Best Primary Care Physicians in Indianapolis, IN - Family Medicine Doctors | Healthgrades

Best Primary Care Physicians and Family Medicine Doctors in Indianapolis, IN

We found 767 Family Medicine Specialists in Indianapolis.

Patient Favorite Award
The Patient Favorite badge is awarded to only the top 2% of providers who surpass average ratings, comments, and patient experiences. Read our full methodology about Healthgrades Choice.

Top Primary Care Physicians in Indianapolis

We determine the top options by looking at a combination of experience, satisfaction ratings, hospital quality scores, distance, and appointment availability.

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Highest Rated Primary Care Physicians in Indianapolis

Learn more about our methodology for highest rated healthcare professionals.

Family Medicine near Indianapolis

Family Medicine Specialists in this region have an average rating of 4 stars and have at least 1 or more past patient ratings, so you can be confident that these providers have the experience that you are looking for.

4.0average rating

The average rating for Primary Care Physicians in Indianapolis is 4.0 stars. The national average is 4.0 stars.

18Patient Favorite doctors

There are 18 Primary Care Physicians who have met the standards to be designated as Patient Favorite doctors.

767within 10 miles

There are 767 Primary Care Physicians located within a 10-mile radius of Indianapolis, IN.

4award winning hospitals

There are 4 hospitals in the Indianapolis area that have won at least one Healthgrades Hospital Quality Award.

Find the Best Family Medicine Specialists in Indianapolis, IN

Primary Care Physicians Affiliated with Award Winning Hospitals in Indianapolis

Learn more about our methodology for affiliated healthcare professionals.

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    Find Award Winning Hospitals near Indianapolis

    We evaluate hospital quality based solely on performance and clinical outcomes. See more award winning hospitals in and around Indianapolis.

    • View All Quality Award Winning Hospitals around Indianapolis, IN

      Quality Award Winners

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