Repayment Calculator | Credit Cards - HSBC HK
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Credit Card Repayment Calculator

This tool helps to calculate your total repayment if only Minimum Payment Due is paid per statement month or you settle the total balance in 3 years with a fixed monthly payment.
Total Outstanding Balance (HKD / CNY / USD)
$ 1 $ 1000000
Monthly Interest Rate (%)
Prevailing Monthly Interest is 2.65%
(APR for purchase: 35.42%)

Credit Card Repayment Information

Credit Card Repayment Information Table
Details Minimum Payment Due Fixed Payment Amount
Only settle this amount monthly Minimum Payment Due
Estimated time required to pay off the balance (years) 3
Total repayment amount
Total interest paid
Savings by using fixed payment method
  1. The outstanding balance is accrued from purchase only.
  2. Please refer Bank tariff guide for HSBC Retail Banking and Wealth Management Customers to understand details of finance charge.
  3. Assume repayment is made on or before the payment due date of each statement month.
  4. Assume No new transaction.
  5. Assume No annual fee and other fees.
  6. USD Visa Gold Card requires payment of the statement balance in full, illustration above is just for reference.
  7. The APR is calculated based on a set of assumptions as set out in the relevant guidelines referred to in the Code of Banking Practice and the actual APR applied to your card account may be different.

Note: The calculator and the derived results are for reference only. Cardholders should refer to their credit card monthly statements for detailed account information and make payment accordingly.