The Meaning Behind The Song: Gotta Get Up (Interlude) by Kali Uchis - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Gotta Get Up (Interlude) by Kali Uchis


The Meaning Behind The Song: Gotta Get Up (Interlude) by Kali Uchis


Title Gotta Get Up (Interlude)
Artist Kali Uchis
Writer/Composer Kali Uchis, Josh Crocker, Jeff “Gitty” Gitelman, Harry Rabinowitz, Dave Richmond, Harold Fisher, Martin Kershaw
Album Isolation (2018)
Release Date April 6, 2018
Genre R&B, Alternative R&B, Neo Soul
Producer Josh Crocker, Jeff “Gitty” Gitelman, Midas Touch

When listening to Kali Uchis’ “Gotta Get Up (Interlude)”, the first thing that strikes me is the raw and honest emotion in her voice. The song captures the feeling of reluctance and the struggle to find motivation in our daily lives. It speaks to the universal human experience of wanting to stay in bed and escape reality, but ultimately realizing the importance of getting up and pursuing something real.

The lyrics paint a vivid picture of this internal battle. Uchis sings, “I’m getting tired of sleeping in, but you’re much better in my dreams. The clock is counting down, alarm says: ‘Wake up, now.’ I wanna spend the day in bed, but I gotta get up and get me something real.” These lines capture the conflicting desires to escape reality and find comfort in dreams, while also recognizing the need to face the world and pursue tangible goals.

Personally, this song resonates with me deeply. There have been many times in my life where I’ve struggled with motivation and felt trapped in a cycle of apathy. The lyrics of “Gotta Get Up (Interlude)” serve as a reminder that while it may be tempting to avoid responsibility and hide away, true fulfillment comes from actively participating in life and pursuing meaningful experiences.

What I appreciate about Kali Uchis’ approach to this song is her ability to convey vulnerability and strength simultaneously. The melody and production complement the lyrics perfectly, creating a dreamlike atmosphere that reflects the desire to escape. However, Uchis’ powerful vocals and the song’s underlying rhythm inject a sense of determination and resilience.

The combination of R&B, alternative R&B, and neo-soul elements in “Gotta Get Up (Interlude)” also adds depth to the song. The genre fusion allows Uchis to showcase her versatility as an artist and creates a unique sonic experience. The interlude nature of the song adds to its introspective and contemplative mood, making it a perfect pause within the larger narrative of the album.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning the talented individuals who contributed to the creation of this song. The production was handled by Josh Crocker, Jeff “Gitty” Gitelman, and Midas Touch. These producers bring their expertise to the table, ensuring that the song’s sonic elements and overall impact are as powerful as its lyrics. The collaborative effort of all the writers and composers involved also shines through, creating a cohesive and meaningful piece of music.

“Gotta Get Up (Interlude)” is an integral part of Kali Uchis’ album “Isolation”, which was released on April 6, 2018. The album as a whole explores themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the search for personal freedom. The interlude serves as a reminder to listeners that while the journey may be challenging, it is crucial to keep pushing forward and striving for something real.

In conclusion, “Gotta Get Up (Interlude)” by Kali Uchis is a beautiful and introspective song that captures the struggle between wanting to stay in a dream-like state and the need to face reality. The lyrics, production, and Uchis’ emotive vocals all work together to create a powerful and relatable listening experience. Whether you’re seeking motivation or simply appreciating the artistry, this song holds a special place for those who resonate with its message.


  • Genius – “Gotta Get Up (Interlude)” by Kali Uchis
  • Isolation (2018) – Kali Uchis

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