CDex | Free CD to MP3 converter, ripper, FLAC, M4A, WMA, OGG, CD extractor

CDex - Open Source Digital Audio CD Extractor
with more than 80,000,000 downloads

New stable version: CDex 2.24 released

CDex 2.24 has been released.

This version is the final release for CDex 2.24 for both Unicode and Multibyte.

New portable version: CDex 1.77 Portable released

CDex 1.77 Potable has been released.

This version is the CDex Portable 1.77 for Unicode and Multibyte.
CDex Portable 1.77 works without installation and can be also used on USB or Flash drives. 

New portable version: CDex 1.76 Portable released

CDex 1.76 Potable has been released.

This version is the CDex Portable 1.76 for Unicode and Multibyte.
CDex Portable 1.76 works without installation and can be also used on USB or Flash drives. 

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