Vulfpeck Live at Madison Square Garden - Page 2

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Vulfpeck Live at Madison Square Garden

Started by Oosp, August 02, 2023, 10:35:28 PM

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They're not dying though are they, they're getting 'into the pocket' and 'grooving' for fucks sake


What about mohini dei's band, their recentish band sessions have been great, no belming at the drummer either

Even when there's little fiddly breaks, no one pulls a face like a dog that's just pood, not once


Mono neon added a Otacon lookin motherfucker to his lineup, and ofCOURSE he goes and does the fuckin keyboard toweldown during the solo, singing for his own glory, not gods

Hope they docked the cunts pay for it

These dudes have a trillby shaped halo, only visible from certain angles

I know neon looks like he got lost on a dad's themed stag do but at least he doesn't to berkleeface


In Oscillations I generally try to abide by "if you've got nothing nice to say keep schtum" but I feel compelled to add that I hate these Jacob Collier-tier cunts. Worst shit ever.



thing is there are bands who do like modern mostly instrumental stuff like Budos Band, The Olympians, Antibalas, and I do like a lot of older fusion/funk stuff, and I don't feel like music has to 'say' anything anymore, I'm not an angry 19 year old, so I can't quite articulate why this stuff gets right on my teats. like is there any justification for that sax/mandolin cockfight in 'Smile Meditation' in the original video?


WHERE is the God that guides my hand?
HOW can the hands of others reach me?
WHEN will I find what I grope for?
WHO is going to teach me?
I am me/me are we/we can't see
any way out of here.


I think Nate Smith is the best Vulf adjecent person. Fucking mesmerising drummer.

Petey Pate

Quote from: The Mollusk on August 03, 2023, 10:10:30 AMIn the old thread under my old username I was quite scathing of critics of this band but on revisiting this MSG show today I really don't like it all that much. It's probably the fact that in the time since I've really gotten into the accessible pop side of early fusion like Fat Albert Rotunda or the later career Donald Byrd stuff, and Vulfpeck appears to be going to great lengths to slap as many all singing all dancing bells and whistles on what is otherwise a fairly tepid regurgitation of that sound. The hype hype hype is doing all the heavy lifting but beyond that it's fairly soulless.

I mean, I get it: there are no other bands currently making this style of music on this scale or with this level of proficiency, they're having a lot of fun and the fans seem to be hypnotised by it - seemingly as a result of that cult leader bloke running the shop whose entire shtick I find repellent. But all I really get from this stuff is the same feeling as when I go to McDonald's and miraculously the burger is assembled neatly and not smushed up the side of the box and the fries are still hot and crispy. But that's it.

Fully agree. It's not bad but I'd rather listen to the stuff it's derivative of. For kids who aren't complete jazz funk nerds like me it's probably a lot more novel and interesting.

PlanktonSideburns' post had me laughing out loud. 'Casiopea for the easily frightened' in particular.

pierre boo-lez


They do rehearse.

They're playing all these songs completely spontaneously are they?

All they've ever done is say to each other "turn up at Madison Square Garden at 7" and then they just start playing?

Literally nothing would work if they hadn't rehearsed. The video is cut up into sections with song names. That wouldn't work. How can you write a song without playing through it first.

Insane claim that no one should be entertaining for ONE SECOND, guys, seriously.

Petey Pate

The 'they don't rehearse' claim is based on a technicality. Each member learns the music and how to play the songs (presumably on their main instrument) separately in their own time, but they don't play together unless they're performing live.

So yeah, they do rehearse individually, but not collectively as 'Vulfpeck'. Someone should come up with some kind of syllogism based around this.

Petey Pate

Socrates is a member of the band Vulfpeck.

Socrates rehearses the songs played by Vulpeck.

Therefore, Vulfpeck does not rehearse.


Quote from: Blinder Data on August 03, 2023, 11:35:13 AM

Gerd Fergelsen
Mick DcHammond
Hemry Jatkson
Carpet Almondley
Therence Wherefore
Peter Twicingale
Olbrey Rorts
Jams Jount
Lorronce Dupromp
Gabrial McGangles


But stalking in my cloisters hang the acolytes of gloom
And Death's Head throws his cloak onto the corner of my room and I am doomed,
But laughing in my courtyard play the pranksters of my youth
And solemn, waiting Old Man in the gables of the roof, he tells me truth


Jacob fucking Collier has reared his head? Now that's a spicy shitball!

Twonty Gostelow


Quote from: Blinder Data on August 03, 2023, 11:35:13 AM

Always think I've grown out of that list then

TODD BONZALES comes at me like a shovel

Captain Z

I enjoyed this, it was good. Probably my second favourite thing I've heard all week after the Cherie Blair When I'm 64 bootleg.


Sorry for acting the cunt in this thread oosp



They should rehearse not making that face


Quote from: Cuellar on August 03, 2023, 04:49:55 PMLiterally nothing would work if they hadn't rehearsed.

Although the band Cassiber would have issue with you on that. Certainly, their first album is completely made up of "spontaneous compositions", improvising arrangement dynamics & structures (rather than "jamming") on the fly, with minimal editing or post production. On one track they even brought the recording engineer into the process, doing a spontaneous dub mix, straight to tape. Which makes them different to Can, who also based all their work upon improvisation, later edited into compositions by Holger Czukay. Sun Ra would rehearse his band for weeks, then, just before they stepped out on the stage he would tell them to forget about all the new arrangements; they would be playing stuff they hadn't rehearsed for months or years; keeps them on their toes having to think and listen. If you have a bunch of excellent musicians, they are the music.

From my own experience as a band member, returning to play together after a long hiatus often found us sounding our best; the rough edges making a more exciting blend. Rehearsing is overrated.

Well I like them Oosp, but can understand why people don't, and in fairness can't say I'm ever excited to hear they've released an album or have any interest therein, but always enjoy watching their videos. This concert has become something I watch in its entirety every Xmas for some reason. Its a wonderful and joyous concert full of amazing performances and cameos, just an immensely enjoyable show, regardless of the fact its oozing with cheese


Quote from: The Mollusk on August 03, 2023, 05:37:45 AMSeems like a great way to judge a nearly 2 hour long experience.

*skips through a handful of 5 second bursts of Halleluwah by Can* Yeah I get it cheers

Thanks yeah, it was fucking awful.

I'm not into funk, over-enthusiastic gurning, or "fun experiences" so I will not be spending two hours of my life listening to the whole "long experience" to allay your fears that I didn't give it a fair chance.


kind of laughing at the idea that Nags went for the full 2hrs just to prove to himself that it was good and realising it is ear chlamydia
