Countries that use the US dollar
US dollar

Countries with the US dollar

The American dollar was introduced as the official currency of the United States in 1785 and is used as official currency in 0 countries. In addition, there are numerous countries where the U.S. dollar is readily accepted even in regular retail transactions. Internationally, it has established itself as a reserve currency and is the most traded currency in the world.

ISO 4127:
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1.00 US dollars = 0.92 euros
(Date: 05/31/2024)

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Exchange rate history 1 USD in EUR

The graph shown here shows the exchange rate development from January 2018 to March 2024. The exchange rate for 1 USD moved during this time from EUR 0.81 to EUR 0.92. In these 74 months it rose by 13.2 percent.

Divisions and denominations

1 U.S. dollar is equivalent to 4 quarters, 10 dimes, 20 nickels, 100 cents or even 1,000 mill. The $1 piece is also colloquially known as a "buck," and the $10 bill as an eagle. While these terms are quite common within the U.S., the terms of the dime, nickel and eagle have never been officially established. Calling the dollar a "greenback" dates back to the time of the first bills around 1861, when it was given the distinctive green color.

The largest existing bill bears the portrait of Woodrow Wilson and has a value of 100,000 USD. Even though it is still legal tender today, it was never in circulation, but was merely exchanged between central banks starting in 1934. The largest banknote still printed today is the $100 bill. All bills with higher denominations were withdrawn by the Federal Reserve Bank in 1945.

These countries have the US dollar

American SamoaPolynesia
British Virgin IslandsCaribbean
EcuadorSouth America
El SalvadorCentral America
East TimorSoutheast Asia
Marshall IslandsMicronesia
Federated States of MicronesiaMicronesia
Northern Mariana IslandsMicronesia
Puerto RicoCaribbean
Turks and Caicos IslandsCaribbean
United States of AmericaNorth America
Virgin IslandsCaribbean
British Indian Ocean TerritoryEastern Africa
Caribbean NetherlandsCaribbean
United States Minor Outlying IslandsMicronesia

Currencies with a fixed exchange rate to the US dollar

Arabic dirham1 USD = 3.6725 AED
Netherlands Antillean guilder1 USD = 1.79 ANG
Aruban florin1 USD = 1.79 AWG
Azerbaijani manat1 USD = 1.7 AZN
Barbadian dollar1 USD = 2 BBD
Bangladeshi taka1 USD = 117 BDT
Bahrain dinar1 USD = 0.376 BHD
Bermudian dollar1 USD = 1 BMD
Bahamian dollar1 USD = 1 BSD
Belize dollar1 USD = 2 BZD
Cuban peso1 USD = 1 CUP
Djibouti franc1 USD = 177.721 DJF
Eritrean nakfa1 USD = 15 ERN
Hong Kong dollar1 USD = 7.8 HKD
Jordanian dinar1 USD = 0.709 JOD
Kuwaiti dinar1 USD = 0.29963 KWD
Cayman dollar1 USD = 0.83333 KYD
Lebanese pound1 USD = 15,000 LBP
Omani rial1 USD = 0.38449 OMR
Panamanian balboa1 USD = 1 PAB
Qatari riyal1 USD = 3.64 QAR
Saudi riyal1 USD = 3.75 SAR
Turkmenistani manat1 USD = 3.5 TMT
Eastern Caribbean dollar1 USD = 2.7 XCD

Average dollar rate

Uniform reference rates (average dollar exchange rate per year) are determined and published by the European Central Bank for each calendar year. These annual average rates subsequently form a uniform basis for converting the U.S. dollar into euros for numerous indicators.

The reference rate for the year 2024 has not yet been determined. Since the beginning of the year, it would be around 1.0823 USD.

YearReference rate for 1 Euro =
20101.3257 USD
20111.3920 USD
20121.2848 USD
20131.3281 USD
20141.3285 USD
20151.1095 USD
20161.1069 USD
20171.1297 USD
20181.1810 USD
20191.1195 USD
20201.1422 USD
20211.1827 USD
20221.0530 USD
20231.0813 USD
2024 (expected)1.0823 USD


All conversion rates are based on data from the European Central Bank.
Data on currency and gold reserves are from the International Monetary Fund.
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