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Welcome to CIH Asian Pacific Branch

The Chartered Institute of Housing, is the professional organisation for people working in housing. With its headquarters in United Kingdom, it plays a leading role in setting standards in policy formulation, training and education and professional development in housing management. The Asian Pacific Branch acts as the overseas representative office of the Institute.


Message from the Chairman

Dear Members,

Firstly, I am deeply honored to have been elected as the President of the Chartered Institute of Housing Asian Pacific Branch (hereafter referred to as the "CIHAPB"). Building on the successful foundation established by previous Chairmen and Executive Committee, I will continue to do my utmost, alongside the team of this year's Executive Committee, and through the collective efforts of all members, to uphold the mission of the CIHAPB and promote the good professional ethics, education, and training of housing management personnel. The past year marked the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China, while the COVID-19 pandemic also entered a new phase in 2023, with China and Hong Kong moving towards a post-pandemic phase. President Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech on the occasion of Hong Kong's return on July 1, 2022, that Hong Kong is unique and has favorable conditions. Under the precise implementation of the "one country, two systems" policy, the central government fully supports Hong Kong in seizing the opportunities for national development, actively connecting with the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In the future, Hong Kong will face broader development opportunities. Chief Executive Mr. John Lee's Policy Address in 2022 also mentioned that the SAR Government will spare all effort in promoting strategic projects such as the "Northern Metropolis Development Strategy" and integrating them into the overall national development plan. With economic prosperity and technological progress, as well as riding on the future tremendous completion of the smart buildings in the Northern Metroplis areas, the demand for professional and high-quality housing and facility management is expected to grow, and the industry's development space will become even broader.

President Xi Jinping also said, "When young people thrive, Hong Kong thrives; when young people develop, Hong Kong develops." The CIHAPB also understands this principle and has established a new sub-committee, the "Youth Affairs Committee," under the Executive Committee this year. On the one hand, we hope to further attract young talents in the industry, and on the other hand, we hope to provide more and better services to members and the industry by exchanging ideas with more young professionals.

In addition, the CIHAPB will continue to cooperate with the Property Management Services Authority to facilitate and encourage members to acquire their licences from the Authority as early as possible, further enhancing the professional recognition of the property management industry.

Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, in Hong Kong, the CIHAPB will continue to cultivate talents and promote the concepts of "Environment, Social, and Governance" (ESG) in property management to contribute to the construction and reconstruction of livable cities. At the same time, the CIHAPB will continue to expand exchanges with housing management experiences in the Mainland and other Asia Pacific regions, with the aim of mutual benefit and continuous improvement of the industry's professionalism.

In the future, I will continue to work closely with all members to achieve our common goals. I look forward to creating a better future together with everyone!

Thank you all!

Romulus Wong
Chartered Institute of Housing Asian Pacific Branch