滲 - English translation – Linguee

External sources (not reviewed)

由於亞洲 地區在高清電視的市 面仍遠遠低於美國及歐洲,增長勢頭毫無疑問是令人感到鼓舞。
While HDTV penetration in Asia is still far below that in the United States and Europe, the trend is undoubtedly encouraging.
亞 洲三號S衛星是我們成 亞洲所有市場的關鍵,我們期待於將來與更多電視平台達成 [...]
This is critical
[...] to our success in penetrating all [...]
markets in Asia, and we look forward to signing up more affiliates in the future.
這些工作紙為簡 動元素,既可獨立使 用,又可輔以附有營養標籤及/或營養聲稱的真實食物包裝作為例 子。
The activity worksheets can be used as they are, or supplemented with real food packages that have nutrition labels and/or nutrition claims on them as examples.
(b) 必須制訂建築物高度限制以 保存從港島各處的瞭望點望 向山脊線的公眾景觀、確保 與附近的建築物協調一致、 避免出現高樓大廈所產生的 壓迫感,以及增加從海港眺 望的視
(b) The building height restrictions were required for preservation of public views towards the ridgelines from various vantage points on the Hong Kong Island, ensuring compatibility with nearby buildings, avoidance of the sense of pressure generated by tall buildings and enhancement of visual permeability from the harbour.
這對未來十分重要,因為隨著地區更加富裕及銀 提高,銀 行分銷渠道將會增長。
This is important for the future, as the banking distribution channel will grow, as the region becomes wealthier and banking penetration increases.
委員會於2008年 7月發表 的第五十號報告書要求政府繼續向其報告就有關空置政府處所作其他 用途一事諮詢律政司及其他相關政府部門的結果、產業署在修妥大廈A 和 B的空置政府處所 題方面所取得的進展,以及在落實審計署 各項建議方面所取得的其他進展。
In its Report No. 50 (the PAC Report) released in July 2008, the PAC requested the Government to continue to keep it informed of the result of consultation with the Department of Justice and other relevant government departments in respect of putting the relevant vacant government premises to other uses, the progress made by the GPA in rectifying the water seepage problem in the vacant government premises in Buildings A and B, and any other progress made in implementing the various audit recommendations.
In order to avoid personal bias, our research [...]
team will eliminate groups which fall outside the popular definition only
after the first stage of the survey.
經考慮(i)硫化鞋膠黏劑相關產品自二零零九年十月進行商業銷售以來 的市 ;(ii)本集團的中國分銷商(即本集團於往績記錄期間的五大 客戶之一)於二零一零年在中國其他城市進行的業務擴張;(iii)本集團來自 鞋履供應商的批文批准本集團成為獲准材料供應商之一,從而導致本集團 的客戶基礎擴大及其二零一零年的產品需求增加;(iv)本集團於二零一零年 於孟加拉國市場的業務擴張;及(v)二零一零年至二零一一年中國膠黏劑行 業的預期增長,董事認為本集團的產品需求預期於未來將有所增長,且董 事估計膠黏劑的計劃擴充產能將於二零一二年中(本集團的旺季)獲完全利 用。
Having considered that (i) the penetration of the Vulcanized Shoes Adhesive Related Products since their commercial sale in October 2009; (ii) the business expansion of the Group’s PRC distributor, being one the top five customers of the Group during the Track Record Period, in other cities of the PRC in 2010; (iii) the approval of the Group by a footwear supplier as one of the approved materials suppliers, which may lead to expansion of the Group’s customers base and product demand in 2010; (iv) the Group’s expansion of the market in Bangladesh in 2010; and (v) the expected growth of the adhesive industry in the PRC in 2010 and 2011, the Directors believe that the demand for the Group’s products is expected to increase in the future and the Directors estimate that the planned expanded production capacity for adhesive will be fully utilised in mid 2012, which is the peak season of the Group.
集 團 過 去 多 年 一 直 把 握 每 個 機 遇,積 極 透 過 不 同 管 道 進 行 品 牌 及 產 品
[...] 推 廣 及 宣 傳,以 提 升 市 及 擴 大 市 佔 率。
In the past, the Group has grasped every opportunity to actively promote its brands and
products through different channels in
[...] order to further penetrate the market and [...]
increase its market share. 2010 was the
Group’s brand enhancement year.
這可能會讓 錶,損壞手錶重要組件。
Water may enter the watch causing [...]
damage to vital components.
深信,未來是基於這樣一種認識,每個家庭成員的貢獻就在其權限範圍內不知疲倦地工作,以提高他的簽名認可的程度上的成熟市場,並鞏固其市 不斷湧現。
Convinced that the future is based on the recognition, each family member contributes by working tirelessly in its field of competence, to increase the degree of recognition of his signature on the mature markets and strengthen its market penetration emerging.
我們會繼續進行水管更換及修復工程,以及水壓管理和防漏,以 盡量減低全港水情況。
We will continue our water mains replacement and rehabilitation works, pressure management and leakage control to minimise water leakage throughout the territory.
為此,特區政府必須採取一套整全的策略,把多元化的 發展模 各個政策範疇,包括規劃政策、產業政策、區域性發展政策、交 通政策等,以確保新經濟策略得以成功。
A holistic approach, under which a more diversified mode should be filtered down to related policy areas ranging from planning policy, industrial policy, regional development policy, transport policy, etc., would be of crucial importance to ensure the new economic strategy could be a success.
透 過 非 侵 入 性 磨 皮 , 將 皮 膚 皮 膚 內 層,改善皮膚的護理 (Silk Peel)。
Silk Peel Derma Infusion for skin treatment combines exfoliation with infusion of skin-specific solutions to improve and revitalize your skin.
若以後階段的更換及修復水管工程可接著進 行,預料水 率會持續和有更大幅度的改善。
The improvement is expected to continue and increase if subsequent stages of the R&R works can proceed.
充沛的動感、優雅的車廂設計、用料講究、精心雕琢的細節、最佳人體工程學設計,以及寬敞空間,令GL系列車 治一貫的品牌特色。
Powerfully dynamic and elegant interior design, fine materials and lovingly crafted details, optimum ergonomics and a generous amount of space – the interior of the GL-Class oozes the ambience of wellbeing so characteristic of Mercedes-Benz.
除了在傳統渠道,包括電視、公共交通公具等投下富有創意的廣告外,還借助豐富之網路資源,包括企業網站、 微 博 及 線 上 遊 戲,有 效 地 拉 近 與 消 費 者 的 距 離,特 別 是 增 強 了 與 白 領、年 青 人、兒 童 及 網 路 消 費 群 體 的 互 動, 促 進維 達 產品的 市
Besides placing creative advertisements in conventional media such as television and on public transport, the Group also successfully utilized internet resources to strengthen its interaction with consumers, particularly office-ladies, young people, children and online consumers.
由於鴯鶓油無副作用, 強及不阻塞毛孔,所以,使其成為最理想和最完美的護膚品原料。
Emu oil do not have side effect and will not block the pores and therefore considered as the best skin doctor.
經濟 學人研究組(Economist Intelligence Unit)最近在評定全球的「電子商貿準備 程度」的準則時強調,不能單純考慮電腦數目、寬頻連接情況、及固網電話 數目而已,2 並指出寬頻住戶對費用承擔能力 更為重要。
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) recently noted that in measuring e-readiness worldwide, it should derive from more than just the number of computers, broadband connections and fixed-lined phones in the country.2 On the other hand, greater importance should be attached to household affordability rather than simply the penetration rate of broadband.
這些合作夥伴都積極地 與本集團共同努力,將「中國元素 些國際項目中。
These partners actively work with the Group and add “Chinese element” to these global projects.
以資生堂獨創的「液質純維他命A技術」研製而成,配 高,有助改善皺紋、乾燥和暗啞等肌膚問題。
Developed with Shiseido-original Pure Liquid Retinol Delivery
[...] System, to penetrate skin rapidly [...]
and help combat wrinkles, dryness, and dullness.
鍵盤及接口介面均有無縫矽膠及嚴密的防潑水裝置保護,防止灰塵或雨 身內,確保操作正常。
Seamless silicone rubber covers all body joints, preventing water drops from penetrating in all directions.
然 而 , 根 據 屋 宇 署 的 執 法 經 驗 , 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有 關 逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規
定 、 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻 礙 走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標 準
[...] 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 以 及 因 過 度 裝 [...]
設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
Nevertheless, based on the experience of BD’s enforcement action, the most common irregularities found in the sub-divided flats in these 116 target buildings include formation of unauthorised door openings that contravene the fire-resisting construction requirements of the means of escape, installation of partition walls that block the fire escape
routes, sub-standard drainage works that
[...] result in water seepage and excessive [...]
installation of partition walls and/or thickening
of floor screeding that result in overloading of the floor screeding.
如果無法區隔黏著劑覆膜,請在驅動前緣上撕下 1.6
[...] 公釐(0.06 英吋)的長條形,並使用不 著劑 的貼紙。
If zone coating of the adhesive is not possible, remove a 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) strip on the leading and driver edge,
[...] and use a non-oozing adhesive.
在訪問 水務署期間,委員會參觀了位於深水埗的工程 地盤,大大增加了主席和委員對總食水管重置 方法的認識,並了解到如何使用噪音記錄器和 相關分析檢漏法,檢測水管 況。
The visit to a work site in Shamshuipo of the WSD had greatly enhanced the understanding of the Chairman and Members on the method for rehabilitating a fresh water main and the use of Noise Logger and Leak Noise Correlator for leakage detection of water mains.
Made in土佐的雪糕系列包括米飯、鹽、黑糖、煎茶、紅茶和雞蛋共六種選擇,全以雲呢拿雪糕為基本味道——米飯雪糕在細味下,可嚐到一顆顆以日本高知縣出產的二期作白米,口感黏韌,米味濃郁;以日本土佐黑潮町的海鹽製成的鹽味雪糕,保留了海鹽的礦物質成份,入口初段甘甜,最後 陣鹹味,配以米飯雪糕同吃鹹味更濃;紅茶雪糕亦即是奶茶,吃時就像呷著一杯冰凍奶茶;煎茶雪糕用上來自池川的綠茶調製,茶味甘濃;雞蛋雪糕每口都是強烈的蛋香和奶香融和,卻不會太甜;黑糖雪糕則從邊緣已可看見密佈的小顆黑糖結晶。
Kochi-Ice’s ‘Made in土佐’ ice cream flavours stretch from rice, salt, brown sugar, Sencha, English tea to egg, with vanilla as a ‘base’. Rice grown locally in Kochi-ken is used in its rice ice cream, adding a touch of sticky texture; sea salt from Kuroshio-cho gives a punch of saltiness to the sweet flavour, with health enhancing minerals – even more so when eaten with rice ice cream; English tea ice cream is like chewing (or sipping, depending on your habit) through an iced white tea; Sencha sourced from Ikegawa has a bitter undertone; protein-packed egg flavour is a layering of milk and egg, and not too sweet; brown sugar ice cream is scattered with crystalised sugar pieces.
11)東南亞地區老一代華人至今仍在帶頭推動著地區性銀行的業務(往往是通過他們自己創 辦的銀行),而年輕一代華人則都在從事新型的經濟或者爲全球性金融機構向迅速擴張的亞洲 金融市效力。
11) While the older Chinese in Southeast Asia are leading the thrust into regional banking (often through banks that they started), the younger Chinese are in the "New Economy" or working with global financial institutions in penetrating the rapidly expanding Asian Financial markets!
在高純水的生產過程中,水中的陰、陽離子可用 法、 及離子交換樹脂技術等去除;水中的顆粒一般可用超過濾、膜過濾等技術去除;水中的細菌,目前國內多采用加藥或紫外燈照射或臭氧殺菌的方法去除;水中的TOC則一般用活性炭、 理。
The production process in high water, the
water anions and cations can be
[...] electrodialysis, reverse osmosis and ion exchange resins, such as removal; water particles generally available ultrafiltration, membrane filtration techniques to remove; water of bacteria, the current domestic multi-dosing or the use of ultraviolet light or ozone disinfection to remove; water TOC is generally used activated carbon, reverse osmosis.
斯里蘭卡擁有強勁的經濟增長前景,其現有保 於低水平,兩者結合為斯里蘭卡保險領 域的未來發展及增長帶來顯著機遇。
The combination of strong economic growth prospects and low existing levels of insurance penetration offers a significant opportunity for the future development and growth of Sri Lanka’s insurance sector.
很多被訪者普遍採取的環境衞生習慣包括打開家中窗戶以保持室內空氣流通 (97.6%)、清潔家居(93.7%)、把罐、樽及飯盒等垃圾放進有蓋的垃圾桶內(85.5%),以 及保持渠道和水管暢通和沒(8 4.0%)。
Many respondents had commonly carried out environmental hygiene practices such as keeping windows at home open to maintain good indoor ventilation (97.6%), cleaning home (93.7%), putting rubbish like cans, bottles and lunch boxes in a covered litter bin (85.5%) and keeping drains and pipes free from blockage and leakage (84.0%).
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