Book Review: David Goldman's "How Civilizations Die"
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Book Review: David Goldman's "How Civilizations Die"

Updated Dec 14, 2011, 02:25pm EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

By coincidence,  David Goldman's book, How Civilizations Die (and Why Islam is Dying Too), came out the same time that the Financial Times dedicated a special supplement, titled "Welcome, Number Seven Billion" that gives a detailed tour around the world about population, fertility rates, and other demographic details. Also remarkably, The Economist's lead article was about the rapidly declining rate of fertility in Asia.

Whether you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with Goldmruan's demographic-mixed-with-religion journey through world history (and I found myself disagreeing at times), the book displays the dazzling erudition, fluidity, and sarcasm that marks Goldman's newspaper columns written under the "Spengler" pseudonym.

While today's academia are mired in esoteric details and jargon, Goldman's book sways with easy assurance across millennia and continents, and with utter disregard to academic fiefdoms.  It draws a picture of where the world might have been (we are very good at re-inventing the past too) and where it may be heading, with some sharp barbs against present and past Washington administrations.

For Goldman demography is almost destiny.  He argues that demographics shed light on the rise and fall of nations, tribes, and civilizations. Goldman views the decision to have children as being a matter of religious faith, or at least reflecting optimism about the future.  Where religions fail, fertility declines, and these civilizations fall into oblivion.

This leads him to one of his "universal laws," namely, that "The history of the world is the history of humankind’s search for immortality."  A large part of the book is about the intricate ways in which this law interacts with demographic changes, and sheds light on national/tribal destinies from antiquity to our days.

According to Goldman, when a tribe or a nation suddenly realizes its demise into insignificance, whether defeated in war or leapfrogged by newcomers who accidentally stumble on better ideas, institutions, or technology, reproduction declines.  When the fertility of the tribe or nation falls below replacement level, its civilization eventually disappears.  At times, the tribe gradually dies out, literally speaking.

In other instances the tribes' unique features disappear as its members emulate the leapfrogging civilization's institutions and are absorbed in larger entities. These leave their tribal/national cultures behind for historians to explore the "death of births."

In spite of the recent pessimism pervading the U.S. (and Goldman is a severe critic of present and past administrations' policies), he is carefully optimistic about the U.S., India, and China, but not about Europe, and certainly not at all about Muslim countries.  The latter, in his view, will not have the luxury of time to catch up, and populous nations such as China and India will leapfrog them.

Their present numbers notwithstanding, Muslim countries will fall further and further behind with their already plunging fertility rates.  The survivors will have to adopt the more successful civilizations' features, a transition that will not happen peacefully, and cannot happen "democratically,"  as democracy has no roots in these societies.  According to Goldman, the Bush administration's idea that "democracy" can be easily exported was a big blunder.

Another implication of his analysis is that since much of the world is now even more unsettled than the U.S., the U.S. has a window of opportunity to put its political and fiscal house in order and to become, once again, the civilization that emerging countries want to emulate.  The U.S. appears to be the only country that stumbled upon a model of society that managed to link successfully an increasing number of people of different backgrounds to create a unique "American tribe."

When I noticed regularities about civilizations rising and falling in my youth, and was naive enough to write two tomes about history with a big "H" about them (History - the Human Gamble and Betting on Ideas, both published by University of Chicago at the time), I found that, indeed, large decreases in population brought about a disappearance of civilizations.  And the contrary, when large increases in population happened, new civilization came into being, as societies struggled with a variety of ideas and institutions on how to link the increasing numbers of people.

When population increased relatively gradually, as happened in Europe after the 16th century, societies had time to carry out such experiments over centuries.  Civilizations changed gradually, though not without violence. There were continuous conflicts between linking people based on “universal ideas" like Christianity, or class, as in  Marx's "all workers of the world unite" idea, or on "freedom," that is, the principle of everything allowed equally to all unless explicitly prohibited.  These "universal" principles were opposed to uniting people based on "tribal" or, as later called, "national," principles.

Two decades ago it appeared that one "universal" idea, the “freedom principle,” gained the upper hand. There were expectations that the so-called "emerging countries" would all emulate a model of society based on it.  Now that the U.S. has managed to compound a large number of grave mistakes, this process has been significantly slowed down.

According to Goldman, the principle of  uniting people behind a "supra-national" idea was always an illusion in Europe.  Though Christendom and, now, the European Community exemplify this, the tribal (Goldman calls them "pagan") loyalties remained strong.  They brought about the modern nation state, superseding unifying ideas, Christian or other.

This perception may be accurate. There is not much sympathy in Germany today toward the profligate Mediterranean tribes, yet I remain unconvinced that diminished religious faith can be directly linked to fertility.  Ancient Rome's civilization disappeared when its population was cut in half by the plague, not private decisions.

In fact, people's reactions to plagues, epidemics, and wars reveal just how complex people's reactions to fertility can be, and why population may sometimes fluctuate wildly. This cannot be linked to religious beliefs.

When Europe went through the Black Death, many young children died.  It is well documented that parents had many kids, but virtually neglected them until they arrived at an age that the parents could become more sure of their survival.  The parents might have been very religious, but bestowing much love on babies who would die at a very young age in the epidemic could be devastating.  There are limits to how much parents can suffer. So they insured themselves by temporarily neglecting their young kids.  When the plague disappeared, families continued to have many kids for quite a while.  After all, they could not know if they would be coming back.  The result was a rapid increase in population.

Goldman's example of Israel having fertility above replacement among the secular Jews is not particularly surprising either, and may not have much to do with religion. Having grown up there, and having endured two wars and expecting more, planning to have two or three children seemed reasonable.

The high fertility among the very religious Jews whose numbers were decimated by World War II may be an example of Goldman's insights: a religious tribe that wants to prevent the disappearance of its unique culture.  So this is a case where the first half of this tribe was killed, rather than the case of an ordinary tribe sustaining or increasing its numbers.  So it is not clear whether this case can be generalized and applies to Goldman's analysis.

So is demography destiny or not?  And if not, what else matters?

Historians still debate what made the world population remain stable for about 100,000 years.  They debate whether or not agriculture was invented to solve a sudden population pressure, or was it the case that the accidental innovations allowed for more people to stay alive.  Before the invention of agriculture, humanity settled during those 100,000 years in what anthropologists later called "primitive societies."

Closer examination suggests that they were not quite so primitive, as anthropologists drastically misunderstood their languages, customs, and traditions that were, actually, very well adjusted to a small number of people living relatively isolated from others.

Children in such societies assisted their parents in their work and were the only insurance against rainy days; the relatively isolated tribes' survival depended on having enough surviving children.  We do not know how many children families had to have to overcome high child mortality to achieve the remarkable 100,000 years of stability.

Later, the main feature of the most populous agrarian societies became their immobility. In these societies, as in most societies until recently, people derived wealth from the land. Farmers learned the minute details of adjusting to changes in weather conditions and of the soil.  Farmers needed protection to defend "their land," thus the understandable linguistic references to “father-land” or “mother-land.”

The institutions, values, and culture (civilization as it is called) all became shaped by virtue of being wedded to "territory."  And though there are variations across such cultures, they give birth to one type of civilization.  I called it the "immobile" one, which is now in the process of gradually vanishing.  Not without bloody fights though.

As populations eventually continued to increase, and then moved, "commercial" civilizations developed.  Each time and everywhere this happened, intellectuals and those at the top of the land-based hierarchies deplored the weakening of features of land-based, "immobile" society.  The land-based hierarchy did everything in its power to prevent the mobile, commercial, and, eventually, industrial civilization from emerging.  Merchants, traders, bankers, and financiers were all suspect, as were people dabbling in technology.

Unless, of course, these strengthened the power of those at the top of the land-based civilization's pyramid.

When occasionally populations declined due to epidemics, more commercial and advanced civilizations went through temporary coma.  Societies reverted to variations on land-based type civilization.  Once the increases in Europe's population were on their way, its tribes rediscovered their commercial roots: first the miracle of the Dutch Republic (the first tolerant place to all religions in Europe), and later England.

Clashes today are variations on such struggles; only land-based civilizations may be based not necessarily on agriculture, but on a wide variety of mineral resources.  And the clashes are within tribes and not necessarily between them.

The origins of the conflict between the two types of civilizations is,  as I once wrote, that the idea of "individual rights" did not exist in those land-based, immobile societies.  By individual rights I mean the idea of negotiating rights and obligations that are unconnected to one’s inherited status.  It was the idea of equality before the laws, and the freedom to contract unless explicitly prohibited, that eventually allowed people from all walks of life to use their talents, abandon the status they were born to, and bet on ideas without rulers' favors.

Freedom to contract, backed by a variety of possible, independent sources of capital, made one "mobile" - upward, or if one failed, downward.  This is what eventually brought about Europe's first version, then, in a better way, the U.S.'s unique version of "mobile civilization."

Although Goldman does not make explicit this distinction between "immobile" and "mobile" societies, some of his conclusions suggest that the civilizations he identifies as having died or are in the process of dying, are those that, as he puts it in his concluding chapter, "suppress individual rights on behalf of some expression of the collective, and technological advance simply accelerates the pace of state failure."   Thus, the problem with the declining civilizations may not be abandoning Christendom, or sticking to Islam or other state religion, but rather living in societies without freedoms.

And if that is the case, demography then may not be destiny after all, except when epidemics and natural disasters strike.  And fertility may not be linked to a specific religion either, but rather becoming a choice in free societies.  Goldman may be right that some societies seek the immortality of their civilization, though it is evident that some members of these same societies would be ready to move on.

But how would this translate to individual decisions?  Some people want, no doubt, their genetic immortality.  Others decide to have children because their closest friends have made the same decision, or because they would lose their company if they did not.  Perhaps others decide to have kids because they are the biggest financial/life commitment of all.  As such, having them is perhaps the best way for some to discipline themselves, withstanding many fleeting temptations and a dissolute lifestyle.  It is a bit like a self-imposed leverage buyout.  And perhaps others do not rationalize, but have faith.  Who knows what are people's motivations?

Whatever they might be, the most important conclusion of Goldman's book is that dictatorial civilizations, no matter what the ideology, are more likely to die than freer societies.

So what about Europe?

Goldman is pessimistic, but my perception is that Europe's declining fertility may not be a sign of a dying civilization.  Perhaps it is an adaptation to the perception that they grew "too populous."  Members of these societies prefer to get back to features of civilization they grew accustomed to during their less populous phase.  Once they get there, fertility would stabilize at a replacement rate.  This is what has roughly happened in France for a century now.

When ratifying the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, George Clemenceau, France's prime minister, announced that: "The treaty does not say that France must undertake to have children, but it is the first thing which ought to have been put in it.  For if France turns her back on large families, one can put all the clauses one wants in a treaty, one can take all the guns of Germany, one can do whatever one likes, France will be lost because there will be no more Frenchmen."  Later, the Vichy politicians embraced "pronatalism of the French population," and gave gold medals for women having more than 10 children (silver to those with seven, and bronze to those with 5).  It did not help. Absurd policies rarely do.  But a century later, France's fertility is at replacement level.

Reuven Brenner holds the Repap Chair at McGill's Desautels Faculty of Management. The review draws on his aforementioned books, and on his articles, Unsettling Civilizations and Oiling the Wheels of Tribal Societies.