







【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (11)

  1. Where is the check-in counter for [airline]?-[航空公司] 的辦理登機櫃檯在哪裡?
  2. Can you tell me where the nearest restroom is?-你能告訴我最近的洗手間在哪裡嗎?
  3. What time does flight [number] to [destination] depart?-[航班號碼] 飛往[目的地] 的航班何時起飛?
  4. I need to declare items at customs.-我需要在海關申報物品。
  5. Is there a lounge for business class passengers?-有商務艙乘客專用的貴賓室嗎?
  6. Excuse me, where can I find baggage claim?-打擾一下,行李提領區在哪裡?
  7. Could you please help me with this luggage?-你能幫我拿這些行李嗎?
  8. Do you have a map of the airport?-你有機場地圖嗎?
  9. What terminal does domestic/international flights depart from?-國內/國際航班從哪個航廈出發?
  10. Is there free Wi-Fi available here?-這裡有免費的Wi-Fi嗎?


  1. Do you have any rooms available for tonight?-今晚還有空房嗎?
  2. How much is a room per night?-每晚房價是多少?
  3. Do you have any single/double rooms?-有單人房/雙人房嗎?
  4. Is breakfast included in the room rate?-房價包含早餐嗎?
  5. Can I see the room before I decide?-我可以先看看房間再決定嗎?
  6. Is there air conditioning/heating in the room?-房間裡有空調/暖氣嗎?
  7. Do you offer airport/train station pickup?-你們提供機場/火車站接送服務嗎?
  8. What time is check-in/check-out?-辦理入住/退房的時間是幾點?
  9. Is there a deposit required?-需要付訂金嗎?
  10. Is there free Wi-Fi in the rooms?-房間裡有免費Wi-Fi嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (2)

  1. I have a reservation under the name of [name].-我有一個以[name]的名字預訂的房間。
  2. What time is check-in/check-out?-辦理入住/退房的時間是幾點?
  3. Could I have an extra pillow/blanket, please?-我可以再要一個枕頭/毯子嗎?
  4. Is breakfast included in the room rate?-早餐包含在房價內嗎?
  5. Could you call me a taxi for tomorrow morning?-你能幫我叫明早的計程車嗎?
  6. Do you provide room service?-你們提供客房服務嗎?
  7. Is there a gym/swimming pool in the hotel?-飯店裡有健身房/游泳池嗎?
  8. Could I have a wake-up call at [time], please?-我可以預約在[時間]叫醒服務嗎?
  9. How do I access the Wi-Fi in my room?-我如何連接房間裡的Wi-Fi?
  10. Is there a safe deposit box in the room?-房間裡有保險箱嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (3)

  1. Could we see the menu, please?-我們可以看一下菜單嗎?
  2. What do you recommend?-你推薦什麼菜??
  3. I’m allergic to [ingredient]. Does this dish contain it?-我對[食材]過敏,這道菜有包含嗎?
  4. Can I have this dish without [ingredient]?-這道菜可以不要[食材]嗎?
  5. Could we have separate checks, please?-我們可以分開結帳嗎?
  6. Is tap water free?-自來水是免費的嗎?
  7. Could I have the bill, please?-我可以付帳單嗎?
  8. Is service charge included?-服務費包含在內嗎?
  9. Could we have some more bread, please?-我們可以再要一些麵包嗎?
  10. Could I have a doggy bag, please-我可以要一個外帶盒嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (4)

  1. Where can I exchange currency?-我可以在哪裡換匯?
  2. What is the exchange rate for [currency] to [local currency]?-[貨幣] 兌換成 [當地貨幣] 的匯率是多少?
  3. Do you charge a commission for currency exchange?-換匯需要收取手續費嗎?
  4. What currencies do you exchange?-你們換哪些貨幣?
  5. Is there a minimum amount for currency exchange?-換匯有最低金額限制嗎?
  6. Can I use credit cards to exchange currency?-可以用信用卡換匯嗎?
  7. Is there an ATM nearby where I can withdraw local currency?-附近有提款機可以提取當地貨幣嗎?
  8. Could I have smaller denominations, please?-可以換一些小面額的嗎?
  9. Do you accept traveler’s checks?-可以兌換旅行支票嗎?
  10. Can I exchange currency at the hotel reception?-可以在飯店前台換匯嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (5)

  1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to [destination]?-打擾一下,你能告訴我怎麼去[目的地]嗎?
  2. Is it far from here?-離這裡遠嗎?
  3. Could you show me on the map?-你能在地圖上給我看嗎?
  4. Which way is north/south/east/west?-北/南/東/西哪個方向?
  5. Is there a bus stop/train station nearby?-附近有公車站/火車站嗎?
  6. How long does it take to walk there?-走到那裡要多久?
  7. Could you write down the directions for me?-你可以給我寫下路線嗎?
  8. Is there a shortcut?-有捷徑嗎?
  9. Am I going in the right direction?-我走對方向了嗎?
  10. Excuse me, do you speak English?-打擾一下,你會說英文嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (6)

  1. How much does this cost?-這個多少錢?
  2. Do you have this in a different color/size?-這個有其他顏色/尺寸嗎?
  3. Is there a discount on this item?-這個商品有折扣嗎?
  4. Could I try this on?-我可以試穿這個嗎?
  5. Do you accept credit cards?-你們接受信用卡嗎?
  6. Could I have a receipt, please?-我可以要一張收據嗎?
  7. Do you offer a warranty/guarantee?-你們提供保固嗎?
  8. Is there a fitting room?-有試衣間嗎?
  9. Do you ship internationally?-你們國際寄送嗎?
  10. Could you gift wrap this, please?-可以給這個禮物包裝一下嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (7)

  1. One ticket to [destination], please.-請給我一張到[目的地]的票。
  2. What time does the next train/bus to [destination] leave?-下一班往[目的地]的火車/公車什麼時候發車?
  3. How much is a ticket to [destination]?-到[目的地]的票多少錢?
  4. Is this seat taken?-這個座位有人嗎?
  5. Where is the platform for the [train/bus] to [destination]?-往[目的地]的火車/公車月台在哪裡?
  6. Does this train/bus stop at [destination]-這班火車/公車會在[目的地]停嗎?
  7. Is there a restroom on board?-車上有洗手間嗎?
  8. Is there Wi-Fi on this train/bus?-這班火車/公車有Wi-Fi嗎?
  9. How long does the journey take?-這個行程要多久?
  10. Can I buy a ticket on board?-我可以在車上買票嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (8)

  1. How much is the entrance fee?-入場費多少?
  2. What are the opening hours?-開放時間是?
  3. Is there a guided tour available?-有導覽團嗎?
  4. Can I take photographs inside?-裡面可以拍照嗎?
  5. Are there any discounts for students/seniors?-有學生/老年人優惠嗎?
  6. Is there an audio guide in English?-有英文語音導覽嗎?
  7. Where can I find the nearest restroom?-附近最近的洗手間在哪裡?
  8. Are there any special exhibitions/events today?-今天有特別展覽/活動嗎?
  9. Is there a cloakroom?-有衣帽間嗎?
  10. Could you recommend the must-see exhibits?-你能推薦一下必看的展品嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (9)

  1. Excuse me, could you help me?-打擾一下,你能幫我嗎?
  2. I need assistance, please.-我需要幫助。
  3. Could you call a doctor/ambulance, please?-你能請醫生/救護車嗎?
  4. I’ve lost my wallet/passport. What should I do?-我弄丟了錢包/護照,我該怎麼辦?
  5. Could you recommend a good restaurant/hotel nearby?-你能推薦附近好的餐廳/飯店嗎?
  6. Is there a police station/pharmacy around here?-附近有警察局/藥店嗎?
  7. I’m feeling unwell. Is there a hospital nearby?-我感覺不舒服,附近有醫院嗎?
  8. I’ve missed my train/bus. What are my options?-我錯過了火車/公車,我有什麼選擇?
  9. Could you help me find my way back to [location]?-你能幫我找到回到[地點]的路嗎?
  10. I’m lost. Can you show me on the map where we are?-我迷路了,你能在地圖上給我看看我們現在在哪裡嗎?


【旅遊英文】10大情境必學英文會話單字,只要這100句就夠!-2 (10)

A:Hey, I’m planning to travel to Thailand soon.


B:Wow, that sounds amazing! Which places are you planning to visit?


A:(I’m thinking of starting with Bangkok, and then heading to some coastal towns for relaxation.


B:That sounds super relaxing! Are you going solo or joining a tour?


A:I’m going solo. I want to immerse myself more in the local culture.


B:That sounds like a lot of fun! Have a great time, and I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back!



你是 Tourist 還是 Traveler 呢?

你知道 Tourist 和 Traveler 差別在哪呢?




你是 Tourist 還是 Traveler 呢?歡迎留言與我分享~





表達感謝英文怎麼說?15個更道地英文句型,別再只會說Thank you!


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