Welcome to Kamenz
© Dietmar Traeupmann


Of religious art treasures and the enlightenment

Welcome to Kamenz

Just under an hour northeast of Dresden, Kamenz surprises visitors with precious religious art which bears witness to a prosperous past as a trading town on the ancient Via Regia route. Some intricately carved late Gothic altars from the 15th and 16th century and other beautiful items can be seen at the town’s museum of religious art which is spart of St. Anne’s monastery church. Right in the centre of Kamenz, the striking town hall is an eye-catching piece of architecture, surrounded by a range of listed buildings from several centuries.

A special treat for literature lovers is the local museum dedicated to the great German writer of the Enlightenment, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, who was born in Kamenz in 1729 and whose plays and theoretical writings substantially influenced German literature.


48 hours in Kamenz

Unique architectural monuments, exciting museums, and culinary delights, including a special sausage variety. Take a look at the most beautiful sights, things to do and insider tips for a long weekend in Kamenz.

„The ultimate purpose of science is truth. The ultimate purpose of the arts, on the other hand, is pleasure.”
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-81) - German writer of the Enlightenment era

Our insider tips 

  • Elementarium - Museum of Western LusatiaGo on a journey through time in this museum presenting zoology, geology, botany, archaeology and cultural history collections. Don’t miss the spectacular earthquake simulator!

  • Get the best view: Kamenz features three historic towers which are open to visitors to enjoy wonderful views of the town and its surroundings.

  • Try the local sausage variety: In 1859, a Kamenz butcher named Carl Heinrich Mierisch invented a special sausage that has become part and parcel of life in Kamenz. Give it a try!

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