Deuteromycetes are called “fungi imperfecti” as they have:A. Aseptate myceliumB. Autotrophic nutritionC. Only asexual stagesD. Zygote does not undergo cleavage
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Deuteromycetes are called “fungi imperfecti” as they have:
A. Aseptate mycelium
B. Autotrophic nutrition
C. Only asexual stages
D. Zygote does not undergo cleavage

Last updated date: 15th Mar 2024
Total views: 369.6k
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MVSAT 2024
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Hint: A perfect fungus would be the one having a sexual stage as part of the reproductive process. So, “imperfecti” would indicate the absence of sexual reproduction.

Complete answer:
Deuteromycetes are called ‘fungi imperfecti’ as they have only asexual stages. This group of fungi is unable to undergo sexual reproduction.

The correct answer is – C. Only asexual stages.

Additional information:
While various other fungi show both sexual and asexual ways of reproduction, the fungi present in the Class Deuteromycetes reproduce only asexually. However, certain characteristics are common between Deuteromycetes and other fungi:
> Both have septate and branched hyphae.
> Both possess multinucleated septa having pores.
The asexual reproduction in Deuteromycetes can take place by:
> Fragmentation through hyphal fragments
> Budding
Different types of spores – arthrospores, chlamydospores, and conidiospores
Now, let us talk about the significance of fungi imperfecti:
> Deuteromycetes play an important role by facilitating the decomposition of organic matter, thereby replenishing the nutrient content in the soil.
> Some of the fungi belonging to this class are medicinally important. For instance, Penicillin is obtained from the fungus Penicillium chrysogenum.
> These fungi are even used for the biochemical synthesis of certain pharmaceutical products like steroids.
> There are some negative aspects to this class of fungi as well.
> Some fungi deteriorate certain materials and produce toxins that are carcinogenic in nature.
> They act as plant pathogens, thereby causing many plant diseases.
> The spores present in the air affect humans in the form of allergies.

Note: Some examples of fungi imperfecti are – Alternaria, Trichoderma, Colletotrichum. These are also called anamorphic fungi, which means that they consist of asexual reproductive stages.