The Best Buddy Rich Songs

Updated May 8, 2024 120 items
Ranked By
753 votes
192 voters
Voting Rules
Vote for your favorite Buddy Rich songs, not just singles and hits.

List of the best Buddy Rich songs, ranked by fans like you. This list includes every Buddy Rich single, but true fans know there are other great songs to vote on besides the radio hits. Music videos and audio videos are included next to each song name, so if you haven't heard it you can listen to it right here on this page. Is one of your favorite Buddy Rich songs missing from this poll? Add it to the list so it has a chance to rise to the top.

List is made up of songs like Kong and Layin' It Down. If the order of this list bothers you, then stick it to the man by creating your own version and re-ranking it. Simply click the "Rerank List" button and you can put the songs in whatever order you like.
Most divisive: High On An Open Mike
Over 100 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Buddy Rich Songs