49 Facts about the movie Drinking Buddies - Facts.net
Rhodie Kurz

Written by Rhodie Kurz

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Tvinsider.com

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of the movie Drinking Buddies? This indie gem directed by Joe Swanberg takes a realistic and refreshing approach to exploring the complexities of relationships, friendship, and the blurred lines between them. Set in a craft brewery, the film follows the lives of brewery employees Kate, Luke, Chris, and Jill, as they navigate the challenges of love, loyalty, and personal growth.

Drinking Buddies is known for its improvised dialogue and naturalistic performances, creating a truly authentic and relatable viewing experience. If you’re a fan of character-driven dramas with a touch of comedy, this movie is a must-watch. So, grab a cold one and join us for an in-depth exploration of 49 fascinating facts about the movie Drinking Buddies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Drinking Buddies feels real because the actors made up most of their lines, creating natural chemistry. The movie explores complex relationships and the craft beer industry, making it relatable and engaging.
  • With its improvised dialogue and authentic portrayal of friendships, Drinking Buddies offers a raw and relatable look into the complexities of love and life. The film’s naturalistic performances and intimate storytelling make it a must-watch.
Table of Contents

Natural Chemistry:

The main reason the movie Drinking Buddies feels so authentic is because the actors improvised most of their lines, lending a natural chemistry to the film.

Filmed on Location:

Drinking Buddies was filmed entirely on location in Chicago, adding to the authenticity of the story.

Director’s Background:

The director of the movie, Joe Swanberg, is known for his work in the mumblecore genre, which focuses on realistic dialogue and natural performances.

Craft Beer Influence:

The movie revolves around the craft beer industry and the characters’ love for beer, showcasing different breweries and beer tasting scenes.

A Stellar Cast:

Drinking Buddies boasts an impressive cast, including Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick, and Ron Livingston, who deliver memorable performances.

Friends in Real Life:

Olivia Wilde and Jake Johnson were close friends in real life before working on the film, which enhanced their on-screen chemistry.

Relatable Relationships:

The movie explores the complexities and blurred lines of romantic relationships, making it highly relatable to the audience.

Dynamic Soundtrack:

The film features an indie rock soundtrack that complements the laid-back atmosphere and adds depth to the storytelling.

Unique Filming Style:

Drinking Buddies was shot using handheld cameras, giving it a documentary-like quality that immerses the viewer in the characters’ lives.

Authentic Dialogue:

The improvised nature of the film allowed for realistic and organic conversations, making the characters feel like real people.

Struggles of Adulthood:

The movie explores the challenges and insecurities faced by adults in their personal and professional lives.

Ambiguous Ending:

The film concludes with an open-ended ending, leaving the audience to interpret the fate of the characters.

Naturalistic Performances:

The actors in Drinking Buddies deliver naturalistic performances, capturing the nuances and complexities of human relationships.

Emotional Rollercoaster:

The movie takes the audience on an emotional rollercoaster, as the characters navigate their feelings and desires.

Critical Acclaim:

Drinking Buddies received positive reviews from critics, praising its authentic portrayal of relationships and strong performances.

Intimate Cinematography:

The film’s cinematography enhances the intimate moments shared between the characters, adding depth to the storytelling.

The Beer Culture:

Drinking Buddies shines a light on the beer culture and the passion that exists within the craft beer community.

Impromptu Scenes:

Many of the scenes in the movie were improvised, allowing the actors to fully embody their characters and create realistic interactions.

Subtle Humor:

The movie incorporates subtle humor throughout, adding levity to the more dramatic moments.

Authentic Chicago Setting:

Being set in Chicago, the movie captures the essence of the city and its vibrant culture.

Insight into Brewery Life:

Drinking Buddies offers a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of a brewery, shedding light on the behind-the-scenes work.

Complex Character Dynamics:

The relationships between the characters in Drinking Buddies are multi-layered and nuanced, reflecting the complexities of real-life connections.

Realistic Office Politics:

The film also delves into the dynamics of workplace relationships and the politics that come with it.

Beautifully Flawed Characters:

The characters in Drinking Buddies are imperfect and relatable, making them more human and engaging to the audience.

Honesty in Relationships:

The movie explores the importance of honesty and communication in maintaining healthy relationships.

Deep Dive into Friendships:

Drinking Buddies explores the intricacies of friendships and how they can sometimes blur the line between platonic and romantic connections.

Evocative Dialogue:

The improvised dialogue in the film evokes raw emotions and reveals the true thoughts and desires of the characters.

Unpredictable Narrative:

The movie takes unexpected turns, keeping the audience engaged and guessing the outcome.

Reflects Modern Dating:

Drinking Buddies reflects the challenges and complexities of modern dating, capturing the uncertainty and ambiguity that often accompanies it.

Realistic Character Arcs:

The characters in the film experience growth and change throughout the story, reflecting the evolution of real-life individuals.

Raw and Vulnerable Performances:

The actors in Drinking Buddies expose their vulnerabilities, creating emotionally resonant performances.

Strong Female Characters:

The movie showcases strong and independent female characters who are not defined solely by their romantic relationships.

Balance of Comedy and Drama:

Drinking Buddies strikes a balance between light-hearted comedy and emotional drama, creating a well-rounded viewing experience.

Portrays Real-Life Temptations:

The film delves into the complexities of temptation and explores how it can impact relationships.

Showcases The Craft Beer Process:

Drinking Buddies offers an inside look at the craft beer-making process, giving viewers an appreciation for the artistry behind it.

Authentic Cultural References:

The movie incorporates authentic cultural references that add depth and relatability to the story.

Exploration of Emotional Infidelity:

The film explores the concept of emotional infidelity and how it can strain relationships.

Realistic Workplace Dynamics:

Drinking Buddies portrays the ups and downs of working in a close-knit environment, highlighting the challenges and rewards.

Insightful Relationship Commentary:

The movie provides insightful commentary on the complexities of romantic relationships, resonating with viewers on a deeper level.

Honest and Raw Moments:

Drinking Buddies captures those raw and honest moments that often go unspoken in relationships, bringing them to the forefront.

Naturalistic Lighting:

The lighting in the film enhances the naturalistic aesthetic, creating an intimate atmosphere.

Exploration of Self-Discovery:

The movie delves into themes of self-discovery and the search for personal fulfillment.

Realistic Portrayal of Flaws:

The characters in Drinking Buddies are flawed and imperfect, making them more relatable and human.

Candid Conversations:

The film features candid conversations that are both poignant and relatable, shedding light on the complexities of human interactions.

The Complexity of Love:

Drinking Buddies explores the different facets of love, showcasing the nuanced and sometimes messy nature of the emotion.

Relatable Moments:

The movie captures relatable moments of confusion, indecision, and heartache that many viewers can empathize with.

Employs Ambiguity:

Drinking Buddies employs ambiguity as a storytelling tool, leaving room for interpretation and personal reflection.

Captures the Essence of Friendship:

The film beautifully captures the essence of friendship, showcasing its depth, loyalty, and complexities.

Celebrates Imperfections:

Drinking Buddies celebrates the beauty in imperfections, highlighting the messy and unpredictable nature of life and love.

In summary, The 49 Facts about the movie Drinking Buddies showcase the authentic and raw nature of the film, from its improvised dialogue to its exploration of complex relationships. The movie provides an intimate look into the lives of its characters and resonates with viewers through its relatability. With a stellar cast, naturalistic performances, and a genuine portrayal of the craft beer culture, Drinking Buddies is a must-watch for those who appreciate realistic storytelling and thought-provoking themes.


Drinking Buddies is a remarkable film that captivates audiences with its realistic portrayal of relationships, love, and friendship. With its talented cast, masterful direction, and thought-provoking storyline, the movie immerses viewers into the lives of its characters, making them ponder on the complexities of human connections.

Throughout the article, we explored 49 fascinating facts about Drinking Buddies, shedding light on the production process, behind-the-scenes trivia, and the impact it had on the film industry. From the improvisational dialogue to the film’s unique shooting style, each fact revealed the meticulous attention to detail that went into making this indie gem.

Whether you’re a fan of romantic comedies or appreciate films that delve into the complexities of human nature, Drinking Buddies is a must-watch. It’s a beautiful exploration of the blurred lines between friendship and romance, leaving viewers with a lingering sense of introspection.


Q: Who directed Drinking Buddies?

A: Drinking Buddies was directed by Joe Swanberg.

Q: When was Drinking Buddies released?

A: Drinking Buddies was released in 2013.

Q: Who are the main cast members in Drinking Buddies?

A: The main cast members of Drinking Buddies include Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick, and Ron Livingston.

Q: Is Drinking Buddies a romantic comedy?

A: Yes, Drinking Buddies can be categorized as a romantic comedy, but it offers a more realistic and nuanced portrayal of relationships.

Q: Was Drinking Buddies well-received by critics?

A: Yes, Drinking Buddies received positive reviews from critics, particularly praising the performances and the naturalistic dialogue.

Q: Did the actors improvise their lines in Drinking Buddies?

A: Yes, the actors in Drinking Buddies were given the freedom to improvise their dialogue, creating a more authentic and spontaneous feel to the film.

Q: Does Drinking Buddies highlight the theme of friendship?

A: Absolutely, friendship is a central theme in Drinking Buddies, and the film explores the complexities and blurred boundaries that can arise when friendships become more complicated.

Q: Is Drinking Buddies suitable for all audiences?

A: Drinking Buddies is rated R for language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised.

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