Protectorate Overview & Examples - Lesson |
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Protectorate Overview & Examples

Logan Etheredge, Jason McCollom
  • Author
    Logan Etheredge

    Logan has tutored for English, Writing, History, and Gender Studies courses at a University level for four years. She has a Bachelors from the University of Richmond and has previously worked at Fortune 5 company, assisting in the revision and previewing of written products. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her cat and studying languages.

  • Instructor
    Jason McCollom

    Jason has a PhD.

Understand what a protectorate is by learning its definition. Learn how a colony was different from a protectorate and discover an example of a protectorate. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a colony and a protectorate?

A colony has no control over its internal affairs and is a part of the same nation as the colonial power. A protectorate continues to be an independent state, with its external affairs controlled by the protector country.

What is a protectorate?

A protectorate is the relationship between two countries in which one nation is the ''protector'' and the other is the ''protected.'' in a protectorate relationship, the protected state maintains control of their internal affairs and relinquishes control of external affairs.

What is an example of a protectorate?

One example of a protectorate is the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba in the 20th century. The U.S. established various international relations for Cuba and in turn, Cuba experienced U.S. military protection.

In international relations, the protectorate definition is a relationship between two states in which one of the states is controlling the other. The degree of control that one state has varies by situation, but in all cases, there is a ''protector'' territory and a ''protected'' territory. The term came to be used in the 19th century but there have been protectorate states throughout history, and many continue to exist today.

Many of the modern protectorate states come from protectorate imperialism. Imperial states such as the United States, France, India, or China use their diplomatic and military influence to control and protect another nation. The controlled nation is under a state of dependency, in which they rely on the ''protector'' nation to manage important external affairs and international relations.

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  • 0:02 Definition of a Protectorate
  • 1:04 Example of American…
  • 2:50 Other Examples of U.S.…
  • 3:49 Lesson Summary

The United States has 14 protectorates around the world today. Its first official protectorate was Cuba. The United States first entered a protectorate relationship with Cuba after defeating Spain in the War of 1898. During the war, the United States took control of Guantanamo Bay. Spain gave the U.S. sovereignty over Cuba until 1902. Under this agreement, the U.S. was not supposed to intervene in internal Cuban affairs. However, U.S. troops occupied Cuba for several years and organized an education system, finances, and other internal affairs.

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Aside from Cuba, the United States has had numerous other protectorate relationships. Notably, this has included the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Panama. The U.S. entered a protectorate relationship with the Dominican Republic after invading in 1916, and occupied the country until 1924. The U.S. shares the protectorate relationship with Britain, France, and Spain. The U.S. is the Dominican Republic's most significant trading partner to this day. Around the time the U.S. invaded the Dominican Republic, the U.S. occupied Haiti. In 1915, the U.S. occupied Haiti and entered a protectorate relationship with the country. The U.S. paid off Haiti's loans and refinanced them through U.S. banks, before pulling out of the country in 1934.

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Many countries are engaged in a protectorate relationship with another nation. In international relations, the protectorate definition is a relationship between two states in which one of the states is controlling the other dependent state. A colony is different from a protectorate state because it is under complete political control by the stronger state. The best way to describe the relationship of the protectorate country to its controlling country is that in a protectorate relationship, the ''protected'' state maintains control of their internal affairs and relinquishes control of external affairs.

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Definition of a Protectorate

There are many similarities between a protectorate and living as a teenager in your parents' house. Both the country and yourself exist in a state of dependency to a more powerful entity. For example, the ruling nation controls the foreign policy of the protectorate, while your parents control how late you can stay out on a Friday night. Additionally, the ruling nation has significant control over the internal affairs of the protectorate, while your parents set ground rules for your behavior in their house.

In more formal terms, we can define a protectorate as a territory or nation controlled by another, more powerful state. Though technically independent, the protectorate is in a state of dependency, with little to no control over its relations with other nations. Some of its domestic and internal activities may also be regulated. However, each protectorate is also unique and shaped by particular historical circumstances. To understand protectorates more fully, let's look at one specific example of a protectorate in American history.

Example of American Protectorate

The first official protectorate of the United States was Cuba, which fell under our governmental umbrella during the administration of President Theodore Roosevelt. In 1898, the U.S. defeated Spain in a conflict called the Spanish-American War. As a result of this victory, the U.S. came to control Spain's former colony, Cuba. This Caribbean island became a U.S. protectorate in 1903 under the Platt Amendment, which as a treaty between the two countries, stated: 'Cuba consents that the United States may exercise the right to intervene for the protection of Cuban independence, the maintenance of a government adequate for the protection of life, property, and individual liberty.'

In real terms, the Platt Amendment meant that, as a U.S. protectorate, Cuba could not sign treaties with any foreign power. It also gave the U.S. the right to oversee and control Cuban finances, leaving European creditors without any reason to intervene in Cuban business. Additionally, the U.S. was given broad leeway in intervening in Cuba's domestic affairs, which led to the creation of a military base at Guantanamo Bay, an installation that still exists today. As such, Cuba became a true protectorate: an independent nation on paper but dependent on the U.S. in matters of finance and foreign policy.

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