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D.E. Navarro   Follow

 It’s About Damn Time

"It’s about damn time” I said
in court
before the judge in front of mom and dad, in front of
all….a day I’ll never forget.

Dear Mom, Dear Dad,
I love you both to no end and I’m not mad we had the life we had—
but I’m glad it ended and I want you to know as a matter of course it
was the divorce that made it better.

Better for us kids did you see us hiding under the table
cringing and cowering in corners from all the yelling
the fighting
the screaming
the anger
the flying fists and knick-knacks of some
universal cosmic storm in our living room:
flinging rocks and celestial debris from star-forging forces
in deep outer space the gravitational interlace pounded
pummeled and beat into dense matter while asteroids
and ice chunks from the tails of comets swished on by........

All that ceased
there was peace you released each other and moved on
with your discombobulated lives but most importantly
most importantly
we could too———

It was about damn time.

And those last three years before college were the best of my life:
no comets, no asteroids, no knick-knacks— just empty space,
a vast quiet place and my undaunted expressionless face.

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The Ember Poet   Follow

My Strange Addiction

I have an Addiction:
It comes and goes,
When there’s nothing left to do
Or I have everything to finish, yes, I have an addiction.

It may be triggered by anything:
A catchy song, a book,
A hard memory flaring like an ulcer,
Frustration, Elation, a perfect storm of feelings strong or diminished, but these facts cannot be disputed nor skirmished, I have an addiction.

It can be disruptive:
When it flares, I need to address it and now:
Responsibilities, plans, everything falls to the wayside in the face of it.
Even family is little more than an annoyance, for since I began its employance it has become an addiction.

The withdrawal symptoms are intense:
Horrible emptiness and cold apathy
The lid on emotions and pain so raw that I cannot deal with it sober.
I may die without it, and if forever separated, I know life would be over, yes winter is colder without my addiction.

But what is this addiction?
you may say, family member of mine or concerned fiancée (well jk), friends of the man with the obsessive affliction that is this addiction?

I’ll tell you.

It is the pen on a pad, the pencil to page,
The stroke of graphite that bleeds out the rage, the words in my mind that spell out what I want to say through the pain and the shame, no restraint today, my addiction could be nothing less than my artistic vision!
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D.E. Navarro   Follow

It’s About Damn Time

"It’s about damn time” I said
in court
before the judge in front of mom and dad, in front of
all….a day I’ll never forget.

Dear Mom, Dear Dad,
I love you both to no end and I’m not mad we had the life we had—
but I’m glad it ended and I want you to know as a matter of course it
was the divorce that made it better.

Better for us kids did you see us hiding under the table
cringing and cowering in corners from all the yelling
the fighting
the screaming
the anger
the flying fists and knick-knacks of some
universal cosmic storm in our living room:
flinging rocks and celestial debris from star-forging forces
in deep outer space the gravitational interlace pounded
pummeled and beat into dense matter while asteroids
and ice chunks from the tails of comets swished on by........

All that ceased
there was peace you released each other and moved on
with your discombobulated lives but most importantly
most importantly
we could too———

It was about damn time.

And those last three years before college were the best of my life:
no comets, no asteroids, no knick-knacks— just empty space,
a vast quiet place and my undaunted expressionless face.

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ThePsywren   Follow


I must ask for the Strength of my
Heavenly Father as I pen this
KLUSTERFUK of knowledge that
Haunts me from within...

The devil really don't want this **** right here to come up outta me.

I'm gonna take you on a little journey with me, America
You land of the Free
Love and home of the Brave
enough to be open-minded.

Be it in the Will of the one,
We're gonna take off and hope that the
flight plan
let's us land
in the land
of understanding.

Now, when the Creator had, Himself,
been joined into His kindred Spirit,
and their Union had borne of, Themself,
A Son;
[That's Father, Spirit, Son existing in LOVE
as one--
just in case you caught on late]
He gave to them a Gift, that
They would nurture in Love's likeness.

In English, we call it Earth.
We are His Creation

Funny thing, English.

To explain the phenomenon
of how IDEAS
Become confused cross-culturally,
we employ the term "Language Barrier."

As it turns out,
certain concepts just don't make sense
Outside of the Lands in which they occur.

the Diaspora
for instance.

"Once upon a time,
in a faraway land..."
That our souls remember,
too painfully well,
"we were free..."
To innovate
To thrive and replicate.

Yo, you know why dinosaurs don't exist no more right?
Cause one day
all the men came out of doors
and put them in their

I don't know...
It sounded really cool in my head,
so I just wanted to put it in a poem...

After all, you WERE left in charge that Day in the Garden.

And that IS where man made his  biggest mistake: Trying to pursue knowledge.

It was There that we all understood.
Tongues didn't stray,
was connected to its source.

I have a cousin, who's a ****...
Don't make me laugh! It's TRUE.
Straight up ****...

And his dream of all dreams
is to be
inducted into the Illuminati

You see it, there?
That "Language Barrier."

Just bear with me...

He just wants to be protected
from the financial ruin of the Last Days.

And a lot of the Masonic teachings he's YouTube'd--
I mean, found
are Right.

We ARE in a Land our flesh can't understand.
This foreign soil
sends our tongues flying in motions
that curse our own flesh.
when you leave your home,
You misplace part of your Soul.

When your tongue wiggles away
from what your soul knows,
You call Life a spiteful woman
Cause that's all you've learned to Be.

In this Land
of Uprooted Souls
and too many tongues
struggling to move in the same direction,
words become ****ized
take on new meanings
and breathe Damnation into these flesh encasings.

in my opinion
it's the very ACT of illumination
that constitutes the original Sin.
In his infinite Wisdom
and perpetual Patience,
keeping True to his Plan
of unyielding Nurture,
lightened the skin
to represent the Enlightenment within
of those Proud enough
to shoulder the responsibility
of the Almighty;
so Dutiful
and Tenacious
in their pursuit of His Knowledge

A progressive Degeneration spread
thru His treasured Creation.

We're Zombies;
greedy in why and how,
not really caring what we accept,
but knowing from Whom to expect
what we need to survive
so far away from the soils
from whence
we were plucked.

It's in EVERY History book.

Still favorite,
is the Bible.
Originally, it was written
in one of those far away tongues
where GOSPEL means TRUTH
and not Book of or Denoting a Genre.

And if you were in class in college, you remember hearing them say
"HIStory is written by the victors"
after all the translations
to break those
"Language Barriers"
2000 years later,
it's like...
It's like the Witness and Testimony
of a Game of Telephone.
You remember Telephone?

And Mama said,
"If you're gonna Gossip,
Girl, gossip the GOSPEL!"
So some of you may know the Game
by that name
cause the
"Language Barriers"
exist in cities and towns, too.
It's all the same, though, right?

You line up
and, one-by-one,
You whisper a single phrase
into the ear of your neighbor,
"I told him to take out the Trash"
"You can't walk with a dick in the ****"

Pretty vulgarly botched, eh?
But it still kinda sounds like advice.

So, forgive me
dear Brother,
for not being able to point my tongue
in the same way
to express what we both know in our flesh
to be true.

My faith
moves in me,
same as yours,
no matter how our tongues roll.

May God,
in his Awesomeness,
in EVERY land
be praised.

And si no ya me comprendes, lo siento que tuvo que decirlo en ingles.
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