Serenade | Song Texts, Lyrics & Translations | Oxford Song



by Franz Schubert From Swansong (1828) D957

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English source: Jeremy Sams

Softly flowing softly through the moonlight
Here’s my song for you
If you hear its magic music
You must feel it too
See the treetops sigh to you
They’re whispering as they sway
Whispering as they sway
They would hardly lie to you
So hearken to what they say
Hearken to what they say

Nightingales are singing sweetly
Can’t you hear their plea?
Offer up your love completely
Offer it to me

They know how a soul can suffer
They know joy and pain
They know joy and pain
Even when a heart is broken
Love can live again
Love can live again

Listen to the magic music
Soft and slow and sweet
Telling us we should be together
Make my heart complete
Make my heart complete


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…

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