Meaning of Pongamos que hablo de Martínez by Jorge Drexler

Meaning of Pongamos que hablo de Martínez by Jorge Drexler

July 24, 2023
Meaning Interpretation
Pongamos que hablo de Martínez
Jorge Drexler
0:00 / 1:37

"Pongamos que hablo de Martínez" by Jorge Drexler is a song filled with gratitude and appreciation towards someone named Martínez. The lyrics tell a story of the narrator's journey and the impact that Martínez had on their life.

In the first verse, the narrator reminisces about a night spent with Martínez in Montevideo, Uruguay. They recall closing four bars together and watching the sunrise. Martínez is portrayed as someone who believed in the narrator's potential for success and adventure. The line "Y al regresar del baño, ¿quién no te creería?" (And upon returning from the bathroom, who wouldn't believe you?) suggests that Martínez had an air of credibility and charm.

The second verse reflects the narrator's decision to follow Martínez's advice and move to Madrid with their guitar and songs. They describe themselves as "preso en mi alegría diletante" (imprisoned in my dilettante joy), indicating a sense of being caught up in their own happiness and passion. Martínez's counsel to pursue this delirious dream is highlighted.

Throughout the song, the narrator expresses deep affection for Martínez, stating that they love them more than they express and see them less than they desire. Martínez is credited with gathering a group of like-minded individuals along the way, likened to a pack of thirsty souls that were picked up on the road.

In the chorus, the narrator acknowledges that it has been 22 December nights since the fateful evening that sealed their fate. The song itself is described as a belated but sincere token of gratitude. The lyrics state that Martínez's gift changed their entire life.

In the second chorus, the narrator mentions specific accomplishments that they attribute to Martínez. They credit Martínez for the creation of "La Milonga del moro judío" and another tour in Madrid where they learned valuable lessons and experienced countless adventures. The line "Tengo el detalle de camuflar tu apellido" (I have the detail of disguising your last name) implies that the narrator deliberately hides Martínez's identity as a way of honoring and protecting them.

Overall, "Pongamos que hablo de Martínez" is a heartfelt acknowledgement of the profound impact that Martínez had on the narrator's life. It showcases gratitude, love, and appreciation for a person who believed in them and contributed to their personal and artistic growth.

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