Taurus Horoscope 2021: Key Yearly Predictions

Taurus Horoscope 2021: Key Yearly Predictions

By Denise on 2020-03-24, 23669 views

2021 is going to be a year packed with action for the Taurus because there are a few planets that will unite in this sign. People born in Taurus will find it easier to make compromises and close agreements, so in case they have a problem with their other half, 2021 should help them put it to rest.

Their home life is going to bring them many accomplishments. If they focus on career and want to get a promotion at work, they should have an open mind when it comes to new ideas and opportunities.

Their challenges will arrive from the way they’re dealing with their past and the things that are no longer of importance to their development. It doesn’t matter if they have built on successes that used to bring them the good life, they will still feel unsatisfied if their efforts can’t do anything for their current situation.

It’s important for them to combine their spiritual views with practicality, also to hold on tight to their own values and to use their creativity as much as possible.

Jupiter transiting through Capricorn will put an emphasis on their 9th House through the entire 2021, making them more curious and eager to learn new things, which will have them enlightened and more inspired.

Taurians should use this time period for traveling, writing and even publishing as this will be this cycle’s purpose. It’s very likely that they will also be stimulated to improve their education and to take advantage of any cultural pursuit.

They may even be given the opportunity to be teachers, which will allow them to develop further from a professional point of view. Jupiter’s trine with the Sun during this cycle will bring them self-confidence.

However, this may not be a good thing because they may let things get out of their control if their ego gets too big with all this self-confidence. Major problems may appear because they’re tempted to expand beyond their limits, from either a physical, emotional or financial point of view.

At the same time, their confidence will have them taking risks. It’s important that they carefully analyze every situation in which they’re involved and don’t rush to do anything in order to not end up forcing themselves.

It would be safe for them to just open their mind, try and gain more knowledge on the subjects that interest them, also connect with mentors and teachers. While Saturn is moving into the next of its phases, they will start admitting that they have a need to let go of things in their past that no longer serve them any good.

April 7th is the date in which Saturn ingresses into Aries and transits in the 12th House, where it’s going to be for 2 years after. This time period should be used for letting go of the past, clearing and forgiving so that definite endings are being reached. These endings will indicate a phase of preparations and becoming free so that a better and more comfortable image of the self is constructed.

What to keep in mind

The cycles of eclipses are also very important for knowing the inner self because they make people more attentive to how they should work their relationships and keep the balance between their spirituality and duties.

Such phases are challenging natives to pay great attention at their own attitudes when it comes to matters of duty and loyalty. Just like spiritual masters from ancient times used to say, a lot of work needs to be done before becoming enlightened.

Once this happens, the next things that come are transformations in points of view and different attitudes. Such cycles are great for achieving balance and being more in tune with the surrounding realities.

They should be used to reconcile hopes and dreams. During them, people should be more mindful and aware of their environment. The more they know who they are and what they should do, the more they begin to notice the subtle changes happening to them.

Taurus natives should allow themselves to be both observers and participants, paying attention to their own actions and behavior. When listening to their intuition and soul’s desires, they’re more connected to the Universe and the Divine Source.

By establishing this contact, they can feel more secure in their everyday life. Jupiter spends most of 2021 in the sign of Pisces and the 11th House of groups, friendships and networking in general.

This means the year is one of establishing connections with others, of good luck and new opportunities. Taurus natives will realize how important their friends are to them, not to mention they may join new clubs and organization, volunteer or take part in group activities.

They should be prepared to go out of their comfort zone and to meet new people. Some of their new connections will help them advance in their career, while others will be precious friends, all for the next 12 years.

At the end of the month May and the beginning of the month of June, they will have an auspicious period because the lucky Jupiter will merge with the ruler of the unexpected, which is Uranus.

They may meet someone who will turn their life upside-down, which could also happen in the middle of September, when Jupiter and Uranus are again together in the sign of Pisces.

The 11th House is one of friendship and fun, but also of objectives and goals, so 2021 should be used to define dreams and desires, also what it needs to be achieved in the 12 years that are coming.

Taurians should dream big and at the same time be practical by making long-term plans that are also realistic. They shouldn’t overlook any possibility because, with determination, they can achieve anything.

Taurus love horoscope 2021

Natives of the Taurus sign give a lot of importance to love, so they will do so in 2021 too. Their marriage or relationship may be in trouble, though. Some may go through a divorce, while others may think of it.

This is why they should consider seeing a couples counselor, even if this doesn’t guarantee them that they’re not going to break up. What they should do in order for this to not happen is to go through a deep personal transformation.

Either way, their romantic connection needs to die and to get reborn. They will have to start everything from zero, no matter how stubborn and reluctant to change they usually are.

As a matter of fact, their own issues will come back to haunt them, so they need to deal with the situation as best as they can. On the other hand, they shouldn’t be fearful because anything that’s happening to their relationship at one point, they will manage to solve it until the year is done.

For example, if they break up, a new relationship is sure to come their way, especially if they’re not afraid to hook up with someone who seems to be their most beautiful dream.

When it comes to sociability, it won’t matter if they’re single or involved, they will expand their social circle with many admirers. While things may be rough for them the entire year, they will still see great results while approaching the end of 2021, when they will realize that they have more friends than ever.

More than this, their new acquaintances will be wealthy and successful people, which means they will have to keep their possessiveness and pushiness in control. As a matter of fact, they will be the ones that will be controlled by others, so they need to accept what’s going on.

The singles are very likely to get married after November 11th. Storms will happen to them from a romantic point of view. They will find someone who can provide the luxury they desire.

On the other hand, they should be aware of the fact that all this has a downside, since they may end up being trapped in a golden cage.

The best periods for love in their year are between February 19th and March 20th, June 21st and July 22nd, October 23rd and November 22nd. When it comes to the periods detrimental for romance, these will be between January 20th and February 18th, April 20th and May 21st, July 23rd and August 23rd. These are the times when they need to have a lot of patience.

Taurus career horoscope 2021

The career 2021 Horoscope looks very good for the people born in Taurus, who will be much more efficient at work than in the previous year. They will progress in their career through hard work and determination, which will bring them a promotion or expansion of their business.

Those of them working with land will also gain a lot. Their finances should improve because Saturn will be in the 11th House. All their assets should increase their value, not to mention they may participate at events meant to bring them more money.

However, if they want to make an investment, they should talk to a professional first. After September 14th, they should travel for or participate in religious gatherings.

Taurus health in 2021

When it comes to health, Taurianss seem to have a lot going on in the beginning of 2021. They will not suffer from any disease and be more resistant to stress than ever.

Their mind will also be at peace and filled with positive thoughts. The astral context may bring them some trouble if they don’t pay attention to eat in the healthiest ways.

About the author

Denise, Founder and Editor in Chief

Denise, Founder and Editor in Chief

Denise shows her take on subjects she is passionate about as the Founder and Editor in Chief of TheHoroscope.co and other online projects she is involved in. See profile