14 Awesome Things to Do in Takayama: The Complete Guide - The Froggy Adventures

14 Awesome Things to Do in Takayama: The Complete Guide

Nestled in the northern Japan Alps, the town of Takayama is the perfect place to unwind and immerse yourself in Japan’s traditional culture.

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Things to do in Takayama

Tucked away in the gateway of the Japanese Alps, Takayama is the town that made us fall in love with Japan.

So much so, that we’ve visited Takayama three times.

But unlike other destinations out in the mountains of rural Japan, you don’t need a car to see the best of Takayama.

In this guide, we’ll share all the best Takayama tourist spots and the best things to do in Takayama.

14 Awesome Things to Do in Takayama

Takayama has something for you no matter what type of traveler you are. Whether you’re into temples, food, or just want to play and have fun, Takayama has you covered.

Sanmachi Street in Takayama Japan

Hida Folk Village


Hida Folk Village – Google Maps

Cost: ¥700 (Adults), ¥200 (Children ages 6-15)

The Hida Folk Village provides a view into how the people of the mountains of Japan used to live. This open-air museum is home to over 30 traditional houses from the Hida region, preserved in a picturesque setting.

Thatched roof houses at Hida Folk Village with the backdrop of Takayama's mountain range

The wooden houses in the village date back as far as the 1600s. Many have displays inside, showcasing the tools and everyday items used back then. Walking through the houses is like taking a step back in time.

There are many interesting things to see in Hida Folk Village, especially if you want to learn what life was like during Japan’s Edo period.


Want a Guided Tour? A private tour by a local can help you learn how the people of Japan lived in the mountains. Get Hida Folk Village Tour Tickets here.

When we visited Hida Folk Village, we thought we would be in and out of it within an hour or so. But we were there for over three hours!

Each house in Hida Folk Village is unique. For example, one house has an entire exhibit on making silk, including the tools used. Another house is a blacksmith’s house, showcasing the iron tools used during the era.

House in Hida Folk Village

Visiting Takayama in late May? Check out the Takayama Jazz Festival at Hida Folk Village.

Takayama Old Town Streets

Sanmachi Street

In the center of Takayama’s old town, Sanmachi Street stands frozen in time. Lined with wooden merchant houses from Japan’s Edo period, it’s a charming representation of what a Japanese castle town was like.

Traditional wooden storefronts lining the atmospheric Sannomachi Street, illuminated by lights as dawn approaches.

During the day, the street opens for business with eateries, cafes, souvenir shops, and sake warehouses.

It’s a fun place to explore for a couple of hours to check out what’s in the shops, hop into a restaurant, and sample some sakes.


Sanmachi Street is a popular spot to take photos next to the Edo buildings. Go early in the day to get a photo without all the crowds.

Homeitaigumi Preservation Area

On the north side of Takayama’s Old Town, you’ll find a quaint area with beautifully preserved edo-era buildings. Homeitaigumi Preservation Area is home to traditional houses that serve as museums of what the buildings from Japan’s Edo period looked like.

Homeitaigumi Preservation Area in Takayama Japan
Woman sits on street at Homeitaigumi Preservation Area in Takayama, Japan

Unlike Sanmachi Street, Homeitaigumi stays quiet all day long if you’re looking for a more peaceful area.

Explore Takayama on a Bicycle

Riding bicycles in Takayama

It’s no secret that we love exploring new areas on two wheels. While you might think that the Japanese countryside is wide and spread out, the town of Takayama is quite dense and is more of a small city than a remote town.

Takayama is an awesome town to bike around, and it’s safe to ride and park your bicycle almost anywhere.

Renting a bicycle makes it way more efficient to travel around Takayama to go sightseeing.

Here are two places in Takayama where you can rent bicycles:

Higashiyama Walking Course

The Higashiyama Walking Course is a 5.5 km hike through many of Takayama’s temples and shrines. The course starts and ends at the Takayama Museum of History and Art and circles the eastern side of Takayama.

Higashiyama Shinmei Shrine

The highlight of the walking course is the Higashiyama Temple Area, an area with 2 shrines and 10 temples all next to each other.

If you’re on a tight schedule, you can walk through the Higashiyama Temple Area in less than an hour.

Higashiyama Soyu Hondo Temple

If you choose to do the entire walking course, it also circles Shiroyama Mountain, where the Takayama Castle Ruins are located.

Miyagawa Morning Market

Located along the Miyagawa River, the Miyagawa Morning Market is our favorite place to grab a snack.

Every morning, stalls are set up along the Miyagawa River. The market sells everything from prepared foods to souvenirs and trinkets. The market also has all sorts of local snacks, from mochi to sweets, wrapped up so you can take them home (or eat them right there!).

Purchasing snacks at Miyagawa Morning Market

When we visited the morning market, we went down to the riverside to relax while enjoying our snacks. It’s an awesome way to start the day.

Eating snacks at Miyagawa Morning Market river
Takoyaki at Miyagawa Morning Market in Takayama, Japan

Jinya-mae Morning Market

The Jinya-mae market is a little different than the Miyagawa Market. It has more of a farmers market feel. It doesn’t have any snacks or prepared foods, instead, it is more of a traditional market where local farmers sell their produce and products.

Jinya-mae morning market in Takayama

The Jinya-mae market is located right outside of Takayama Jinya, so if both those places are on your list, you can go to the market and then head into Takayama Jinya for a tour of an Edo-period government building.

Go Back in Time in a Retro Museum

Are you looking to enter a portal into the Japan of yesteryear? Takayama has not one, but two retro museums!

Takayama Shōwa-kan Museum

The Takayama Shōwa-kan Museum aims to recreate scenes from Japan’s Shōwa era. While the Showa period lasted from 1926 to 1989, the museum has a distinct 1950’s vibe.

Takayama Showakan Museum

The Showa-kan Museum has several themed rooms, including a barbershop and a doctor’s office.

The entire museum is decorated with authentic vintage items. It’s so detailed that you would need to spend an entire day there to get a good look at everything.

Takayama Showakan Museum classroom

The best part is that photos are encouraged in the museum – we had tons of fun playing dress up in the theme rooms and taking photos and videos of ourselves.

Takayama Retro Museum


Hida Takayama Retro Museum – Google Maps

Cost: ¥800 (Adults), ¥500 (Children)

The Takayama Retro Museum is more of a hands-on place. It has retro arcade games and toys everywhere.

The best part? Playing with everything in the museum is encouraged! It’s an awesome place to get lost in an old video game or pinball machine.

Takayama Retro Museum

Takayama Shōwa-kan Museum Versus Takayama Retro Museum

If we had to choose only one, we would go to the Takayama Shōwa-kan Museum.

The Takayama Shōwa-kan Museum has more interactive sets, while the Takayama Retro Museum is more of a retro arcade.

The Takayama Retro Museum is a little more cramped and chaotic at times since it tends to attract families with children. But if you have children and want to take them to a fun place to play for an hour or two then the Retro Museum is a better choice.

takayama retro museum vs showakan museum

Learn About Takayama’s History

The Hidatakayama Town Museum documents the creation of Takayama as a castle town and the art and traditions of Takayama.

If you’re spending a few days in Takayama then the museum is a great first stop to get acquainted with the town. And best of all, it’s free to visit!

Takayama Jinya is an old government building and another place to get familiar with Takayama’s past. The building’s interior is beautiful. The floors are covered with tatami mats so you must remove your shoes before entering. It also has a serene Japanese garden.

Takayama Jinya entrance
Takayama Jinya Japanese Garden

Takayama Festival

Takayama Festival Spring Floats

We are a bit obsessed with Takayama if you can’t tell already. So much so, that we visited it for a third time just to attend Takayama Festival!

Takayama Festival dates back to the late 1500s and consists of two distinct festivals: one in spring, and another in autumn.

The spring Takayama Festival happens every year on April 14 and 15, while the autumn festival happens on October 9 and 10.

One of the main characteristics of the Takayama Festival is the highly decorated floats that parade around town. During the spring festival, 12 floats parade around the city, while the autumn festival has 11 of its own floats.

People from all over Japan come to Takayama for the festival. We met a friendly Japanese couple who drove from Hiroshima to attend the festival. They provided us with a crucial tip – get the mannequin show early since it gets packed!

We celebrated the festival all day into the night. And the highlight of the festival? The night parade!

Takayama Festival Night Parade

When the sun sets, the floats parade around the town with lanterns. Each float has a few dozen lanterns that are unique to that float.

Takayama Festival Night Parade lanterns

Something that caught us by surprise was even though these floats were ten times older than anyone in the parade, they were still sturdy enough to carry people in them!

Children sat on the tops of the floats, waving and smiling at everyone. Chloe was so jealous – she’s never been carried around in a float!

Takayama Festival children in floats

Some of the floats from the Takayama Festival are on display year-round! The Takayama Matsuri Yatai Kaikan museum displays four floats used in the autumn Takayama Festival.

Takayama Castle Ruins

A fun little adventure right in Takayama is the hike up to Shiroyama mountain. Shiroyama Mountain is the site of the former Takayama Castle. The only remains of the castle are some of its stone foundations.

However, if you walk up to the castle ruins you will see an epic view of the Japanese Alps, so it’s still worth the trip up there.

View of Japan Alps from Takayama Castle

And if you are fortunate – you may come across Japan’s wild good luck charm – the Kamoshika.

Parks in Takayama

Shiroyama Park

Shiroyama Park in Takayama

Shiroyama Park is within walking distance of Takayama’s old town and has an awesome view of the city. The park has a large field, a small store, clean restrooms, and a children’s playtoy. We came through this park once to overnight in our campervan and another time to hike to the Takayama Castle Ruins.

Shoren-ji Temple in Takayama Japan

Kitayama Park

We visited this park because we had extra time on our hands and thought: Why not! Going to Kitayama Park is an awesome way to escape the business of Takayama’s Old Town.

The walk to the park is a relaxing stroll up a hill, through a neighborhood, and up a road with some small-scale farming.

The park has an awesome view of the city, a cemetery, and a small children’s playtoy. There is also a cafe which we tried to visit but were told was closed for an event.

View from Kitayama Park in Takayama

Overall, Kitayama Park is something we would not visit again, but it was a relaxing way to escape the normal tourist path in Takayama. If you feel like visiting a park in Takayama, we recommend visiting Shiroyama Park instead.

Visit a Traditional House

Takayama’s traditional houses are beautifully preserved in the Homeitaigumi district. Today, the Yoshijima and Kusakabe houses give you an idea of what life was like for wealthy Edo-era merchant families.

We visited the Kusakabe House just before its closing time. Going before closing worked in our favor since we enjoyed the architecture and scenery quietly.

The Kusakabe House itself is impressive. It has huge tall wooden beams from old-growth trees and an interesting family history.

Kusakabe Traditional House in Takayama
Woman looks out window to Japanese Garden at Kusakabe Traditional House in Takayama, Japan

The Kusakabe House also had a show where a local storyteller was singing songs and telling stories. It looked like a wonderful experience!

Kusakabe Traditional House storyteller

Teddy Bear Eco Village


Teddy Bear Eco Village – Google Maps

Cost: ¥1000 (Adults), ¥600 (Children)

Now, here’s a little gem that took us by surprise. Within walking distance of Hida Folk Village, the Teddy Bear Eco Village isn’t just a quirky stop; it’s a delightful haven for both the young and the young at heart.

Street food mini bears at Teddy Bear Eco Village

The Teddy Bear Eco Village is a place where creativity meets nostalgia. The museum leads you through playful teddy bear exhibits, giving “teddy life” to everyday scenes. Some are walking down the street, others are ‘fishing’ by a pond, and a few are even dressed up in traditional Japanese garb.

When Chloe and I first walked in, we couldn’t help but giggle. It’s such an unexpected blend of the serene Takayama surroundings with the playful charm of teddy bears.

Trey with the Patagonia Fleece Bear in Teddy Bear Eco Village
The Patagonia Fleece bear is made from scraps from the Patagonia factory!

And the ‘eco’ in Teddy Bear Eco Village? It’s a nod to the sustainability efforts. Many of the installations and displays are crafted using recycled materials, adding an eco-conscious touch to the teddys.

Relax in an Onsen

With Takayama’s proximity to the Japan Alps comes a huge array of onsen options.

The onsens near Takayama get their hot spring water directly from the earth. The hot water is full of minerals that are thought to possess properties that are beneficial to your health.

Relaxing in a private onsen in Shinhotaka Japan

There are other onsen options at the Hirayu rest stop. If you ride the bus to Takayama from Tokyo, the bus actually stops in Hirayu.

We went to Hirayu-no-mori which is a traditional style onsen – with over 7 outdoor pools full of sulphuric water. There is also a cold plunge.

We enjoyed this onsen more than the private onsens we’ve been to. There is something just so nice about bathing outdoors in the mountains with all the elements hitting your skin. You have to be comfortable being nude in public and an important note – tattoos are forbidden (as with most public onsens).

What to Eat in Takayama

With its status as a touristic town, Takayama has tons of dining options.

The awesome thing about dining in Takayama is that most of the restaurant staff speak enough English, so going out for a nice dinner in Takayama is much less intimidating than say, Tokyo for instance.

Here are some of our food and restaurant recommendations in Takayama:

Hida Beef

When you first arrive in Takayama, you won’t be able to go anywhere without seeing signs for the region’s famous food – Hida beef.

Unlike other beef varieties, what sets Hida Beef apart is its intricate marbling and buttery softness that seems to dissolve the moment it touches your tongue.

Many places in Takayama serve Hida beef in one form or another. There are street vendors selling Hida beef skewers, and restaurants selling Hida beef rice bowls. Even the grocery stores sell raw Hida beef!

Our first time eating Hida Beef was at the casual Hida Beef Baya. You can order from a little window along the street and sit inside or outside.

Hida beef nigiri in Takayama Japan

Taking that first bite of the Hida beef nigiri was nothing short of a revelation. I’m not one for raw beef, but eating raw Hida beef was like eating sashimi.

On our most recent visit to Takayama, we visited Kyoshi and ate a Hida beef rice bowl set.

Hida beef rice bowl from Kyoshi in Takayama

We prefer cooked hida beef over raw. The cooked form has tons of flavor and still melts in your mouth. However, we recommend giving both styles a try for yourself.

Takayama Ramen

You might’ve tried ramen in Tokyo or Kyoto, but there’s a local spin on this classic dish right in Takayama that you can’t miss: Takayama Ramen.

Takayama Ramen is a light but flavorful ramen with soy sauce-based broth and thin curly soba noodles. The broth is made by boiling water with chicken bones, bonito flakes, and vegetables for flavor.

Takayama Ramen

Tucked away in the town’s nooks and crannies are these quaint ramen joints, often family-run and each with their guarded recipes.

Our favorite stop was Akarenga Sohonten where the owner, a friendly woman named Mayumi, not only made us some of the best ramen we’ve ever eaten but also chatted with us after we were done. She even gave us some stickers that we put on our suitcases!

We visit Mayumi every time we go back to Takayama to catch up with her and eat some of her delicious ramen.

Dekonaru Yokochō

We stumbled into this cute food area when wandering around the streets of Takayama.

If dinner and drinks are your style, then this place is right up your alley! It’s packed with cute izakaya-style restaurants.

dekonaru yokocho takayama

Each restaurant in the Yokocho is very comfortable and cozy – with only 6-15 seats per establishment.

We ate at Gyoza Sohonzan which was an absolute delight. When we arrived, there was a line out the door and we met a few other travelers while waiting in line.

When we finally got into the restaurant, we sat together and traded travel stories while sharing a meal. It’s those little moments that make traveling more memorable.

Gyoza Sohonzan takayama

Tempura Ebihachi

Tempura Ebihachi is without a doubt the best tempura we’ve ever had!

We ordered the Hana set. It came with 2 shrimp, 6 vegetables, rice, and miso soup. The owner taught us three new ways to eat tempura: dipping in salt, dipping in curry powder, and dipping in both!

We’ve always dipped our tempura in tempura sauce but the salt was fantastic! 😍 We also each had a glass of plum sake to go with our dinner.

The chef speaks some English which is helpful. The restaurant is small and cozy, giving it a true Japanese experience. Since seating is limited, you are not allowed to share meals.

Tempura Ebihachi Takayama

Other Places to Eat

  • Family Store Satoh – If you’re on a budget, this grocery store has a huge bento selection with a seating area upstairs where you can enjoy your meal. If you go in the evening, the bentos are marked down in price.
  • Kiyo Musubi – Quality rice balls. The perfect snack.
  • Cafe & Gallery Takayama Warajiya – This cute cafe has excellent coffee and the most delicious pudding we’ve ever had. It’s owned by a friendly elderly couple. The vibes are immaculate.
Streets of Takayama Japan

Where to Stay in Takayama

There are many different styles and price points for accommodations in Takayama.

We stayed at a traditional Ryokan and a Western-style hotel during our visits to Takayama. Both were exceptionally wonderful, super clean, and comfortable.

Here are the places we stayed at in Takayama and our recommendations:

  • Hostel Murasaki – Japanese-style ryokan: Staying in this ryokan gives you that traditional feeling like you’re in old Japan. It is also budget-friendly. The ryokan has a shared kitchen so you can cook your food and a large living room to meet other travelers.
  • Hotel Wing – Western-style hotel: This hotel is a new and modern accommodation. The rooms are clean and comfortable, but a bit on the smaller side, which is normal for Japan. The lounge area in the hotel’s lobby opens up in the afternoon, so you’re free to sit and work there and enjoy free drinks.
Hostel Murasaki Ryokan in Takayama Japan

How to Get to Takayama

There are two ways to get to Takayama by public transportation: Train or bus.

How to Get to Takayama by Train

  • From Tokyo:
    • Take the JR Tokaido Shinkansen from Tokyo to Nagoya, then transfer to the JR Hida Limited Express in Nagoya, which goes to Takayama.
    • Going to Takayama from Tokyo by train is around 4 1/2 hours one-way, which means you can’t do Takayama as a day trip from Tokyo.
  • From Kyoto:
    • Take the JR Tokaido Shinkansen from Kyoto to Nagoya, then transfer to the JR Hida limited express in Nagoya, which goes to Takayama.
    • Kyoto is slightly closer to Takayama than Tokyo is. The train ride to Takayama from Kyoto is about 3 hours total one-way, so it can be done as a day trip. But with all the traveling involved, it would be quite a long day, so we don’t recommend doing Takayama as a day trip from Kyoto.

How to Get to Takayama by Bus

Going to Takayama by bus is much cheaper than a train, but it takes a little longer to get there.

The bus from Tokyo to Takayama is a spacious tour bus, cozy enough for the long haul, and it even stops at a few rest stops for bathroom breaks and a chance to purchase snacks that you can eat onboard.

Bus in Japan at rest stop

Frequently Asked Questions about Takayama

When Is the Best Time to Visit Takayama?

Here are our recommendations for the best times to visit Takayama:

  • Spring (late March to May): The weather is cool, but not too cold. The Takayama Spring Festival happens in April, around the same time as the cherry blossoms!
  • Autumn (October to November): The temperatures haven’t gotten too cold and the leaves start to change colors in late October and early November. The Takayama Autumn Festival also happens in October!
Takayama Cherry Blossoms on Miyagawa River

Here’s what to expect if you visit Takayama during the summer or winter:

  • Summer (June, July, and August): Summer in Takayama is the rainy season. While the weather can be nice for outdoor activities, it tends to be humid and wet during the summer.
  • Winter (December, January, and February): Winter in Takayama is cold and snowy. While there won’t be many crowds in Takayama during the winter, it is a tough time to visit since Takayama gets a decent amount of snowfall.
Walking through the streets of Takayama

How many days should you stay in Takayama?

We recommend spending 2-3 days in Takayama. 1 day is not enough to get the most out of your visit to Takayama.

Takayama Yamazakura Shrine

How do you get around Takayama?

You do not need a car to get around Takayama. Most things in Takayama are within walking distance of each other. Alternatively, you can rent a bicycle to get around Takayama which is what we did the first time we visited.

Our Takayama YouTube Video

Before leaving, check out our video of our first visit to Takayama!

Trey Lewis is an outdoor enthusiast. Whether its hiking knife-edge ridges or just fishing by the river, Trey isn't afraid to get dirty in search of the next adventure.

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