Penelope Keith - Sitcom queen and the tea room drama | Express Yourself | Comment |

Penelope Keith - Sitcom queen and the tea room drama

IT is a delicious prospect: the Good Life’s Margo Leadbetter setting up shop as a café owner to serve tea and scones to the locals.

Penelope Keith won planning permission this week to build a caf in a scottish fishing village Penelope Keith won planning permission this week to build a café in a scottish fishing village

A bizarre scenario perhaps but one that might turn into reality after actress Penelope Keith finally won planning permission this week to build a café in a picturesque scottish fishing village.

Sadly for millions of fans who remember her as the peerless posh star of that  suburban self-sufficiency sitcom and to the Manor Born, the actress is unlikely to be serving behind the café counter any time soon because, though she is now 70, Keith’s acting skills are still in high demand. However that news might surprise many who wonder what became of a woman who was once such a fixture on our screens.

Her specialist role these days is the Grande Dame, who appears to be a composite of her two defining characters: Margo from the Good Life and Audrey fforbes-Hamilton from to the Manor Born.

Penelope Keith won planning permission this week to build a café in a scottish fishing village

It was her amazing chemistry with Peter Bowles that turned the latter into one of Britain’s best-loved sitcoms and the pair are now together again at London’s  Haymarket theatre, where they’re starring in Sheridan’s great comedy the Rivals. Keith’s performance as Mrs Malaprop has delighted the critics.

She has also recently starred as the doughty Lady Bracknell in Oscar Wilde’s the importance Of Being Earnest and as Madame Arcati, the turbaned medium in Noel Coward’s Blithe spirit.

Nothing could be much further removed from such West End acclaim as Keith’s other great  passion: a café in the village of Avoch, in the Black isle near Inverness. this week after a six-year saga she finally won planning  permission for it.

Black isle Councillor Billy Barclay said: “Penelope Keith has two houses nearby in Fortrose and she and her husband are regulars there. She had a vision of sitting in a tea room in Avoch and looking out over the Moray Firth.

“The village has been crying out for a café. Everyone wants it. It’s going to transform Avoch. I can’t wait for it to open.”

Not everyone felt the same. A petition against the café was raised with 240 signatures, until police were called in after it turned out that many of the names on it were fabricated. such bad blood now seems to be in the past.

Mike Noble, editor of the local Chatterbox newspaper, said: “Everyone thinks this café is exactly what our village needs. We’re relieved that finally it’s going ahead – and very pleased too.”


The long-running café dispute illustrated the actress’s resilience, a virtue that had to be learned at an early age. she was abandoned by her father when she was two and at six was sent to a Catholic boarding school in seaford.

When her mother remarried she loathed her step-father but still took his surname Keith, exchanging it for her original surname of Hatfield. she had always known she was going to be an actress and even at the age of 10 had realised that the name “Penelope Keith” would look better on the billboards.

the Central school of speech and Drama turned her down because they thought that at 5ft 11in she was too tall but she bounced back to get a place at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art.

Keith hit the big-time in the seventies as the archetypal suburban housewife in the Good Life. Her role was initially quite small but producers soon realised her value and turned her into one of the stars of the show. in 1977 she won the first of her two Baftas.

She has always insisted that she’s nothing like her on-screen characters and yet there are certain traits shared with Margo and Audrey.

As her Good Life co-star Richard Briers puts it: “if you’re on tour she does that wonderful thing of  getting all the company out at the weekend to look at some dreary castle. She’s a leader – she could have been a successful politician but thank God she didn’t do that.”

She was 37 when she embarked on a whirlwind romance with Rodney Timson, eight years her junior and a twice married detective constable. The pair met backstage at Chichester Theatre when Keith was at the height of her fame and giving a reading from Jane Austen’s letters.


Although famously reserved about her private life she once recalled: “I’d done my reading when I walked past this terribly attractive guy in a suit. I smiled at him and later he came into my dressing room and started talking. He thought my expression was a come-on, not realising that I smile at practically everybody. That was it – so romantic.”

The relationship was unflatteringly headlined in one newspaper as “Super bitch in love with a bobby” and the couple were married at Wandsworth register office, London, in 1978. Many predicted it wouldn’t last.

“It’s terribly difficult to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with,” Keith later reflected.


“I think you have to be a touch  selfish and a touch selfless to remain your own person but it’s terribly necessary because when you’re acting you’re putting yourself on the line. The more successful you are the higher people’s expectations get. It’s jolly nice to have someone there who can support you. He’s been marvellous.”

Keith was 47 and had been married for 10 years when she and Timson adopted two school-age brothers. One of her sons is believed to be a chef, though she never talks about them. She did relent once, however, when she was asked if they’d turned into  charming young men. She replied: “We hope so. Fingers crossed.”

She was also recently awarded the CBE for her voluntary work. “I just think there is so much room in people’s lives for things other than themselves,” she says. “There are so many people in need of love and security. I think people are realising that quite a lot of women do have children later on. It does seem to me that a lot of middle-aged people, whether or not they have had biological children of their own, would be ideally suited to adoption.”

The couple now live in a 17th-century manor house in Surrey. In 2002 she was the High Sheriff of the county – though in her village she likes to be known as Mrs Timson.


Her husband looks after the finances as well as Pencon Productions, which was the firm that applied for planning permission for the café in Avoch.

Keith, meanwhile, is a fanatical gardener, indeed describing herself as “a gardener who acts”. She’s even had a rose named after her.


She has also carved out a lucrative career in advertising, with her precise, cut-glass accent, which has featured on commercials for the likes of Tesco and Lurpak butter.

WHILE it would be all too easy for her to retire into Home Counties bliss Keith remains hungry to act – though she’s now lucky enough to be able to cherry-pick her roles and hardly any are on TV. “I’m in that wonderful position of not having to work, which is marvellous,” she says.


“Roddy has been prudent. He’s the brains. So one is in the happy position of saying, ‘I want to do the garden so I won’t take such-and-such a job’. It does make things tricky though when paying the rent is no longer a consideration. In a way it’s easier when you’re young and all you want is to work, work, work.”


One thing she certainly won’t be doing any time soon is following the lead of Good Life co-star Felicity Kendal to appear on Strictly Come Dancing. “You bet your life I wouldn’t,” she says witheringly. “I don’t believe in public humiliation. That went out with the stocks.”

Sadly for the locals in Avoch it is equally unlikely that she’ll put in a shift at her new café. As with anything she takes on you know she’d be perfect in the role.

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