at your earliest convenience - Chinese translation – Linguee

Dictionary English-Chinese Under construction

External sources (not reviewed)

I would be delighted to discuss the matter further, if
necessary, in view of the need for timely preparation of the
[...] session, possibly by telephone at your earliest convenience.
鉴于及时筹备该会议的需要,如有必要我愿意进一步讨论这一问题 在你 便,可过电行讨论。
I would be grateful if you could let me have
[...] the Administration's response at your earliest convenience so that I may prepare a further [...]
report to the House Committee.
謹請閣下於方便時向本人提供 政府當局的回應便人可擬備 向 內 務委員會提交 的進一步報 告。
I would be grateful for your reply in
[...] bilingual form at your earliest convenience.
It is appreciated that you can
[...] let me have a reply at your earliest convenience in both English and [...]
Chinese languages so that
I can report to the House Committee.
謹 請 閣 於方便時以中文作覆便本人可向內 務委 員作出報。
I shall be most grateful if you could let me have your response in
both Chinese and English on the
[...] above queries at your earliest convenience, preferably before [...]
the second meeting (tentatively
fixed to be held on 9 November 2010) of the Bills Committee.
謹請閣下盡早就上述查詢以中、英 作覆, 最好 是在法委員會舉行第二次會議(暫定於2010年 11月 9日舉行)之前。
In this regard, we would be grateful if you could meet with the members
[...] of the Group at your earliest convenience.
因此,请阁下 在方便之时尽早会该小组成员为荷。
Make an appointment to get vaccinated at your earliest convenience at the BJU main hospital (010) 5927 7000 [...]
or United Family
Shunyi Clinic (010) 8046 5432.
疫苗接种预约电话: 北京和睦家医院 (010) 5927 7000,和睦家顺义诊所 (010) 8046 5432。
Under these circumstances, I am
prepared to meet with you in any
[...] third country at the earliest time of your convenience, though our preference [...]
remains our respective capitals for a venue.
在 这种情况下,我准备在你便时 早在第 三国 同你会晤,不过我们仍然更愿意在 我们各自的首都进行会晤。
If you have a reason to believe that your rights have
been infringed upon, please
[...] email and your application will be handled at the earliest convenience.
报告:BS.Player 控制条致力于确保您使用论坛工具栏的隐私和安全。如果您觉得权利受 侵害 ,请电邮,我 尽快处理 您的 要求
It is essential for the Chief of Protocol to
[...] be notified, at the earliest convenience of the Permanent [...]
Representatives and Observers,
of the presence of spouses of Heads of State or Government in New York in order to expedite all the necessary arrangements.
各常驻代表和观察员务必尽早将 国家 元首或政府首脑的配偶是否前来纽 约通知礼宾处处长,以便尽快作出所有必要安排。
Forum, under the joint chairmanship of Thabo Mbeki as Head of the African Union High
Level Implementation Panel on the Sudan and the United
[...] Nations, meet at the earliest convenience to address those [...]
因此我们建议,由非洲联盟苏丹问题高级别执行 小组领导人塔博·姆贝基和联合国担任共同主席的苏 丹问题协商论这些问题 举行会议。
UNESCO undertakes to submit to
[...] the Chinese Government, at the earliest convenience, a report on any evaluation [...]
教科文组织同尽快向中国 政府提交每次评估的报告。
You or a relative should inform your physician of each strong pulse delivered by your ICD at the earliest opportunity.
然而您還是要在下一個赴醫就診的機會,透 過自己或家人告知您的主治醫生有關每一 ICD 釋放出明顯可感到的脈衝
In this context, we look forward to the resumption of the
[...] intergovernmental negotiations, with your blessing, Sir, at the earliest possible date.
主席先生,在这方面,承 蒙你的祝福,我们尽早恢复政 府间 谈判。
In addition to online training tools through which
[...] [...] you can easily assess your skills and experience at your own convenience, we also recommend higher-level in-depth training [...]
at the Acronis Academy.
Acronis 提供線上培訓工具,您可以在合適的時候透過它來評估您自己的技術和經驗水準。
You may read highlights of the webinar in the article below
[...] or watch the webcast at your convenience.
您可以在下面的文章中阅读该网络研讨会的要点, 便看网络广播 。
At the same session, the General Assembly also took note of the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the Assembly
[...] [...] on the Millennium Development Goals (resolution 65/1), in particular paragraph 77 (k), and in that regard invited the Governing Council of UN-Habitat to consider at its earliest convenience appropriate global and national strategies and frameworks for future work in order to achieve a significant improvement in the lives of slum-dwellers beyond the [...] [...]
current targets, and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 65/165).
件(第 65/1 号决议),特别是第 77 段(k),在这方面邀请人居署理事会尽早考虑 制定适当的全球和各国今后工作战略和框架,超越现有的具体目标,使贫民窟居 民生活实现重大改善,并且请秘书长就决议执行情况向大会第六十六届会议提交 一份报告(第 65/165 号决议)。
For items “for agreement”, the Secretary-General would simply need to
implement the agreements arrived at and inform the
[...] MS about them at the earliest convenience through the report [...]
of the SMC.
对于“为协议”的项目,秘书长只需落实所达成的协议并通过SMC的报告 向员国通报就可以了。
By his note verbale No. 236/10 of 8 October 2010 and note verbale No. 293/10 of 17 December 2010, the Secretary-General invited the members of
the International Seabed
[...] Authority to submit, at their earliest convenience, but no later [...]
than 11 May 2011, as agreed by
the Assembly at its 106th meeting (ISBA/12/A/13, para. 32), the names and curricula vitae of candidates for the election of the Finance Committee, to be held during the seventeenth session of the Authority, from 11 to 22 July 2011.
通过 2010 年 10 月 8 日第 236/10
号普通照会和 2010 年 12 月 17 日第
[...] 293/10 号普通照会,秘书长请国际海底管理局成 员尽 早但 迟于 2011 年 5 月 11 日按照 大会第 106 次会议的商定(ISBA/12/A/13,第 [...]
32 段),提交财务委员会候选人的
姓名和简历,选举将于 2011 年 7 月 11 日至 22 日管理局第十七届会议期间举行。
Landlocked developing countries that have not yet acceded to the Multilateral Agreement on the
Establishment of an International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries are
[...] invited to do so at their earliest convenience.
Governments are asked to forward
[...] [...] to the secretariat of the Group of Experts on Geographical Names, at their earliest convenience but not later than 21 May 2012, digital documents prepared in support [...] [...]
of items on the provisional agenda of the Conference.
请各国政府尽早,但不迟于 2012 年 5 月 21 日,向地名专家组秘书 提交 为讨论会议临时议程项目而编写的电子版文件。
Designed for maximum convenience and providing superior wearing comfort, it helps simplify your busy lifestyle.
其设计旨在为用户提供最便 和佩 戴舒 适性,有助于简 您繁 忙的 生活方式。
It urged landlocked developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region to sign and ratify the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of the International
Think Tank for the Landlocked
[...] Developing Countries at their earliest convenience, in order to bring [...]
the think tank, which was established
in Ulaanbaatar on 27 July 2009, to full operation.
[...] 批准《关于为内陆发展中国家设立国际智囊团的多边协 便 使 一已2009 年 7 月 27 日在乌兰巴托立的 智囊团得以全面投入运作。
You can also reread all
[...] the information at your convenience after the consultation.
也可論後便時詳細閱讀 所有的資料。
In paragraph 4 of its resolution 65/96, the
General Assembly encouraged the
[...] Scientific Committee at its earliest convenience to submit the [...]
reports related to its present programme
of work, including on assessments of levels of ionizing radiation from electrical energy production, on effects on human health and the environment, and on the attribution of health effects to radiation exposure.
联合国大会第 65/96 号决议第 4 段鼓励科学委员会交与其目 前工作方 案相关的报告,包括与评估电能生产发生的电离辐射水平、对人类健康和环境 [...]
Endorses the intentions and plans of the Scientific Committee, including those outlined in the letter from its Chairman to the President of the General Assembly,1 for conducting its present programme of work of scientific review and assessment on behalf of
the General Assembly, encourages
[...] the Committee at its earliest convenience to submit the [...]
related reports, including assessments
of levels of radiation from energy production and the effects on human health and the environment, and on the attribution of health effects due to radiation exposure, and to initiate, as far as possible, work on the remaining previously endorsed topics, and requests the Committee to submit plans for its future programme of work to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session
[...] 述的意向和计划,以实施为大会进行科学审查和评估的现有工作方案,鼓励委早提关报 告,包括评估能源生产产生的辐射量及其对人类健康和环境的 [...]
We urge those landlocked developing
countries, which have not done
[...] so, to accede, at their earliest convenience, to the Multilateral [...]
Agreement for the Establishment
of an International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries in order to bring the Think Tank to full operation, and invite the organizations of the United Nations system, member countries and relevant international and regional organizations to support the Think Tank.
我们敦那些尚未加入《建立内陆 发展中国家国际智库的多边协定》 的内陆发展中国家尽快加入,以使该智库全面投入运行,另外也请联合国系统各 [...]
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the
[...] [...] aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at [...] [...]
a general meeting of Shareholders.
本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會通告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
For example, in the browser application,
when you enter an URL,
[...] the Comma Key at the bottom alternates Key for your convenience and the Enter [...]
Key alternates to the
Go Keys for your convenience while surfing the web.
應用程式中,當您進入輸入網址畫面後,在底部的逗號鍵將會改為.com 鍵以 便您輸入,而 Enter 鍵會改為前往鍵,輕觸前往鍵後即會直接開啟您所輸入的 網址。
Convenience and specialized testing equipment -- UL's fire equipment testing services involve evaluation of new equipment at the manufacturer's facility before it's delivered to your department, as well as evaluation of in-service equipment at your fire station.
便且专业的检 测装备--UL的消防装备检测服务包括在新装备交付给消防队之前在制造商工厂对其进行的评估、以 在消 防队对 在役 装备 进行的评估。
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