Brad Pitt's latest GQ cover goes viral because of its funeral vibes | The Straits Times

Brad Pitt's latest GQ cover goes viral because of its funeral vibes

Brad Pitt's face looked unnaturally pale and his eyes appeared blank and staring into space. PHOTO: INTERNET

LOS ANGELES - Once People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive, actor Brad Pitt shocks fans with his latest magazine cover for GQ as he looks like a corpse.

The men's fashion and lifestyle magazine released photos from its upcoming August issue on Wednesday (June 22) on its social media accounts, but online reactions have mostly been of shock at his appearance and the art direction.

One of the top comments on GQ's Instagram post of the cover said: "He looks like a wax figure but slightly melted."

Others were less kind, pointing out the funeral vibes and saying the star of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019) appeared to be posing in a casket or looked embalmed.

His face looked unnaturally pale and his eyes appeared blank and staring into space.

One netizen wrote: "Interview with the fashionable vampire", referencing the actor's 1994 movie, Interview With The Vampire.

Quite a few commenters compared Pitt, 58, to the late Goodfellas actor Ray Liotta, who died in May at the age of 67.

However, there were fans who gushed that the Hollywood star, who has been acting since 1987, still looked hot and added the fire and goat emojis.

The photo shoot for the feature included more portraits of Pitt, all shot by photographer Elizaveta Porodina in the same surreal style.

A film and television writer for British newspaper The Guardian, Stuart Heritage, wrote: "GQ has done a very thorough job of taking one of the world's most photogenic men and making him staggeringly unphotogenic."

In the GQ cover story, Pitt spoke about entering the final stages of his career.

"I consider myself on my last leg," Pitt said. "This last semester or trimester. What is this section gonna be? And how do I wanna design that?"

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