The Meaning Behind The Song: The Ride by David Allan Coe - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: The Ride by David Allan Coe

The Meaning Behind The Song: The Ride by David Allan Coe

The world of country music has given rise to some incredible songs, with powerful lyrics that stay with us long after we’ve stopped listening. One of those songs is The Ride by David Allan Coe, a haunting and poignant track that tells a story of perseverance, struggle, and ultimately, redemption. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind The Ride and the impact it’s had on the world of music.

The Story Behind The Song

The Ride was written in 1983 by David Allan Coe, who was one of the most iconic figures in country music at the time. The song tells the story of a aspiring musician who meets up with a stranger named the “old man” at a bar. The old man claims to have been around during the heyday of some of the biggest names in country music, including Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, and Willie Nelson. He then proceeds to offer some words of wisdom to the young musician, telling him that he needs to live and experience the life of music, no matter how tough it may be.

The inspiration for the song came from Coe’s own experiences as a struggling musician, who had to endure countless hardships and setbacks on his way to success. In his autobiographical book, “The Book of David”, Coe wrote about how he was forced to spend time in prison and was pushed to the brink of suicide at one point in his life. The Ride was his way of expressing the importance of never giving up, no matter how difficult the road ahead may be.

The Lyrics of The Ride

The lyrics of The Ride are hauntingly beautiful and filled with powerful imagery. It’s easy to see why the song has resonated with so many people over the years. Some of the most memorable lines include:

“I was thumbin’ from Montgomery, had my guitar on my back when a stranger stopped beside me in an antique Cadillac.”

“Well, he said, ‘I’ll be honest, son, I don’t like this song.’ ‘Lennon took this country, and made us look like fools.”

“Well, he said, ‘We all are gonna be what we are, son, you can make a big star, and bullsh*t!”

These lines capture the essence of the story that Coe was trying to tell, and they serve as a reminder that success is never easy to achieve, but it’s always worth striving for.

The Impact of The Ride

Since its release in the 1980s, The Ride has become a classic of the country music genre. It has been covered by countless artists and has been used in numerous films and TV shows. The song has also inspired countless musicians to keep pursuing their dreams, no matter what obstacles they may face.

The Ride is particularly poignant for musicians, who understand the struggle that comes with trying to make it in the music industry. As Johnny Cash once said, “David Allan Coe was one of the best songwriters that ever lived, and The Ride is one of the best songs ever written.”

The Meaning Behind The Song

At its core, The Ride is a song about perseverance and never giving up, no matter how difficult life may seem. It’s about pushing through the tough times and doing whatever it takes to achieve your dreams. The old man in the song represents the voice of experience, telling the young musician that he needs to live and experience the life of music, no matter how tough it may be.

The Ride is a song that resonates with anyone who has ever had a dream and faced obstacles in achieving it. It is a reminder that nothing worth having comes easy, and that success is always within reach if we are willing to work hard and never give up.


The Ride by David Allan Coe is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time. Its powerful message of perseverance and never giving up has inspired musicians and music lovers around the world. The song is a testament to the power of music and the importance of pursuing our dreams, no matter what obstacles we may face. So turn up the volume, listen to the lyrics, and let The Ride take you on a journey through the highs and lows of life as a musician.

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