Watch The Fall | TV Shows | HBO Max
 The Fall
3 Seasons

The Fall: 

In the drama series made and set in Northern Ireland, Gillian Anderson stars as Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson who is brought in from the London Metropolitan Police to help catch the killer when a murder in Belfast remains unsolved.

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Dark Descent
1. Dark Descent

Gillian Anderson stars as DSI Stella Gibson in the first part of this gripping i...

Darkness Visible
2. Darkness Visible

Gibson’s worst fears are realised as Spector’s murder spree in Belfast continues...

Insolence & Wine
3. Insolence & Wine

As Gibson takes control of the hunt for the serial killer striking against women...

My Adventurous Song
4. My Adventurous Song

When Eastwood’s investigation into Olson’s murder throws open some uncomfortable...

The Vast Abyss
5. The Vast Abyss

The killer’s latest attack gives Gibson renewed impetus and as the net appears t...

The Fall


crime, drama


3 seasons available (17 episodes)

Release Year


Rating information

About this series

In the drama series made and set in Northern Ireland, Gillian Anderson stars as Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson who is brought in from the London Metropolitan Police to help catch the killer when a murder in Belfast remains unsolved.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Gillian Anderson, Jamie Dornan, Bronagh Waugh, John Lynch, Bronagh Taggart

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