari! holds a prominent place in film history, standing as a testament to the talent and vision of all those involved in its creation.

The Enduring Legacy

The legacy of Hatari! lives on, inspiring adventurous souls and reminding us of the thrill of the great outdoors and the importance of respecting nature.


Hatari! is a classic adventure film that has captivated audiences for decades. With its thrilling wildlife chase scenes, memorable characters, and stunning cinematography, it continues to be a beloved movie among enthusiasts and casual viewers alike. Whether you’re a fan of African safaris, Steve McQueen’s charismatic performances, or simply enjoy action-packed stories, Hatari! delivers on all fronts.

From the fascinating facts about the production, to the remarkable behind-the-scenes anecdotes, Hatari! is a movie that stands the test of time. Its unique blend of comedy, drama, and suspense creates a captivating experience that keeps audiences entertained from start to finish. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the wild ride that is Hatari!


Q: Who directed the movie Hatari!?

A: Hatari! was directed by Howard Hawks.

Q: When was Hatari! released?

A: Hatari! was released in 1962.

Q: Where was Hatari! filmed?

A: Hatari! was primarily filmed on location in Tanzania, East Africa.

Q: What is the basic storyline of Hatari!?

A: Hatari! follows a group of professional animal trappers in Africa as they capture wild animals for zoos.

Q: Who stars in Hatari!?

A: Hatari! stars John Wayne, Hardy Krüger, and Elsa Martinelli, among others.

Q: Is Hatari! based on a true story?

A: No, Hatari! is not based on a true story. It is a fictional narrative set in an African wildlife capturing operation.

Q: What is the significance of the title “Hatari!”?

A: “Hatari!” is a Swahili word that translates to “danger” or “risk,” alluding to the dangerous nature of the profession depicted in the film.

Q: Did the actors perform their own stunts in Hatari!?

A: Yes, the actors performed many of their own stunts, including the thrilling animal capturing sequences.

Q: Was Hatari! a critical and commercial success?

A: Yes, Hatari! was well-received by both critics and audiences, and it performed well at the box office.

Q: Can I still watch Hatari! today?

A: Absolutely! Hatari! is available on various streaming platforms and can be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates adventure and classic cinema.

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