20 000 leguas de viaje submarino en inglés 📕 Leer el libro en línea Descargalo gratis PDF, FB2, EPUb, DOC y TXT
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«20 000 leguas de viaje submarino» en inglés

El libro 20 000 leguas de viaje submarino en inglés

20000 Leagues Under the Sea

4.27 11 votos
✒ Autor
📖 Paginas 690
⏰ Tiempo de leer 17 horas 45 minutos
💡 Fecha de publicación 1870
🌏 Idioma original Francés
📌 Tipo Novela
📌 Géneros Aventura , Fantástica
📌 Sección Novela de aventuras

Tabla de contenido


Chapter 1. A Runaway Reef 1
Chapter 2. The Pros and Cons 12
Chapter 3. As Master Wishes 22
Chapter 4. Ned Land 31
Chapter 5. At Random! 42
Chapter 6. At Full Steam 53
Chapter 7. A Whale of Unknown Species 67
Chapter 8. "Mobilis in Mobili" 80
Chapter 9. The Tantrums of Ned Land 93
Chapter 10. The Man of the Waters 105
Chapter 11. The Nautilus 119
Chapter 12. Everything through Electricity 132
Chapter 13. Some Figures 144
Chapter 14. The Black Current 155
Chapter 15. An Invitation in Writing 175
Chapter 16. Strolling the Plains 189
Chapter 17. An Underwater Forest 199
Chapter 18. Four Thousand Leagues Under the Pacific 211
Chapter 19. Vanikoro 224
Chapter 20. The Torres Strait 241
Chapter 21. Some Days Ashore 253
Chapter 22. The Lightning Bolts of Captain Nemo 272
Chapter 23. "Aegri Somnia" 291
Chapter 24. The Coral Realm 306
Chapter 1. The Indian Ocean 320
Chapter 2. A New Proposition from Captain Nemo 336
Chapter 3. A Pearl Worth Ten Million 352
Chapter 4. The Red Sea 372
Chapter 5. Arabian Tunnel 391
Chapter 6. The Greek Islands 407
Chapter 7. The Mediterranean in Forty-Eight Hours 425
Chapter 8. The Bay of Vigo 439
Chapter 9. A Lost Continent 457
Chapter 10. The Underwater Coalfields 474
Chapter 11. The Sargasso Sea 493
Chapter 12. Sperm Whales and Baleen Whales 508
Chapter 13. The Ice Bank 527
Chapter 14. The South Pole 546
Chapter 15. Accident or Incident? 567
Chapter 16. Shortage of Air 579
Chapter 17. From Cape Horn to the Amazon 597
Chapter 18. The Devilfish 614
Chapter 19. The Gulf Stream 630
Chapter 20. In Latitude 47° 24' and Longitude 17° 28' 648
Chapter 21. A Mass Execution 661
Chapter 22. The Last Words of Captain Nemo 677
Chapter 23. Conclusion 689

20000 Leagues Under the Sea: leer el libro


Chapter 1. A Runaway Reef

THE YEAR 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten. Without getting into those rumors that upset civilians in the seaports and deranged the public mind even far inland, it must be said that professional seamen were especially alarmed. Traders, shipowners, captains of vessels, skippers, and master mariners from Europe and America, naval officers from every country, and at their heels the various national governments on these two continents, were all extremely disturbed by the business.
In essence, over a period of time several ships had encountered "an enormous thing" at sea, a long spindle–shaped object, sometimes giving off a phosphorescent glow, infinitely bigger and faster than any whale.
The relevant data on this apparition, as recorded in various logbooks, agreed pretty closely as to the structure of the object or creature in question, its unprecedented speed of movement, its startling locomotive power, and the unique vitality with which it seemed to be gifted. If it was a cetacean, it exceeded in bulk any whale previously classified by science. No naturalist, neither Cuvier nor Lacépède, neither Professor Dumeril nor Professor de Quatrefages, would have accepted the existence of such a monster sight unseen — specifically, unseen by their own scientific eyes.
Striking an average of observations taken at different times — rejecting those timid estimates that gave the object a length of 200 feet, and ignoring those exaggerated views that saw it as a mile wide and three long — you could still assert that this phenomenal creature greatly exceeded the dimensions of anything then known to ichthyologists, if it existed at all.
Now then, it did exist, this was an undeniable fact; and since the human mind dotes on objects of wonder, you can understand the worldwide excitement caused by this unearthly apparition. As for relegating it to the realm of fiction, that charge had to be dropped.
In essence, on July 20, 1866, the steamer Governor Higginson, from the Calcutta & Burnach Steam Navigation Co., encountered this moving mass five miles off the eastern shores of Australia.
Captain Baker at first thought he was in the presence of an unknown reef; he was even about to fix its exact position when two waterspouts shot out of this inexplicable object and sprang hissing into the air some 150 feet. So, unless this reef was subject to the intermittent eruptions of a geyser, the Governor Higginson had fair and honest dealings with some aquatic mammal, until then unknown, that could spurt from its blowholes waterspouts mixed with air and steam.
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