Former Vice President Dick Cheney says he's "deeply disappointed" in many fellow Republicans

Today marks one year since the deadly Capitol insurrection

By Maureen Chowdhury, Adrienne Vogt, Aditi Sangal, Melissa Macaya, Meg Wagner, Melissa Mahtani and Fernando Alfonso III, CNN

Updated 12:46 a.m. ET, January 7, 2022
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6:56 p.m. ET, January 6, 2022

Former Vice President Dick Cheney says he's "deeply disappointed" in many fellow Republicans

From CNN's Jamie Gangel

Former Vice President Dick Cheney leaves the Capitol with his daughter US Rep. Liz Cheney on Thursday.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney leaves the Capitol with his daughter US Rep. Liz Cheney on Thursday. (Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who was on the House floor with his daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney, this morning, said in a statement today he is “deeply disappointed at the failure of many members of my party to recognize the grave nature of the January 6 attacks and the ongoing threat to our nation.”

The former vice president was seen today talking to House members including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff, Jim McGovern and Colin Allred.

Read the former vice president's full statement:

“The importance of January 6th as an historic event cannot be overstated. I was honored and proud to join my daughter on the House floor to recognize this anniversary, to commend the heroic actions of law enforcement that day, and to reaffirm our dedication to the Constitution. I am deeply disappointed at the failure of many members of my party to recognize the grave nature of the January 6 attacks and the ongoing threat to our nation.”


1:51 p.m. ET, January 6, 2022

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle need to "step up" and tell the truth about Jan. 6, Rep. Neguse says

From CNN's Elise Hammond

A year after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, politicians need to "step up and say the truth" about what happened, Democratic Rep. Joe Neguse said, reflecting on the polarizing environment that persists in politics.

Neguse told CNN that lawmakers of both parties came together during the riot. He said Republican representatives, just like everyone else, were "very worried about their own safety, the safety of their staff, and ultimately, the safety of our republic."

"There was a moment there where I thought we all would come together and do what was necessary to safeguard our republic," Neguse said. "Unfortunately, former President Trump still very much has a stranglehold on much of the Republican party as it exists today."
"It will be a long road ahead. It will take people to step on both sides of the aisle to step up and say the truth on Jan. 6," he added.

He said some of his colleagues know better, but continue to "perpetuate these lies and misinformation."

Neguse praised the Republicans who spoke out against the attacks in the days that followed, notably Rep. Liz Cheney, but added there is still "a long road ahead."

He said he hopes the Jan. 6 select committee uncovers the truth in their investigation and encouraged members from both parties to participate in the process.

"The environment here, as you know ,couldn't be more polarizing. To some extent, this existed before Jan. 6, but it has accelerated in ways none of us could imagine," he said.

Watch more from his interview:

1:22 p.m. ET, January 6, 2022

CNN reporter describes what she experienced inside the Capitol building one year ago

From CNN's Daniella Diaz

One year ago today, CNN Capitol Hill reporter Daniella Diaz planned to work the overnight shift to assist with covering the election certification process, but in a shocking turn of events, Diaz was inside the Capitol building during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot.

"Today is a day of remembrance," she said. "I've pushed a lot of what happened on Jan. 6 out of my mind to help me cope, but photos helped me recall how I felt that day when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol because they believed the Big Lie, that the 2020 election was stolen from him."

"It wasn't just lawmakers in the building — there was staff in the building, those who keep the Capitol running. There were custodians and cooks. There were reporters, like me, who came to the Capitol to do their job and inform the public. Folks with families, folks who have people who love them," she added.

Ahead of today's anniversary, Diaz wrote a firsthand account of what happened in a Twitter thread. In it, she recalled seeing a crowd of protesters coming closer and closer to the Capitol building before it was breached. Diaz and staffers were then in lockdown in a room on the House side of the Capitol for "several hours."

"There was nothing to eat and I was starving. Then hours later police came and told us we only had 5 minutes to evacuate the Capitol," Diaz recounted on Twitter.

Diaz was then evacuated to a separate Capitol building where "we stayed hours in an undisclosed location until we were cleared to return to the Capitol. I was offered leftover pizza by a Capitol staff member — my first real meal of the day — around 4 pm. I’m still incredibly grateful for that, otherwise I wouldn’t have eaten that day."

Diaz stayed at the Capitol until the election was certified:

"It took hours but the joint session resumed & the election results were certified. It was 4:30 am on Jan. 7 & I wanted to go home but the city was locked down and it was impossible to find a ride," Diaz recalled on Twitter.

You can read her full account here:

1:31 p.m. ET, January 6, 2022

Lawmakers stuck in House gallery on Jan. 6 provide lunch to USCP officers and Capitol workers 

From CNN's Annie Grayer and Elise Hammond

US Rep. Dean Phillips helps distribute lunch to Capitol workers on Thursday.
US Rep. Dean Phillips helps distribute lunch to Capitol workers on Thursday. (Annie Grayer/CNN)

The group of lawmakers who were trapped in the House gallery on Jan. 6, who call themselves the gallery group, have partnered with World Central Kitchen to give lunches to workers at the Capitol including Capitol police. 

Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips told CNN said 800 Capitol police and Capitol staff were invited to the lunch.

He said they are "unheralded, underappreciated or unrecognized for what they do every day – but particularly on that day – to save us, to save the Capitol, and to give us another day to do what's right."

Phillips added that Jan. 6, 2021, was an awful day not just for members of Congress, but also for those who worked at the Capitol.

12:26 a.m. ET, January 7, 2022

Former VP Dick Cheney is with Rep. Liz Cheney on the House floor as lawmakers remember Jan. 6

From CNN's Annie Grayer and Melanie Zanona

Former Vice President Dick Cheney was on the House floor with his daughter US Rep. Liz Cheney, seen at top center, on Thursday.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney was on the House floor with his daughter US Rep. Liz Cheney, seen at top center, on Thursday. (House TV)

Former Vice President Dick Cheney was on the House floor with his daughter Republican Rep. Liz Cheney ahead of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's remarks on the one-year anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

They were in a group talking to members including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff, Jim McGovern and Colin Allred.

“We were very honored by his being there. He has a right to be on the floor as a former member of the House. I was happy to welcome him back, and to congratulate him on the courage," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said of Dick Cheney’s presence in the House chamber today.

She declined to answer a question about her thoughts on no other Republicans being present in chamber today, saying, “You’ll have to ask them.”

Liz Cheney is vice chair of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection.

12:26 p.m. ET, January 6, 2022

Pelosi: Police officers and other lawmakers ensured that the insurrection ultimately failed

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks on Thursday.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks on Thursday. (House TV)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi honored law enforcement officers and congressional staff who battled rioters during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.

"That day and the days after, they were the defenders of our democracy and their courage and patriotism remain an inspiration," Pelosi said.

"Because of them, Congress was able to defeat the insurrection, to return to the Capitol that same night to ensure the peaceful transfer of power took place. Because of them, and our members, the insurrection failed," she continued.

She also lauded lawmakers for following through on their duty to certify the Electoral College vote in the early hours of the morning after the riot.

"There have been continued assaults on our democracy, undermining the sanctity of the vote and the integrity of our elections, which are the basis of our democracy. Let us be true to vision of our founders, who brilliantly established our democracy and made it a model for the world," Pelosi said.

She acknowledged fallen officers and held a moment of silence.

5:09 p.m. ET, January 6, 2022

House holds moment of silence to mark lives lost in Capitol insurrection

(House TV)
(House TV)

A moment of silence was held in the House of Representatives to mark the lives lost in the Capitol insurrection one year ago.

Four people died during the attack as rioters vandalized the building and assaulted police officers. One woman was fatally shot by police and three people died of apparent medical emergencies.

US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes one day after responding to the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol, Washington DC's chief medical examiner determined. The medical examiner, Francisco Diaz, didn't note any evidence that Sicknick had an allergic reaction to chemical spray or list any internal or external injuries, according to The Washington Post, which first reported the ruling. Still, Diaz told the newspaper that "all that transpired" on Jan. 6 "played a role in his condition."

Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly identified the number of fatalities in the insurrection. It was four.

Read more about what happened that day here.

11:29 a.m. ET, January 6, 2022

Schumer: While the "poisonous mob mentality" of Jan. 6 lives on today, democracy is stronger

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer speaks on the Senate floor on Thursday.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer speaks on the Senate floor on Thursday. (Senate TV)

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer warned that the "mob mentality" of Jan. 6, 2021, continues today on the one-year anniversary of the Capitol attack, and it "can become poison" if it's allowed to fester.

"The warnings of history are clear. When democracies are in danger, it often starts with a mob. That's what happened a year ago here in this building," Schumer said on the Senate floor.

"The mob can start out as a small number, but if it's allowed to grow and leaders egg on the mob, encourage it, it can become poison. That is what Donald Trump is doing," he said.

"The poisonous mob mentality lives on today in the threats against election workers, poll workers, even other public servants like school board members and health workers. This is what erodes a democracy," Schumer said.

Schumer said that democracy is "stronger" than a mob, "as long as we speak out, as long as we act."

Schumer also recounted his personal experience in the Capitol last year. He said he was "within 30 feet of these nasty, racist, bigoted insurrectionists," adding he was told later that some made an anti-Semitic comment about him.

"And I saw something that I've been told later never happened before, the Confederate flag flying in this dear Capitol. That's just one of many searing, grotesque images of that unimaginable, most un-American day," he said.

Schumer urged others to "call it what it is" and speak the truth about the Jan. 6 attack.

"Too many, often depending on their allegiances, seem desperate to sweep the memory of Jan. 6 under the rug. Too many are working to rewrite the history of what happened, to downplay or excuse or even defend the mob, to excuse an insurrection of this very Capitol. ... We have an obligation not to let that happen, because history shows us when you ignore or paint over this kind of violent action, it will recur often in worse form than it had originally," Schumer said.

Schumer called on lawmakers to pass voting rights legislation as localities put voter restrictions into place.

"Just as the big lie inspired the attack of Jan. 6, the big lie continues like a disease across state legislatures throughout the country, where we're seeing the most restrictive voter suppression efforts since Jim Crow, since Jim Crow, in 21st-century America, turning the clock way back," he said.

11:22 a.m. ET, January 6, 2022

There are no specific threats at US Capitol complex, Senate Sergeant at Arms says

From CNN's Whitney Wild

On the one-year anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection, the Senate Sergeant at Arms told Capitol Hill employees that the office is not aware of any specific threats to the US Capitol complex or Senate state offices. 

“The SAA and U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) will continue to monitor and communicate with local and federal law enforcement partners,” according to the email from the Senate Sergeant at Arms on Thursday.

The email also reminds employees of the Senate Employee Assistance Program, which can help with lingering trauma. “Experiencing and witnessing events similar to and from January 6, 2021, can be universally challenging,” the email says.