Urban Dictionary: Ace in the Hole
any thing advantageous one keeps hidden until the right moment to use it. This is a play on playing cards, in which the Ace is the highest ranking card.
"Viagra was my uncle's Ace in the Hole with this girl last night. Ugh... -_-"
by Tarrell Bets January 23, 2004
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The ace in the hole means you have an ace in one of the spots in solitaire (normal)
Why are you playing solitaire. it dumb
by Xbox360IsBetter March 2, 2021
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A family-friendly synonym for sexual intercourse. Appropriate for school, work, and church.
Steve: "That was a great sermon... how was last night?"
Me: "I had my ace in the hole. It was amazing... but certainly not as amazing as Christ's love for us."

Principal: "Good morning Miss Daisy, how was your date with Mr. Rodman yesterday?"
Miss Daisy: "Oh, he's such a handsome gentlemen. We finished with his ace in the hole."
by Yahoo! Answers Phil J November 6, 2009
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Dawg, main man, buddy, the guy that always agrees with you.
by Zach G. October 28, 2003
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ace in the hole can be a term used to describe transvestites
Tom: Did you bang that chic from last night?
Bob:Nah she was a he, had an ace in the hole.

"That chic i went home last night was really a dude."
"Ah, an ace in the hole."
by NEM@SER April 23, 2009
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"Rammer, you Ace-Hole."
by Mongo February 22, 2005
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another way of saying asshole, often applied to a golf player when that player is a sore loser.
Person 1: Dude, you lost. Accept it, ace-hole.
Person 2: Fuck you!
by aman13 March 14, 2010
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