White Mane - The Criterion Channel
White Mane

White Mane

Directed by Albert Lamorisse • 1952 • France
Starring Alain Emery, Laurent Roche, Clan-Clan

Possessed of the timeless perfection of a fable, this tale about the unique bond between children and animals is Albert Lamorisse’s ode to the awe-inspiring majesty of nature. Amid the vast flatlands of the Camargue in the South of France lives White Mane, a magnificent wild stallion who refuses to be broken by men and instead forms a connection with a young boy, with whom he embarks on a daring quest for freedom. Fully capturing the rugged beauty of its marsh setting, this extraordinarily photographed treasure of children’s cinema—which won the Grand Prix for Best Short Film at the Cannes Film Festival—speaks to the hearts of all creatures yearning to live untamed.

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White Mane
  • White Mane

    Directed by Albert Lamorisse • 1952 • France
    Starring Alain Emery, Laurent Roche, Clan-Clan

    Possessed of the timeless perfection of a fable, this tale about the unique bond between children and animals is Albert Lamorisse’s ode to the awe-inspiring majesty of nature. Amid the vast flatlands of t...
