Visit Hill House From Netflix's New Series - Deep South Magazine
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Visit Hill House From Netflix’s New Series

Bisham Manor, which stands in for Hill House in Netflix’s new series “The Haunting of Hill House,” is located in Georgia. 

Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more.” – Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House 

Although “The Haunting of Hill House,” currently streaming on Netflix, centers around a family haunted by their short stay in a fixer-upper mansion, it’s Hill House itself that gets top billing in the show. Made famous by Shirley Jackson’s 1959 novel of the same name, this house is up there with Amityville and The Myrtles as one of America’s most notorious haunted houses. Hill House doesn’t exist in real life like the others, but it’s said that Jackson based her ghost story on historical accounts of houses said to be haunted (like Winchester Mystery House in California).

Exterior shots of Hill House in the show are actually Bisham Manor in LaGrange, Georgia. Named for Margaret Pole’s Tudor home in England,  the manor blends a noble English legacy with modern Southern hospitality. Pole was a niece of both Edward VII and Richard III and served as lady in waiting to Catherine of Aragon. The land the manor sits on dates to 1834, when it housed a sawmill and blacksmith shop. From the early 1880s to almost 1940, the property was used recreationally by church and school groups and later Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. The premises were taken over by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1974. The manor was built in the English Tudor style by Newman Construction Company from 1997 through 2002.

Today, Bisham is used for weddings, bridal showers and other community events. UPDATE: Bisham Manor can be seen at 1901 Old Young’s Mill Road in LaGrange. It was once available as an event venue but is now privately owned.

The interior of the home is not seen on “The Haunting of Hill House.” Interiors were filmed at EUE/Screen Gem Studios in Atlanta.

You can also visit Shirley Crain’s mortuary at The Whitlock Inn in Marietta, Georgia. A historic bed and breakfast just outside Atlanta, The Whitlock also has a long history. It was a famous Marietta resort in the 1890s before burning to the ground. The Dobbs family built a Victorian mansion on the property in 1900, and it’s this home that operates as an event and party space.

See more filming locations on Atlas of Wonders

Louisiana Book Festi
  • Miranda Porter / March 6, 2021

    Can you just visit bisham and take a tour through the house