Znaczenie OUST, definicja w Cambridge English Dictionary

Znaczenie słowa oust w języku angielskim

(Definicja oust z Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definicja oust z Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
(Definicja oust z Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Przykłady oust

But directors who liked contemporary plays and wanted to stage them from the playwright's point of view were ousted from the big boys' club.
Those who refused would be robbed or ousted.
At any rate, they established neither a threshold of oppression nor a procedure to oust a derelict leader.
Before long, they ousted the politician whose support had helped gain the entitlements for the project.
The higher frequency of help is not due to the fact that it has ousted synonyms such as support or aid.
This supports the idea that verbal gerunds ousted bare nominal gerunds in this environment.
Second, the object form you came to be used in the subject function, gradually ousting the older alternative ye from the language.
However, because these principles are historical, one must go on to investigate the legitimacy of the property claims of those ousted by the settlers.
The state cooperatives have truly ousted private traders from the market and taken over their positions.
They sent in police and their bullyboys to oust the squatters.
Until it became the nearly universal genitive suffix, it remained a suffix, but once it had ousted all its rivals it was reanalysed as a clitic.
He was ousted unceremoniously from office.
The grass steadily grows more rank, and, in the boggy patches where the drainage system seems to have failed, tussocks and rushes have completely ousted the smooth sward.
Will it be ousted by a cartel of major manufacturers preventing any new manufacturer entering the market?
Hansard archive
Przykład z archiwum Hansarda. Informacja dotycząca Parlamentu jest objęta licencją Open Parliament Licence v3.0
On the other hand they may find themselves ousted from a particular locality where the fair has gone on for a century.
Hansard archive
Przykład z archiwum Hansarda. Informacja dotycząca Parlamentu jest objęta licencją Open Parliament Licence v3.0
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Tłumaczenie oust

po chińsku (tradycyjny)
將…趕下臺,罷免,廢黜, 趕走, 淘汰…
po chińsku (uproszczony)
将…赶下台,罢免,废黜, 赶走, 淘汰…
po hiszpańsku
desbancar, destituir, desplazar…
po portugalsku
expulsar, destituir, derrubar…
po polsku
odsuwać (od władzy ), usuwać, wyrugować…
w większej liczbie języków
po turecku
po francusku
in Dutch
w języku czeskim
w języku duńskim
po indonezyjsku
po tajlandzku
po wietnamsku
in Swedish
po malajsku
po niemiecku
w języku norweskim
po ukraińsku
po rosyjsku
atmak, kovmak, defetmek…
smide ud…
mengusir, menggulingkan…
hất cẳng…
driva (köra) bort, avlägsna…
fordrive, kaste…
виганяти, витісняти…
свергать, вытеснять…
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Słowo dnia



a large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain


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