Master of Laws (LLM) | NYU School of Law
LLM & JSD Admissions

Master of Laws (LLM)

Take full advantage of NYU Law's extraordinarily wide range of courses to design an individualized curriculum that matches your intellectual and professional interests.

Watch: Mohammed Alismail LLM ‘22 provides two reasons that NYU stands out.


NYU Law's more than 100 full-time faculty members are among the top scholars in their fields and teach a diverse array of courses. Expect these foremost experts to be ready to connect with you individually, advise you about the curriculum, supervise your research and writing, and guide you to opportunities that will maximize your experience in the program.

You'll find several professors—not only one or two—in corporate law, constitutional law, criminal law, environmental law, intellectual property, international law, legal philosophy, and taxation, among other areas. These influential groups of scholars often collaborate on each other's research, contribute significantly to the evolving academic discussion in the field, and comment on policy and proposed regulations.

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Design Your Own LLM

You will choose from 300+ courses to plan a curriculum that meets your intellectual and professional interests. You can choose to specialize in one or two areas, or take a broad range of classes. You also will have the chance to write a paper in close consultation with a professor, or expand a typical research assignment into a master’s thesis. Experienced graduate student advisors will assist in choosing courses to meet your goals.

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Real-World Training

Gain hands-on experience and a lawyering toolkit you'll need for practice. For example, the Graduate Lawyering Program is designed for foreign-trained students to learn US legal skills.

Our simulation courses make you perform legal tasks or conduct mock trials or negotiations. You also can apply for clinics and externships which involve fieldwork. And, in our transactional classes, you'll study the deals that shape New York business; top lawyers who took part in them often help teach the class.

Advanced Certificate in Law and Business

The Advanced Certificate in Law and Business from NYU's Stern School of Business gives you tools to understand the finance and accounting underlying transactions. You can complete it with your LLM degree.

Ideas in Action: Watch Vice Dean Rachel Barkow, who teaches administrative and criminal law, talk about how insights from administrative agencies and her own real world experiences hone her work on criminal justice policy-making.

Intellectual Life

Our centers and institutes convene a calendar events and provide opportunities for you to gain expertise and practical training. Student groups and journals are a great way to connect with JDs and other LLMs, and be a part of smaller communities within the larger Law School.

Career Resources

Get ready for your next career move as you prepare to join NYU Law's network of 40,000+ alumni:

Meet the 2023-24 Faculty Director

Robert Howse

Robert Howse 
Lloyd C. Nelson Professor of International Law

Robert Howse's teaching and research focus on international economic law (trade, investment, and finance) and legal and political philosophy. He is a co-founder and co-convener of the New York City Area Working Group on International Economic Law and serves on the American Bar Association Working Group on Investment Treaties. Read more about Professor Howse