WATCH: 2023 Ramon Magsaysay Awards ceremony
Ramon Magsaysay Awards

WATCH: 2023 Ramon Magsaysay Awards ceremony
WATCH: 2023 Ramon Magsaysay Awards ceremony
Watch the awards ceremony on Thursday, August 31, at 11:30 am

MANILA, Philippines – The Ramon Magsaysay Foundation honors this year’s awardees on Thursday, August 31.

The award was first given in 1958 to laureates who “demonstrated the same greatness of spirit that then president Ramon Magsaysay has embodied throughout his life.” It is considered Asia’s premier prize and highest honor.

The foundation said in a statement that this year’s awardees “share the same unwavering courage and compassion for the common man that we have been pushing for since then.”

Watch the awards ceremony on Rappler at 11:30 am. –

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