Blog - Aquaponics News, Projects, and Education - Go Green Aquaponics

Go Green Aquaponics Blog

Create your own sustainable mason jar aquaponics system with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to select the right materials, set up your system step-by-step, and maintain a healthy balance for both fish and plants. Perfect for DIY enthusiasts and those looking to add a green touch to their home.

In flood and drain or media-based aquaponics systems, it is essential that correct and continuous water flow is maintained for the fish and plants get enough amounts of nutrients, and the bell siphon is the device that is responsible for regulating the flow of the water in the entire system.

Discover the best fish for warm water aquaponics systems, including tilapia, catfish, carp, bass, and perch. Learn about their benefits, growth rates, and compatibility to optimize your sustainable food production.

Within an aquaponics system is a delicate ecosystem composed of fish, bacteria, and plants. For everything to work perfectly, each part of the system must be balanced and healthy. Fish are required to be healthy to produce ammonia that is converted by the bacteria into nutrients for the plants.

Learn how to grow mint in an aquaponics system with our comprehensive guide. Discover the benefits, from sustainable gardening to fresh culinary delights. Get tips on planting, maintenance, harvesting, and using homegrown mint for a flavorful and aromatic experience.

Learn how to protect your system from the cold, select the best winter plants, and embrace sustainable gardening year-round. Create a thriving, eco-friendly garden even in the coldest months. Read our guide now!

One type of aquaponics system that is popular with DIYers and aquaponics beginners is the barrel aquaponics system or barrelphonics. A barrel system will allow you to delve into aquaponics with little space available and without spending too much money.

Dive into the world of aquaponics and explore its benefits. From reduced water usage and chemical-free produce to economic advantages and community empowerment, discover how this farming method is transforming agriculture for a greener, healthier future.

Explore the essential methods and considerations for cycling new aquaponics systems in our comprehensive guide. Learn the importance of patience, monitoring water quality, and troubleshooting common issues for successful ecosystem establishment.

Discover how to choose the perfect location for your aquaponics system with our comprehensive guide. Explore essential considerations, practical tips, and expert advice to ensure the success and sustainability of your aquaponics venture.



Elevate your aquaponics system with ornamental fish! Discover the visual appeal, ecosystem benefits, and joy of raising vibrant fish alongside your plants. Dive into sustainable aquaponics gardening today!

Learn how to identify and overcome iron deficiency in aquaponics systems. Discover preventive measures, treatment options, and real-life examples to ensure thriving plant growth and sustainable food production.

Explore the debate between outdoor and indoor aquaponics systems in our comprehensive guide. Discover the advantages, challenges, and key considerations to help you make the best choice for sustainable food production.

Discover the wonders of organic aquaponics gardening! Learn how to cultivate a thriving ecosystem, from balancing fish and plant ratios to enjoying delicious homegrown produce. Dive into sustainable practices and share the abundance with friends and family. Start your journey towards sustainable living today

Discover effective strategies for identifying, preventing, and remedying odors in aquaponics systems. Learn how to maintain a clean and thriving ecosystem for fish and plants with our article.

Discover the top plants suited for NFT aquaponics systems in our comprehensive guide. From leafy greens to flowering varieties, learn how to optimize your aquaponics garden for sustainable and bountiful harvests.

Explore the necessity of artificial grow lights in aquaponics greenhouses. Learn how to optimize natural light, supplement with artificial lighting, and consider factors like geographic location and crop requirements for sustainable and productive crop cultivation.

Discover the role of sump tanks in aquaponics systems. Learn how these reservoirs enhance water management, system stability, and nutrient availability, and whether they are essential for your sustainable farming setup.

