Ideas about Business


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3 strategies for effective leadership, from a former astronaut

What does leadership look like? While there are various approaches to leading a team, many of us land on common questions in the search for an effective leadership style: How can I be there for my team? Do I need to command respect, or earn it? And the most crucial question of all: […]
Posted Dec 2023

The 7 types of people you need in your life to be resilient

For most of us, a major cause of overwhelm at work is the small stuff, or what authors Rob Cross PhD and Karen Dillon call "microstresses." Good news: Your relationships can actually help you stand up to them -- here's how.
Posted May 2023

The unseen forces that can cause your great new idea to crash and burn

How do you get people to embrace a new product, program or concept of yours? Turns out, enticing features and compelling messaging aren't enough, say innovation experts Loran Nordgren PhD and David Schonthal. They share the four frictions that could be getting in the way of your best ideas -- and why they matter.
Posted Dec 2022
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