The Need for Repentance During Eucharistic Revival (The Drew Mariani Show)

There’s one action that all of us need to consider during this year of the National Eucharistic Revival. That’s repentance. We all need to turn our lives back to God and make reparation for sins of the world.

Drew chatted with Ryan Patrick Budd, as they reflect on why repentance isn’t just a good old biblical principle but absolutely vital for our times, especially during this massive Eucharistic revival we’re all a part of.

🔥 Here’s the Scoop:

  • Eucharistic Revival is Here: Drew starts off with some exciting news about the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress. It’s a spiritual reboot for our hearts, and it’s happening right now. Imagine the blessings and graces waiting for us!
  • A Look Back to Look Forward: Hear stories from the Bible—think Solomon, Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. These were real-life examples of how turning back to God transformed entire communities. And guess what? We’re due for the same kind of turnaround.
  • Today’s Call to Action: We’re living in times that can feel a bit overwhelming. You see it.  But Drew and Ryan reminded us that repentance is our solution. It’s about getting real with God about where we’ve been going wrong, both personally and as a community, and making prayerful reparation and sacrifice for it.
  • Stories That Stir the Heart: Ryan brought up some powerful prayers—the Prayer of Azariah and Hannah’s prayer. These are conversations with God that have changed the course of history. They remind us of the impact our own prayers can have. Many lives can be converted through our response to God’s call for repentance.
  • Simple Steps to Make a Big Difference: Ever felt like you want to do something big for God but don’t know where to start? Well, how about starting with prayer? Ryan recommends the Pardon Prayer from Fatima—a beautiful, simple way to ask for forgiveness for ourselves and for those who don’t yet believe.
  • Looking Forward with Hope: To wrap things up, Ryan shared a heartwarming story from a Eucharistic procession in Steubenville. Picture this: little kids throwing flower petals in front of a float carrying the monstrance. It’s those little moments of faith and beauty that will fuel this revival.

Let’s open our hearts, join in the revival, and truly repent.

It’s time to heal and turn back to Christ. 🙌✨🌷

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.